Chapter 57 56-Recruiting The Treants, Heading To Riverside(1st Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

Ethan, cloaked in a black robe, scrutinized the defeated Treant Heroes imprisoned before him. 

The dungeon was saturated with a cold atmosphere, but it was nothing compared to the icy dread permeating the hearts of the Heroes. 

The image of Ethan's might in the battlefield was like a nightmare that they couldn't shake off…

Ethan stepped up to the bars of the cell, his gaze was steely and cold. 

"Heroes, have you ever thought about what fate lies ahead for you?"

The Treant Heroes raised their heads, their eyes shimmering uncertainly. 

They all had some idea about what the future held for them.

"You came here just to rub salt in our wounds?" asked one of the Treant Heroes, his voice laced with resentment.

Ethan smiled faintly, his voice carried a hint of mockery. 

"Mockery? No, I'm here to give you a choice. You should thank me for my generosity. I'm offering you a chance to embrace victory, to be among the winners. Serve me, or... wilt away in this cage."

A temporary silence fell over the cell.

"Ha! You think we'd ever bow down to you, Dark Lord?" A seasoned Treant warrior spat out, his voice resolute.

Ethan's gaze darkened, he flicked his fingers and a fireball whistled out, instantly reducing the cell with the Treant warrior to rubble.

"I admired his courage, but sadly, his words were not the response I was looking for."

"You have one minute to think it over. The Dark Lord doesn't have food to waste on idle hands."

The expressions of the Treant Heroes hardened, as they began weighing the pros and cons. 

One of them, after a quick glance at Ethan and then at the smug Zachary Barnes, stepped forward. 

"Surrendering… is an option, too. Life is a one-time thing, it's rare to find yourself in such a unique world, experiencing a different kind of life, no one wants to die."

"But if we agree to surrender, you have to at least guarantee the minimum conditions."

"Ahem." Zachary Barnes cleared his throat and stepped forward. It was his turn to shine.

"Joining the Dark Lord Ethan's ranks should be considered an honor. And yet you dare to make demands? However, Lord Ethan is always generous, even to you, who have been deemed useless. Whoever decides to follow Lord Ethan will receive 100 gold coins per month as a wage, plus any personal loot you claim during battles will belong solely to you."

"Ethan's power is something you all must be aware of. Even within the Dark Lord's faction, he is a prominent figure. In terms of potential, when Ethan fully matures in power, not just Riverside, but even the entire Sunset Empire will be in the palm of his hand."

"We're all adults here, and you should understand that sometimes making the right choice is more important than trying harder. With Ethan, compared to going solo, we could achieve a faster growth rate. Reaching B or A rank will simply be a matter of time."

Zachary Barnes took out bottles of elixir, distributing them at the front of the Heroes' cell doors. 

"Of course, everything comes at a small price. You haven't proven your loyalty to Lord Ethan yet. Drink this potion, and you'll become like me, a proud member under Lord Ethan's command."

The Heroes exchanged glances. 

In the end, one Hero gritted his teeth, opened the potion on the ground, and drank it down. 

"Damn it, bottoms up!" 

"Do we have any other choice? I sure as hell don't want to end up as shit in some goblin's belly." 

"Dark Lord, I hope you keep your word!"

Eventually, almost all of the Heroes chose to drink the potion, becoming members under Ethan's command. 

Those who were unwilling to surrender were originally NPCs from the Treant village. 

For these stubborn guys, Ethan naturally wouldn't waste food on them.


"Now it's time for the next step." Ethan gathered all the surrendered Heroes and appointed Zachary Barnes as their leader. 

Ethan himself drank a transformation potion and disguised himself as a Treant NPC, becoming the second in command of the team. 

He then invited Lilith and Alicia to join the team.

The addition of the two beautiful Treant women instantly energized the Heroes, who began to curry favor with them. 

Quite a few Heroes even saw a significant increase in their loyalty due to the presence of the two women. 

While Ethan found this increasingly baffling, he couldn't help but marvel at the miraculous nature of sycophants.

After returning to the Treant village for a brief rest, they formed a long caravan and began their grand journey to Riverside. 

