CH 25

Name:Dudu's Diary Author:
Yuan Long knew Ji Xian would definitely ask, since he brought Yu Shanshan and his son to see them today, he had no intention of hiding anything.

"Dudu is indeed my son. Shanshan gave birth to him."

Ji Xian was stunned by this for several seconds before he regained his mind, and then he was full of doubts, "Why haven't you heard anything about it for so many years then? Plus you've been away for years, and all of a sudden you have a son. What's going on? "

Yuan Long sighed slightly, in a tone full of complexity. "Dudu was conceived with Shanshan four years ago. At that time Shanshan was my girlfriend. Later, something happened between us and we broke up, and then I was sent on a secret mission. Shanshan and I lost touch, and I didn't know that the mother and son had come to settle here. I didn't know that Dudu existed until I saw her again at the hospital last time."

Ji Xian was stunned again, and it took him a long time to say, "Four years ago? I vaguely heard that you did have a girlfriend back then, so that was Shanshan?"

Yuan Long nodded.

"But then I heard that you broke up. Was it because of the pregnancy?"

Think of that time, Yuan Long could not help but ask Ji Xian for a cigarette to put on his lips. But he did not light it, it stayed only on his lips. It took a long time before he said: "At that time, we separated because of some other misunderstandings. Though Dudu was conceived before we broke up, I didn't know she was pregnant.""

"So Dudu was conceived before you parted. you didn't know that Shanshan was pregnant with Dudu, and didn't meet her again until she came here, and then found out Dudu was your son?"

Yuan Long nodded.

Ji Xian patted his forehead and sighed with emotion, "How do you have the same ups and downs as the plot of the TV series? If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't believe that there's such a bloody thing in reality, but I really think it was fate. I met Dudu twice in a row. I fell in love with him at first sight. I also told you about Dudu. I didn't expect that little guy to be your son. At that time, I was thinking whose parents gave birth to such a cute ghost elf. I didn't think it was you, Yuan Long. what a blessing."

When it comes to Dudu, Yuan Long's expression had softened. When he thought of the mother and son, there were soft ripples in his heart. He's indeed very blessed.。

"Sure enough, having a wife and son is different. Before, I never saw you smile, not even once a year. Every time your face collapsed like someone owes you millions. Now, Tut-tut, I saw you smile several times during this meal alone. You don’t want to laugh when you don’t see someone you like right?"

Yuan Long's mouth evoked a faint smile, admitting the joke.

Ji Xian reached out and gently punched him. Remembering Yu Shanshan's appearance, Ji could not help laughing again and squeezing his eyes towards Yuan Long. "Cousin, I was still wondering what kind of girl you like before. Later, I found that neither quiet, sharp, generous nor introverted can get into your eyes. I also wondered with your wife what kind of woman can catch your eyes. It was only at this moment that I suddenly realized that you liked the plump girl like Shanshan. I really didn't expect it.....Ha ha ha ......"

"Get lost!" Yuan Long gave him a vicious glare.

Ji Xian was so frightened that he quickly stopped laughing.

Yuan Long said faintly, "She used to be thinner than sister-in-law. Later, I put on weight because something happened."

Yuan Long briefly talked about Yu Shanshan's car accident. After listening, Ji Xian was no longer in the mood to joke. After a long silence, he said seriously, "Yuan Long, that girl had suffered a lot because of you, and you haven't done your duty in the past few years. Be nice to your family in the future."

Yuan Long nodded. There is no need for anyone to say that he will. He will spend his whole life treating her well.


After the meal, Dudu was very happy. He kept humming small songs and shaking his big red envelopes in his hand.

The red packet is a welcome gift given to Dudu by Ji Xian and wife.

Dudu excitedly stretched out the red packet in front of his mother and showed it everywhere, "Mom, look at my big red packet!"

Dudu only received red envelopes during the Spring Festival. Unexpectedly, he also received a big red envelopes now. He knew that there was money in the red envelopes. When he thought that there would be more money in his little pig, he narrowed his eyes happily.

Oh, he can now buy a bigger stone ring for his wife!

Yu Shanshan was ashamed to look at the little guy who was so obsessed with money. Whose three-year-old baby was so obsessed with money? Isn't it common for adults to coax money away with a candy bar? Why can't we coax this from our own?


The next day, Yu Shanshan did not forget her weight loss plan. While she was at home and Yuan Long went out to send Dudu to school, she sent him a message that she'll be going out shopping, and then took a taxi to the weight loss institution as she did yesterday.

This was her first day experience. Seeing those acupuncture needles, her heart could not help but tremble, and she felt pain even before she was pierced.

But thinking about her determination to lose weight, she still lay on the beauty bed with clenched teeth, waiting for the needle to come.