CH 21

Name:Dudu's Diary Author:
Originally, they only wanted to catch someone else's painful memory and step hard on it. However Shanshan didn't regard this as a painful memory at all and even turned it around. Why would you imply it's corny and vulgar? How else could these people step on it?

Wu Jing was about to kneel on her knees immediately to express her admiration for this sister of hers. Look at these other women holding back. They must be furious.

Wu Jing smiled and cheered for Shanshan, "Currently, a lot of people acquire licenses to get married while still in school. You could actually see a lot of them sharing photos of their diplomas and babies online nowadays. In fact I envy it. They are the ones who started quite early at solving the major issues in life. That means old aunts like me are left to help out the family."

Besides, those who gave birth while still in school actually had it better. By the time they graduate, they no longer have any problems or delays in landing a job, hence there is more room for improvement in their careers."

What Wu Jing said is actually a common thing in the workplace. Although discrimination is frowned upon these days and equality between genders is encouraged, there are still many restrictions on women in the workplace. Women will eventually get married and have children when they are older. Once they give birth, they have to stop working for a period of time, however, your job will not necessarily wait for you. If you're not available to do it, there will always be other candidates who can take your place any time.

Especially for female dancers, their figure is the first priority, that's why they can't easily go back to work immediately after giving birth. They have to work hard to get back to their ideal figure in order to continue their careers. There's also that reality that by the time you return, your have been replaced by someone else.

It's undoubtedly a lot easier if you can already face problems of bringing up a child before the start of your career.

As a woman, Ou Kexin naturally understood this reality, and for a moment she had nothing to say. They were already adults when they were in college, so it was not common to have a child. It's indeed not against the law. It's everyone's right and freedom.

The other people just looked at each other. Ou Kexin smiled and said, "Of course, having kids in college is not a crime and we don't discriminate against Shanshan. It's just that we never saw Shanshan have a boyfriend during that time. We always thought Shanshan was single. So of course it was surprising for us to hear that she had a baby all of a sudden. Shanshan, did you really have boyfriend that time? I haven't seen you bring anyone to school. Which reminds me, why didn't you bring anyone today? By the way, is he your husband now?"

The other two people also echoed  her questions and urged: "Yes, children must be born to married parents, Shanshan, why don't you bring your husband so he can meet everyone?"

They would like to see what kind of man had the courage to want a fat person like Shanshan. This is not a bad thing to ask, is it?

Wu Jing did not wait for Yu Shanshan to speak before saying, "Shanshan's husband is quite busy when they were still dating back in college, so he had no time to visit our campus. Now he is even busier, how can he have time to come to a party full of idle people like us?"

Ou Kexin asked with a smile: "No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat. It's already evening. Is it hard not to get off work for a meal?"

Ou Kexin had already asked the people working in Tianyi and they have shared that Yu Shanshan had always been alone with her child, and there was no husband to speak of at all. So it's possible that Yu Shanshan was abandoned afterall. Also, the way she looks now, she is fat and ugly. What kind of man has the courage to like such a woman? No wonder he decided to abandon her. Ou Kexin doesn't believe this nonsense about Shanshan's husband being busy at work. It's an obvious lie.

Wu Jing knew that Ou Kexin only wanted to see Yu Shanshan make a fool of herself, hence why she deliberately clung to this story. But to still ask for a meeting? Dream on.

She grabbed Yu Shanshan's hand under the table and shook it as a sign for her not to be angry. Wu Jing explained for her, "Shanshan's husband is a soldier who defends our country. Soldiers split their heads and spill their blood in the barracks. How can he be like the rest of us who can easily leave after working from nine to five and eat whenever we want to? If you want to see Shanshan's husband, wait until next time so you can come and see her husband at home. "

Everybody exchanged glances again when they heard these words, their eyes sharing the schadenfreude that they all knew about.

So it turns out that the guy is just a poor soldier. It's no wonder he wanted Yu Shanshan to be fat. Since he was not at home all the year round, he must not be afraid that his wife is big. Due to his work, there's no need for her to take him out to meet people. It's no wonder he didn't abandon Yu Shanshan.

Ou Kexin looked at the precious man beside her, feeling so much better than that her fiance is not way comparable to Shanshan's soldier. She felt comfortable at the moment, and the depression that was caused by Yu Shanshan from their school days suddenly disappeared.

What's the use of being prettier than yourself and being liked by men back then? Now Shanshan has become a hot-eyed housewife. No money, no power, no status. She even has to go to work all day to do a little consultations just to make money.

Being like this, she is no longer fit to carry her shoes.

Then, he opened the car door. He first put Dudu into the newly purchased children's seat in the back seat of the car. Then placed in Yu Shanshan's crutch, which was busy wandering in space because of Yuan Long's words "...Shanshan's husband".

Finally, he bent slightly, one hand on Shanshan's back, the other through her leg, and lifted her horizontally into the back seat in full view of everyone. The whole process looked so easy as if he was not holding a fat person of more than a hundred kilograms but a thin girl of no more than 40 kilograms.

After the busy day between mother and son, Yuan Long went to the driver's seat to open the door. He nodded to all the people who were still dazed and standing still. He got in and started the car and left straight away.

Watching the car disappear from sight, the four people seemed to wake up from a dream.

Lu Keke opened his mouth first and asked uncertainly, "That car just now, was that a Range Rover?"

Ou Kexin looked pale and did not speak.

At this time, Xu Zixin, who had already reached her car with her mobile phone on Baidu, gave a cry of surprise and said incredulously, "The car is a Range Rover Exalted Creation Edition, worth more than 3 million."

More than three million......

Although there are a large number of luxury cars cost tens of millions, those that are worth more than 3 million is not that unbelievable. However this time, it does not represent a number, but a fact that they all thought Yu Shanshan married a poor soldier.

Yu Shanshan married a soldier, but this soldier is not poor. On the contrary, he's probably very rich.

This fact makes the three people's hearts unable to calm down.

The author has something to say: In fact, I have two good friends who got married in college and had a baby. I took pictures with the baby when we graduated. I envy them. I feel that they have solved a major event in a woman's life, way ahead of schedule. They don't have to pause their careers in the future. Haha, I don't know if my idea is right.