Riverside is located on a vast plain, surrounded by steep mountains, forming a natural barrier.

The entrance to the city is a gigantic gate made of ancient stones. 

The city walls are almost 30 meters high, adorned with exquisite carvings and decorations. 

As they passed through the city gate, they were immediately surrounded by a bustling crowd and lively streets.

The city's main streets were wide and clean, paved with huge stone slabs. 

On either side were prosperous shops and beautifully crafted buildings with colorful flags adorning their ornate rooftops. 

Vendors were energetically hawking all kinds of wares, from fruits and snacks to magic potions and equipment, you could find it all.

At the end of the city's main thoroughfare was a magnificent palace, towering over the city like a giant. 

The palace was constructed from carefully carved marble, and its pointed towers were studded with gemstones, sparkling with enchanting light.

Underneath the palace was a spacious square, which could be described as the heart of Riverside. 

In the middle of the square stood a giant statue of the Goddess of Water. 

In her hands, she held a huge crystal bottle from which water gushed out, forming a beautiful water curtain that radiated a rainbow of colors in the sunlight.

Surrounding the square stood towering buildings - the professional guild, the adventurer's tavern, the magic guild, and various businesses... 

Even having seen the prosperity of his previous world, Ethan was captivated by the scene in front of him.

Compared to this main city, his dungeon was just peanuts... 

"But one day, this main city will be mine, too."

Guided by Zachary Barnes, Ethan entered the Adventurer's Tavern. 

His gaze swept across the room. 

The tavern was bustling, filled with noise and cheers. 

The walls were covered with rusty swords and shields, emitting an aura of battle.

The Adventurer's Tavern, also known as the Hero's Guild, was where most Heroes gathered. 

The guild's registration, mission acceptance, and distribution were all done here. 

Zachary Barnes brought Ethan to the bar counter and found the young female orc in charge of reception, declaring their intention.

"Excuse me, what are the requirements to register a guild?" asked Ethan. 

The female orc pulled out a small booklet and handed it to them, smiling as she spoke, "If you two wish to establish a guild, all you need is to pay a registration fee of 100 gold coins and fill out a simple form."

Naturally, Ethan didn't need to bother with the trivial task of filling out paperwork. 

Zachary Barnes quickly completed the form, pointing to a blank space at the top and asking, "My Lord, what name do you intend to give to our newly established guild?"

"Hmm... Let's call it Wings of Freedom," Ethan said with a wicked grin.

After writing the guild name on the form and paying the registration fee of 100 gold coins, the female orc handed them a notebook with a leather cover, explaining, "This is the mission diary. The situations of the tasks accepted and completed by the Wings of Freedom guild will be recorded in it, and the guild's level will be assessed based on completed tasks."

"Your guild is currently the lowest E-rank guild. The highest is S-rank, and only one such guild exists in our Sunset Empire. However, do not underestimate Riverside, as three B-rank guilds, primarily made up of Heroes, have emerged in recent years. They are expected to be promoted to A-rank in the near future."

"Thank you for joining the Heroes' Guild and for your willingness to destroy the Dark Lord, thus contributing to world peace. Wings of Freedom guild has successfully registered. If you have any questions in the future, feel free to ask."

"Thank you." After expressing their gratitude, they headed to the bar. 

A group of Treants were drinking and chatting excitedly. 

While the Treant village was not small, it certainly lacked the entertainment that Riverside offered.

Ethan ordered a strong drink. 

The dungeon had its merits, but it certainly lacked enjoyment. 

The taste of the liquor was so exhilarating that Ethan took a large gulp. 

As he put down his cup, he heard a commotion nearby.

"Pretty little thing, how much for a night? Why don't you come and keep me company? I guarantee you'll be satisfied." A burly man was looking at Lilith with a lecherous grin.

"Buzz off!" Lilith snapped back, her face contorted in disgust.

Unfazed by Lilith's angry glare, the burly man only laughed harder. 

"Such a delicate beauty of a different race, that's quite rare. Hmm... You smell delightful too."

He was enjoying himself, taking in her scent.