Chapter 92 91-Dragon Ruins(2nd Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

Like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, Lizard Dark Lord shared all the information he knew. 

This intelligence was what Giant Dragon Dark Lord had instructed him to tell Ethan. 

As a dragon, Giant Dragon Dark Lord knew what would most attract Ethan.

As Dark Lords not native to the dragon clan, the allure of the dragon inheritance for them was tremendous.

Sure enough, after hearing Lizard Dark Lord's words, Ethan was quite moved. 

The dragon inheritance he had just obtained had been of great benefit. 

If he could access more inheritances, it would not only increase his strength and cover blind spots but also speed up his integration of the inherited memories.

Lizard Dark Lord's attitude did seem somewhat suspicious in Ethan's view. 

After all, they didn't exactly have a tight bond. 

If an average Dark Lord discovered such a ruin, they'd likely keep it to themselves. 

Who would be willing to share this with others?

Ethan had a gut feeling that Lizard Dark Lord's good intentions harbored ulterior motives, but he was confident enough in his own strength to disregard any conspiracy theories. 

Even if an S-rank adversary came after him, he believed he could withstand the assault.

Ethan nodded decisively, saying, "Set aside some time and we'll check out this ruin you're talking about."

Lizard Dark Lord's eyes lit up with delight. 

"Why wait?" he quickly replied, "Do you have time today, Big Brother Ethan? We could depart right now."

"Fine," Ethan agreed, nodding.

The two of them left the temple dungeon immediately, with Lizard Dark Lord leading the way towards Furious River.


As Lizard Dark Lord led the way, he sent a private message to Giant Dragon Dark Lord.

[Lizard Dark Lord: The fish has taken the bait. I'm leading him to the ruins now. He didn't doubt a word I said, and he's even chosen to come here alone.]

[Lizard Dark Lord: I've got some new intel as well. Ethan has been significantly weakened by the Riverside Alliance. His armies have been crushed, and his dungeon is virtually defenseless.]

[Lizard Dark Lord: This is a golden opportunity. While Ethan is away and his defenses are down, all you need to do is give the command for your subordinates to launch an attack on his allies. We won't get a better chance.]

[Lizard Dark Lord: Even if we can't take their territory, we can still severely weaken them! The most powerful member of their alliance right now is Dark Elf Dark Lord. If she gets a taste of the situation... even if she resists, once Ethan is gone, they'll lose their only A-rank force and will be ripe for the taking.]

Giant Dragon Dark Lord was quite moved by Lizard Dark Lord's message.

[Giant Dragon Dark Lord: I think your plan is feasible. Once we enter the ruins, I'll command Spider Dark Lord to launch the attacks. We don't need to win, just wear them down. Once this Ethan fellow is taken care of, we'll launch a full-on attack.]

[Giant Dragon Dark Lord: You've done well this time. If everything goes as planned, you'll be my right-hand man in the Giant Dragon Alliance.]

The two of them had decent power levels, and within half a day they reached their destination.

Pointing at the tumultuous river surface ahead, Lizard Dark Lord said with a smile, "Here we are. The ruins are underwater, hidden well. It was sheer luck that I found them, a pity I'm not a dragon…"

"Big Brother Ethan, don't forget me if you get any spoils," he added.

"As long as what you said is true, I won't treat you unfairly," Ethan responded, nodding. 

He wouldn't be stingy if Lizard Dark Lord truly had no ill intent and was offering such a gift.

Lizard Dark Lord stripped down to his scales, jumped into the water. 

Ethan, not one to beat around the bush, morphed into his dragon form, scales shimmering, and followed Lizard Dark Lord into the water. 

They dove deep into the river.

The immense water pressure was making it hard for Lizard Dark Lord, but Ethan, covered in dragon scales, was unfazed. 

Looking at Ethan's scales, Lizard Dark Lord was filled with envy and his longing for the Blood Ritual grew… 

Dragon bloodline was not only powerful, but unlike Lizard Dark Lord, it could morph into human form anytime, instead of being stuck with an unsightly lizard face all the time.

Lizard Dark Lord extended his long tongue, licking his eyelids, as he began to dream of a fantastic life after becoming a dragon. 

