CH 34

Name:Dudu's Diary Author:
When Yuanmiao left, Yan Shao took out the weight scale from the corner, pointed to the scale on the ground, and said like a devil: “Don’t talk nonsense, then let’s just start, first, step on the scale.”

Yu Shanshan stared at the weight scale on the ground, her heartbeat gradually sped up, her heart flustered. However, a very scientific question came to mind very quickly: Who invented the weight scale? Using gravity so well, this person must have learned physics very well, but after he invented this thing, did he think that many fat friends would be disturbed and miserable? Would he feel guilty?

“What are you looking at? Looking at the scale will not lose some fat for you. Anyway, other people don’t know that you are a fat lady. Do you think that you will not expose your own fat attributes if you don’t go up!” Yan Shao looked at Yu Shanshan, who looked at the scales fascinated but didn’t get up, and hit her rudely: “Don’t struggle, just stand up quickly.”

Yu Shanshan was stunned by this sharp-tongued man, she wished that her eyes could shoot flames and shoot him to death.

Yan Shao hummed a smile, and his eyes swept back and forth on her body a few times, and said with an unclear meaning: “Even if you don’t go up, I know how heavy you are. Your struggle has no meaning at all.”

Yu Shanshan remained unconvinced, “Then how heavy do you think I am?!”

Yan Shao snapped his fingers and said without even thinking: “Looking at your size, you will not be less than 102 kg, but you will not be more than 105 kg. I personally feel that you are around 103.2 kg.”

Yu Shanshan shook her heart and looked at him in astonishment. This person is not only poisonous in his mouth, but also poisonous in his eyes?

Yan Shao waved his hand impatiently and urged her, “Come on, don’t linger.”

Yu Shanshan sighed inwardly, accepted her fate, silently stepped forward and stood up, and her weight showed: 103.2 kg.

Her weight was accurately said by this sharp-tongued man, there was no mistake at all.

Yan Shao didn’t feel that he was so proud of what he said, but just looked at Yu Shanshan and said: “If you want to lose weight, you have to listen to me during the whole process, including what you eat and drink, even if you are not under my nose you cannot simply eat and drink. If you simply eat and drink, I will know the next day when you step up on the scale. If you get caught by me once, then I don’t care. You find someone else.”

Yu Shanshan nodded silently, saying goodbye to the gourmets one by one in her heart, and there was an unattended farewell party.

After Yan Shao finished speaking, he quickly wrote something with a pen in a notebook, frowned and thought about it, then moved a few strokes, he looked very serious.

Yu Shanshan stretched her neck slightly and looked at the book, only to see the words “training” and “diet”, he seemed to be making a weight loss plan for her. This made her think that this person looked like a professional slimming coach when he was not sharp-tongued.

Ten minutes later, Yan Shao put aside the pen, dragged two yoga mats from the side and placed them on the ground, “First stretch, open your muscles and bones, and then we will formally train.”

Yu Shanshan took off her shoes and stood on one of the mats. Yan Shao stood on the other mat, clasped her hands together and lifted them up above her head, “Follow me and do it with standard movements.”

Yu Shanshan followed, she clenched her fists and raised her hands up. It was a very relaxed and easy action to make, but because of her thick, fat and huge tonnage, it was not so easy to do. Just letting her arms straighten took a lot of effort.

Yan Shao glanced at Yu Shanshan’s blushing face, then stretched her hands down, brought her waist down, and kept touching her hands to the ground before stopping.

Yu Shanshan: … this action would be the death of me.

She worked hard and stretched her arms down like him, but this action was too difficult for her now, and her hands would not be able to reach the height of her knee, and her mouth couldn’t help but let out a gasp, but her body couldn’t go down anyhow, as if her body was about to break when she tried hard, and her sweat came out.

Yan Shao gave a “tsk” and said, “Try to pull down! Is your waist a decoration?”

Yu Shanshan blushed and said with difficulty: “Coach, I really can’t go down, my back hurts.”

“Tsk.” Yan Shao looked at her as if looking at a pile of waste. “I thought your bucket waist was not beautiful, but at least it was useful. Who knows that it doesn’t even have a basic function!”

Yu Shanshan: …. Believe it or not, I will launch my iron sand meteor punch to kill you!

In order to let her go down, Yan Shao simply stood up and walked behind her, put his hand on her back, and forced her to stretch down.

Yu Shanshan felt a strong force come towards her, and then the ligaments all over her body were pulled apart, and there was only one feeling all over her body: It hurt! ! !

It felt more horrible than the first time she learned ballet stretching when she was a child.

“Ah ah-don’t press, don’t press, it hurts, help -“

Yu Shanshan wailed like ghosts and howled like wolves, but she couldn’t attract the devil’s stern pity. The devil even tried harder, and said lazily, “A beautiful woman will make a man pity, someone like you will only make me want to use more force, so you should shut up.”

Yu Shanshan:……! ! !

