CH 29

Name:Dudu's Diary Author:
The car drove from Panshan Road to the villa halfway up the mountain, entered through the gate, then turned to a path, and soon stopped in front of one of the villas.

As soon as the car stopped, the door of the villa opened, and a middle-aged woman of about forty or fifty appeared at the door. When she saw the car, she greeted it with joy and rubbed her hands excitedly.

Yuan Long was the first to open the door and get out of the car and shouted to the woman, "Aunt Lian."

"Hey." Aunt Lian kept nodding, but her eyes looked hard into the car, hoping to get her head in. "You're back at last, where is the young master? Are you there? Where is he? "

Yuan Long couldn't help laughing. Another one is after Dudu. Looking at the appearance of Aunt Lian, it's estimated that she is not much better than the old man.

Knowing that Aunt Lian was anxious to see Dudu, Yuan Long opened the rear door and took Dudu out of the child seat first. pointing to Aunt Lian, she said to him, "Dudu, this is my Aunt. Greet her."

Dudu was drinking milk, and there was a circle of milk beard on the side of his mouth. He immediately put down the milk and grinned at Aunt Lian. "Hello, Aunt, I'm Dudu," he said in a milky voice.

Aunt Lian looked at this round little boy with exquisite eyebrows and eyes, who was even prettier than the little golden boy under Guanyin.

Her old heart was conquered at once, and she unconsciously opened her hands and wanted to hug the little guy. "Good boy, why are you so cute? Come on, how about this Aunt hug our little baby?"

Dudu looked at her father's Aunt as if he also liked her appearance. He was not afraid. He opened his hands and threw himself into the arms of his Aunt. In order to show that he also liked her very much, the little fellow took a heavy sip of incense on her cheek and put all the milk in his mouth on her cheek.

Aunt Lian did not mind at all, but was instead overjoyed. The old heart was about to be softened by the little fat man into a pool of water. She could not help but gently kissed the little guy's white and tender face, and almost cried excitedly.

Yuan Long and Yu Shanshan looked at each other, and they both thought to themselves, "well, that's another one who's fascinated by the little fat man."

Fearing that Aunt Lian will be too excited, Yuan Long had to interrupt the intimacy of the lady and the young man, and introduced Yu Shanshan, who was standing by, "Aunt Lian, this is Shanshan."

Yu Shanshan had already heard Yuan Long say that Aunt Lian had brought him to her big Aunt since he was a child, and was very kind to him, just like his mother, so she had great respect for Aunt Lian and was the first to say hello: "Hello, Aunt Lian. My name is Yu Shanshan."