Dark Elf Dark Lord had already caught the eye of Giant Dragon Dark Lord, so she was off limits... 

But once Ethan was dead, he could have a taste of his other women, couldn't he? 

The thought of Geisha Dark Lord and the succubus Dark Lord with their voluptuous figures set Lizard Dark Lord's heart ablaze.

During the banquet, those damned women looked at him with disgust, but he wanted to see what their faces would look like when he slowly savored the flavors of the female Dark Lords! 

And he was not completely without a chance to enjoy Dark Elf Dark Lord... 

Once Ethan was dead, the next one to die would be Giant Dragon Dark Lord. 

The only pity was that the first time of Dark Elf Dark Lord was going to benefit that jerk, Giant Dragon Dark Lord.

The two dove deeper, when suddenly a powerful suction came from the depths. 

Lizard Dark Lord shouted out in a hurry, "It's here, don't panic! There's a huge whirlpool at the bottom. I don't know how the blue dragon did it, but once you're sucked into this whirlpool, you'll be transported to the ruins I told you about." 

He was afraid Ethan might run out of fear, like a duck that got away after being boiled.

Hearing Lizard Dark Lord's words, Ethan simply nodded, no longer fighting against the force pulling them down. 

They were both dragged into a fast-spinning vortex... 

After a moment of disorientation, Ethan felt like he was being swirled around... 

This reminded him of a toilet being flushed, and he silently cursed the unknown blue dragon.

Bam! A thud and a feeling of weightlessness followed. 

Above a special space, the sky distorted, and Ethan and Lizard Dark Lord were flung out. 

The teleportation experience was extremely uncomfortable, like being tossed around in a flushing toilet. 

Both of them fell to the ground like sacks of potatoes.

Ethan got up, dusting himself off and taking in his surroundings. 

He found himself in a grand architectural complex. 

Riverside's Magic Tower was the tallest building Ethan had ever seen, but compared to these ruins, it seemed rather small. 

Perhaps because the ruins were the dwelling of the Giant Dragon, all buildings were built on a grand scale, so large that Ethan, even in his Giant Dragon form, could move around comfortably.

Approaching a massive stone door that had partly collapsed, they found a stele by its base with complex inscriptions on it. 

If Ethan had not integrated a portion of memory and heritage, he probably wouldn't be able to read a single word on it.

Walking up to the stele, Ethan started to read aloud: "Dragon Race Enlightenment Academy—Founder 'Blue Sea Dragon King' Mansfield. Established in the year of the Giant Dragon Calendar..."

Before Ethan could finish reading, a loud explosion came from behind him. 

A terrifying dragon flame engulfed him completely. 

The dragon flame carried an intense destructive aura, making one's hair stand on end. 

Ethan felt as if his entire body was about to be incinerated. 

This was definitely the most potent attack he had ever faced, even stronger than the Black Dragon's dragon flame.

At the same time, Lizard Dark Lord, not far from Ethan, revealed his menacing fangs. 

He took out several iron balls with numerous patterns etched onto their surface and hurled them directly at Ethan. 

The iron balls, once in contact with the dragon flame, immediately exploded with a terrifying sound.

What followed was an eruption of countless flames reaching for the sky. 

After the deafening blast, Ethan found that his sight had been taken away; he was blind. 

His entire skeleton felt shattered, and large portions of the dragon scales on his body had been ripped open. 

His wounds were grotesque, patched, and crimson blood continued to flow.

"Kill him!"

A stern shout echoed from the sky, and a red dragon came crashing down, roaring from above. 

One by one, Dark Lords of various forms emerged from the ruins surrounding Ethan.

Leading the way was a nauseating insectoid, his appearance closely resembling a cockroach with unusually developed limbs. 

Behind him stood two stunning female Dark Lords. 

One was plump, surrounded by countless swirling petals, her floral dress swaying with the wind, emitting strange aura. 

Standing by her side was a fiery woman dressed scantily, adorned with plenty of scale powder, and sporting a pair of large butterfly wings on her back.

Further back, the centaur Dark Lord, the orc Dark Lord... were all roaring, charging towards Ethan with murderous intent.