Dudu was happily crawling freely on the rollers for training abdominal muscles, his mother’s hoarse shouts suddenly attracted his attention while he was playing. When he turned his head to see his mother’s grotesque grin, he was stunned and did not play with his own roller anymore, he ran over and asked curiously: “Mom, what are you doing?”

Yu Shanshan was already in too much pain to speak.

Yan Shao kindly explained to him, “Your mother is losing weight.”

Dudu bit his finger, is this the way to lose weight? He remembered that he had promised his great aunt to lose weight, and felt that he should lose weight too, so he grimaced in pain like his mother, he imitated and asked, “Can I lose weight like this?”

“Pfff–” Yan Shao couldn’t help but laugh, “Little fat boy, you have a talent for being funny.”

Dudu couldn’t understand what a talent for being funny was. He still tried very hard to learn from his mother’s expression, his entire face was distorted, and he pouted and said to Yu Shanshan: “Mom, look at me!”

Yu Shanshan no longer wanted to talk to her stupid son.

Probably it was rare to meet such a funny fat boy, Yan Shao was very playful, and said to him: “This is not the way to lose weight. You have to do it like your mother. You can lose weight if you do it well.”

When Dudu heard,  he immediately went to see what his mother’s movement was like, and then he followed her, folded his hands together, his palms faced down, and arms pressed down.

Yan Shao pressed Yu Shanshan hard while giving instructions to the little fat boy, “Don’t bend your legs, keep your arms straight, and force them down, yes, that’s it.”

Dudu did what he said, and he did it in a decent way, and reached the ground with no effort.

Yan Shao was very satisfied, and said to Shanshan: “Look, he is also a fat boy, but he is a flexible fat boy. Don’t you feel ashamed?”

Yu Shanshan: …

After this action was completed, Yan Shao performed several stretching actions, which Yu Shanshan did. After 20 minutes, she was like a fish that had just been caught from the water, and she was a half-dead fish.

She now knew how gentle and amiable Wu Jing used to be when she forced her to lose weight. She was wrong. She shouldn’t complain about Wu Jing’s inhumanity at that time. The truly inhumane person was here.

Yan Shao was very dissatisfied with Shanshan’s physical strength, and frowned, “This is just the preparatory action, and the latter is the real fat reduction action. Are you sure you can stick to it?”

Yu Shanshan was so tired that she wanted to lie down and never get up again, but no, her goal had not been achieved yet. How could she shrink from the beginning?

Gritting her teeth, she got up from the mat and wiped the sweat from her head, “Of course I can hold on, what do I do next?”

Yan Shao looked at her for a few seconds and nodded, “Okay, follow me next, the first move, plank support.”

When Yuan Miao came back from her meeting, she opened the door of the gym and saw Yu Shanshan supporting her body with her buttocks facing up, her arms and feet as support, and her whole body in a triangular shape doing fat-reduction exercises on the mat. And Dudu next to her with his fleshy little butt, but the little boy’s body was spread out on the mat, and there was only one little butt protruding on the whole body, which was not tiring at all.

Yuan Miao felt this little boy was so cute, she walked over to hug him and kissed him on the forehead, “What is Dudu doing?”

Dudu wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, “I am losing weight with my mother.”

Yuan Miao laughed and touched his flabby belly, “Then have you succeeded in losing weight?”

Dudu nodded straight, and grabbed the meat on his stomach to show her, “Great aunt, I’m all thinner, you see my stomach is flat.”

Yuan Miao touched his chubby belly amused, and nodded very cooperatively, “Yes, our little baby’s belly is flat.”

At this time, Dudu’s belly gurgled twice, Dudu  immediately hugged his stomach and said: “Great aunt, I’m hungry, let’s go eat.”

Hearing that he was hungry, Yuan Miao said to Yan Shao: “It’s noon,  have lunch during the break, and continue in the afternoon.”

Yan Shao raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already past twelve o’clock, so he made a stop gesture, “Let’s rest and continue in the afternoon.”

When she heard she could rest, Yu Shanshan immediately collapsed, and she was lying on the mat like a puddle of mud, she breathed heavily, and felt that her whole body was falling apart.

Yuan Miao saw how miserable she was, thinking that fortunately Yuan Long was not here, or else he would be heartbroken to death. She looked at Yan Shao and asked, “I’ll take Dudu to the restaurant for lunch, how about you?”

Yan Shao waved his hand, went to sit down on one side of the chair, and said while playing a game: “You go, I asked the catering department to prepare lunch for us, and it will be delivered later.”

In order to cope with the customer’s weight loss, OneWorld Studio’s weight-loss coach could directly order food from the catering department, so Yuan Miao didn’t say anything, she said hello to Yu Shanshan and she would take Dudu to dinner, “Go, Dudu, Let’s go down and eat delicious food.”

Dudu hesitated. He looked at his mother and felt that his mother was a bit pitiful at the moment. If he left her to eat delicious food, then his mother would be even more pitiful, so he said: “Great aunt, I want to stay and eat with my mother, my mother is very tired, and she will not be tired if I accompany her.”

