Chapter 526

I crush a teleport crystal to bring Ember and myself back to the Crimson City.

It's good to see the double that was working general surveillance is now farming the labyrinth for more fire containment stones and high B-Grade items now that the Soul Energy barrier is up.

The second double watches over the dungeons inside the barrier and keeps an eye on the population trading in the outer city housing some non-citizens outside the barrier too.

I delegate the third body double, the one in charge of the guildhall, to use half of the platinum earned from the 25% down payment on new postings for quotas that need to be farmed this month.

After these are posted and the word is spread throughout the hunters that farm in the dungeons, I delegate this double to see Bri with the other half of orders and the list of goods that need to be made this month.

I plan on seeing her in my main body before the B-Class exams. She is my ride to the bedrock region, after all, but my time right now needs to be focused on a single task.

"Ember, we have less than 48 hours to get this done. Let's go train."

Ember nods as we fly over to the canyon of dungeons, but once we go inside, he asks to go and train far out in the desert with no one else around. So, I dungeon walk us over to a high D-Grade dungeon in the desert over 100km away from any settlements or the trade route.

We jump out and get a few kilometers away from the glowing blue portal in the open sand and I get into a fighting stance.

I speak up as I feel Ember's perceived mana control drop down to levels that are hardly noticeable.

"So, how do we start? How do I tap into this divine energy... what's the trick?"

Ember smirks and gets into a fighting stance as well.

"Oh, there's no trick, we just have to practice. Come at me, try to only use enough mana in your attacks to match the control that you feel coming off of mine."

I raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean there's no tricks?"

He motions for me to step closer.

"You can't just master divine energy overnight. Most likely, not even in a full year. I doubt you'd even be able to smell a scent of it even if we trained in the Titan's domain for 10 years straight at your current perception of the world around you."

Ember steps forward and continues, egging me on to spar with him more.

"The divine limiter you have equipped is temporary, and the only way you're going to be able to manipulate it without the knowledge I have is through pure instinct."

I ponder his words and step forward while nodding.

"Fine. I'll follow what you say exactly if you think it's possible."

Ember grins.

"I know it is. I was the one that created this item after all, I know how it works. I can already sense the barrier bonding with you over the last few hours. You should be a natural once you get a feel for things."

I run forward and try to use the minimum amount of magic physically possible, matching the mana control he's producing that barely reaches the heights of a level 100 hunter.

The first punch Ember blocks sends ripples of mana through the desert, and I see his head shaking.

"Still need to tone that down by about ten times to match me."

I try again, using even less mana, and a smaller ripple comes out.

"Better, but let's go even lower."

Over and over, I try to naturally suppress my mana control with lighter and lighter hits until I finally reach the mana control level he wants me at.

To me, it feels as if I'm back inside Monk's monastery for the first time without any Qi. The amount of mana I'm using is so minuscule, the speed my punches are moving at, and the power behind each blow feels like I'm playing and acting out a fighting scene in slow motion.

Ember makes me hold this incredibly slow and grueling pace for over an hour before he speaks up again.

"Alright. Let's move it up to the average level 200 hunter next."

The mana control that radiates from him increases drastically, and his speed and power do too, but there's hardly any change when I match him.

It always feels exactly the same to me as the level 100 comparison was, but I catch on quick.

"Now, 300."


"First rank up, let's do 500!"

I begin to feel the increments between the levels increase, and the first large change is when Ember replicates the mana control, speed, and power of a normal ranked-up hunter. Now it's starting to feel like we're actually moving a little and not just standing in place.

"600..." "700..." "800..." "900..." "1000!"

Finally, we even reach the second rank-up stage, and Ember replicates the average strength of a monster this strong. We're getting somewhere, but it still just feels like we're walking in place, hardly even jogging around the battlefield compared to the intense fights I've been in lately.

This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.


Enchanted Silver Boots [+348% Speed][+340% Agility]


Enchanted Boots of Extreme Speed [Blood Bonded] [+402% Speed][+377% Agility][+242% Strength][+220% Mental Strength][+181% Defense][Wind Attribute]


Next, I imbue four extreme-grade ice stones into a pendant. I blood bond this item and add all of the necessary additional stats to bring it up to its current full potential.


Enchanted Ice Serpent's Pendant [+110% Agility] [+75% Magic Resistance] [+95% Ice Magic Resistance]


Enchanted Ice Serpent's Pendant [Blood Bonded] [+228% Agility] [+227% Speed][+224% Strength][+203% Mental Strength][+195% Magic Resistance][+165% Ice Magic Resistance][+160% Defense][Ice Attribute]


I use a large amount of blood and mana crystals as the catalyst to upgrade the platinum ring I received from defeating the blue ogre king. It's a symbol of the first dungeon that gave me a major boost in mana control when I was first starting out in the Dark Continent.

I blood bond it as well to make sure it continues to grow.


Platinum Ring of The Blue Ogre King [+131% Mental Strength] [+125% Speed][+125% Agility][+110% Defense]


Platinum Ring of The Blue Ogre King [Blood Bonded] [+241% Mental Strength] [+226% Speed][+220% Agility][+180% Defense][+174% Strength]


Next, I combine the blood-bonded armor I have on with the chestplate that fell as an item drop next to the enchanted boots on the 42nd floor. To make this an even more special craft, I imbue 4 extreme-grade earth stones from the 38th floor as well as a mythic grade body hardening skill to create the same living armor effect that the waterstone craft created back in Vice City for one of Leo's guards.


Berserker King's Armor Set [Blood Bonded] [+312% Defense]


Enchanted Silver Chestplate [+391% Defense][+322% Strength]


Berserker King's Armor Set [Blood Bonded] [+469% Defense][+398% Strength][+301% Mental Strength][+258% Agility][+255% Speed][Hardening Attribute][Earth Attribute]


Lastly, I finished my crafting session off with the silver lightweight gauntlets. I use an immense amount of blood and mana to complete this craft. I even sacrifice 2 of the near A-Grade firestones from the 39th floor and 2 of the earth stones from the 38th to create a dual-element craft.

Considering I wield both of these items already, it's possible to do without much risk. My [Storm King's Dagger Set] is a double-element craft with both lightning and wind imbued into one, so I know it can be done. It's just that normally, not many people would ever attempt it because of the volatile nature of element stones and the potential of them going out of control if the user is not strong enough to handle the item.

Once the craft is complete, and the silver gauntlets rest on my hands, I can feel them humming with power.


Enchanted Lightweight Gauntlets [+165% Defense][+120% Strength][Hardening Attribute]


Enchanted Lightweight Gauntlets [Blood Bonded][+279% Defense][+270% Strength][+256% Mental Strength][+239% Agility][+233% Speed][Hardening Attribute][Earth Attribute][Fire Attribute]


I put everything back on, then use my conceal skill to modify it all to look like +50-150% stat boosting gear with only 1-2 stats buffed max on each item.

My mana control isn't the only thing I want to hide, my gear should look like high C-Grade or average B-Grade gear at best.

I stand up and turn to Ember once the sun fully reaches above the desert horizon and speak up.

"Alright, I'm ready, let's finish up this last stage of training. We now have less than 24 hours left before we're off to the B-Class Exams."

Ember grins and turns back to me.

"Good, your barrier settled faster than I thought it would while you were working those crafts. At this rate, I think you'll be able to manipulate your perceived mana control with ease before the sun sets tonight. Let's continue."