CH 14

Name:Dudu's Diary Author:
Yuan Long glanced over her lap and did not know whether he believes or not. So he stood up and said: "Don't order takeout. I'll go down and buy some food and come back to cook."

He asked Dudu if he wanted to go with him, Dudu shook his round head and said cleverly: "I want to stay at home with my mother."

Yuan Long didn't force and went off alone.

Yu Shanshan immediately put her arms around the little fat man and gave two loving kisses. "Pangpang, you still have some conscience, you know to stay at home with your mother."

After all, the little fat man didn't forgot his mother now that his real father is here.

Dudu pushed his mother away, and a pair of little meaty hands held her face. Dudu sighed earnestly, like worried old father educating his daughter, "Mom, Dad is back, you should be good in the future, don't make dad angry, don't freak out and frighten dad, and don't be so fierce. By the way, eat less, otherwise you will really scare away Dad, and then he will divorce you~"

Yu Shanshan: "......"

Can she throw this little fat man away? I can't have this son!

Seeing that his mother's face looks a little dangerous, Dudu felt a tingle and hastened to explain: "Mom, I'm saying this for your own good. Lu Zihao's father in our class divorced his mother. Lu Zihao said that his father was scared into divorce by his mother because his mother was too fierce. Mom, I like Dad very much. Dad just came back to see Dudu. Don't scare him away. "

The little fellow said, hoping she'll accept the appeal.

Dudu thought, Liu Zihao's mother is already thin and beautiful. But due to her fierceness his father was scared enough to divorce her. Dudu's mother is not beautiful and so childishly annoying, her temper is more terrible than Liu Zihao's mother, wouldn't his father be even more scared?

Even if he's so strong and brave, his mother might scare his Dad to run away from home.

He didn't want his father and mother to divorce. The children of divorced parents are so pitiful since they couldn't live with their parents. There will also be vicious stepmothers abusing children. Too terrible.

Yu Shanshan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. She grabbed the abominable fat man in front of her and put him on her lap and slapped his buttocks for several times.

"Yes, you're a bad fat man, it turns out that this is how you see Mom in your heart? When did I become fierce? When did I eat too much?  This mother of yours is gentle, kind, beautiful, intelligent, understanding, generous, considerate and virtuous. Who dares to abandon me? "

"Ahhhh-Dad help, Mom is crazy again, come and save me!"

Yu Shanshan crooked her mouth into an evil smile, "Scream all you want, nobody will come to save you."

Dudu rolled on Shanshan's legs like an octopus, but his mother's force was astonishing. His little ass could not escape the terrible slap. Seeing that he could not escape, and following the famous saying that people had to bow their heads under the eaves, Dudu had to quickly change his statement. "Mom, I was wrong. You're not naughty, nor fierce, nor do you eat so much. Please forgive me."

Dudu couldn't wait to climb into his children's seat, looking affectionately at the four dishes on the table, sniffing and swallowing desperately.

Yu Shanshan thought she saw a green light in her son's eyes.

But this time she did not dislike her son's fecklessness, for her own stomach was also rattled by the dish, and her saliva gushed uncontrollably.

It smells so good! How did this simple home cooking be so delicious!

It's not scientific.

Dudu could not help but grab a chicken wing and start eating it. While eating, he did not forget to give his father a thumbs up. He sincerely praised him and said, "Dad, The dishes you make are really delicious ~"

Yuan Long wiped the grease stain on his face. "Eat slowly, take your time and don't worry."

"Uh-huh." Dudu nodded his little head happily and sure enough, he slowed down his eating pace "Dad, godmother's cooking is also very delicious, but I don't think it's as good as dad's cooking, but dad's cooking is the best," he said.

Yu Shanshan: Little fat man, you simply have the typical example of your own father, forgetting your own godmother just like that. Your godmother really loves you in vain. How could she say that her dishes are not as delicious as others? Alas.

Yu Shanshan was gnawing at the ribs while secretly thinking that she must tell Wu Jing about the little fat man when the doorbell rang.

Yuan Long sat closest to the door, so he got up to open the door.

"Shan Shan, I bought some food---" Wu Jing's words faded when she looked up and saw the man standing inside the door, completely dumbfounded.

It was Yuan Long who took the initiative to open his mouth to relieve her from her stupefaction. He held out a hand and introduced himself: "Hello, I'm Yuan Long. I am Dudu's father."

"Dudu's.....Dad?" It took several seconds before she finally reacted. She quickly held out a hand and shook it with Yuan Long. She introduced herself: "I'm Wu Jing, Dudu's godmother."