Yu Shanshan, who was lying on the floor like a dead fish, was instantly moved by the words of the little fat boy. She felt that her body and mind that had been tortured for a long time received a trace of comfort. She lifted her body tremblingly, and looked at her fat son with tears in her eyes, “Pangpang, you are so nice, mom loves you.”

The little fat boy smiled shyly.

Yuan Miao didn’t agree, because she knew that Yu Shanshan’s lunch was definitely not a normal lunch, and it was not suitable for children, so she tried to persuade Dudu, “Dudu, your mother’s lunch is not as delicious as great aunt’s lunch.”

Hearing this, Dudu hesitated a little, and tentatively asked: “Really?”

Yuan Miao: “Of course, great aunt’s lunch has fruit, meat, and small cakes. Mom doesn’t have any. Do you want to go with your great aunt?”

Fruit? Meat? Small cakes?

Dudu swallowed his saliva, his eyes lit up, and he was greedy, and he immediately forgot about his poor old mother. He plopped and lit his little round head, “I want them, great aunt, let’s go eat!”

Yuan Miao smiled, carried Dudu and turned away.

Looking at the little fat boy who left without looking back, Yu Shanshan’s heart broke with a crack, and it broke till 502 glue couldn’t stick to it.

“Pfff–hahaha–” Yuan Shao hugged his belly and laughed wildly on the chair, he laughed so much that his tears were about to fall, and he suddenly felt that it was not all bad luck to pick up such a messy customer, at least it was a lot of fun. .

Yu Shanshan didn’t want to care about the sharp-tongued man who had no sympathy at all, and continued to lie down unloved, chewing her sadness silently.

However, she didn’t know that there was no lower limit for sadness.

The food and beverage department quickly brought in lunch. Yuan Shao got up and took the dining car from the delivery man. He yelled to Yu Shanshan, who was still lying silently, “Get up for lunch.”

Hearing lunch, although she was still very sad, Yu Shanshan stood up firmly, clutched her almost hungry belly and walked over, and looked at the dining car expectantly.

She was really hungry, she hoped the lunch would be more exciting.

Yan Shao took out the dinner plate from the first floor of the dining car. The first dish was Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chilli oil, which was delicious and spicy, and the fragrance was overflowing. Once it was taken out, the room was full of attractive fragrances. It could be seen that Yu Shanshan’s dying heart “brushed” and came back to life, and her eyes glowed with amazing light.

Yu Shanshan tried to restrain her urge to swallow, suppressed her excitement and continued to watch the second dish. The second dish turned out to be braised prawns in oil, which was more to her appetite than the first dish.

At this moment, Yu Shanshan’s inner resentment towards Yan Shao had mostly disappeared. In fact, this person was just a little bit more sharp-tongued and a little bit cruel, but other aspects were still very good. At least this meal was arranged very well,and didn’t abuse her at all. Such a coach could be forgiven even if there were other shortcomings.

Yu Shanshan’s mouth turned up involuntarily, and she continued to wait for the third dish. The third dish was baby Chinese cabbage in soup. Although it was a vegetarian dish, it was also delicious. Yu Shanshan still liked it very much, and she secretly swallowed with excitement.

Seeing that Yan Shao took a bowl of rice and started eating, Yu Shanshan rubbed her hands, took a wet tissue from the side and wiped her hands carefully, then took out another bowl of rice from the dining car. With chopsticks in her hand, she couldn’t wait to eat that very tempting braised prawn with oil.

However, her chopsticks were stopped by another pair of chopsticks before she reached the plate. This pair of chopsticks blocked her way firmly, so she was not allowed to pick up the dish.

Yu Shanshan was angry, and stared at Yan Shao, the guy who disturbed her from eating, “What are you doing? You don’t stop when I’m eating?”

Yan Shao looked at her with a faint smile, and slowly said, “This is my lunch, not yours. Why are you picking up the dishes?”

“What?” Yu Shanshan was stunned, and asked subconsciously: “Where’s my lunch?”

Yan Shao pointed to the tray on the bottom layer of the dining car, “Here, the tray on the bottom layer is your lunch.”

Yu Shanshan slowly let go of her hand holding the dishes, and cast her gaze on the plate below. The plate was covered with a lid. She couldn’t see what was inside, but somehow her sixth sense told her, things may not be good.

This feeling made her feel a little flustered, and she swallowed nervously, but she delayed opening the dinner plate.

Yan Shao smiled even more happily when he saw it, and opened the tray below for her very kindly, “Get hungry, don’t delay, have lunch, come, eat quickly.”

The dinner plate was uncovered, and revealed a very simple and rudimentary food inside: two hard-boiled eggs and two cucumbers.

Then, it’s gone, it’s really gone…

Yu Shanshan stared blankly at the things on the dinner plate, she felt that her heart was precarious.

Yan Shao: “Don’t be stunned, this is your lunch, eat it quickly, let’s continue practicing after eating.”


Yu Shanshan heard that her heart that had just been broken by her fat son was broken into powder, the kind that was blown away by a gust of wind