Chapter 228 226-Flamefruit

Chapter 228 Chapter226-Flamefruit

Dark Lord Lava's appearance conformed to Ethan's stereotypical understanding of molten rock entities.

Fiery red skin adorned with black patterns, a towering stature standing at about three to four meters tall, topped with a pair of goat horns on his head — a standard depiction of a demon.

Yet, the only inconsistency was Dark Lord Lava's personality.

He was exceedingly warm, akin to a flame, something Ethan found slightly disconcerting.

After being ushered in by Dark Lord Lava, Ethan and Sherry were settled onto chairs that could double as beds.

Soon after, Dark Lord Lava presented a few fiery red fruits, each as big as a human head.

With a smile, he said, "Come, have a taste. These are Flamefruits. They can slightly enhance one's physique and potentially allow one to comprehend the Power of Flame. Most importantly, they are delicious."

He then introduced himself, "My real name is Oriel. And you?"

"Ethan," came the measured reply.

Turning his attention to Sherry and getting a response, Oriel continued cheerfully, "Brother Ethan, don't be deceived by the unassuming location and dilapidated appearance of this cave. Deep within, it is the breeding ground for these Flamefruits!"

Ethan began to think that his earlier assumptions were mistaken.

Tentatively, he asked, "Oriel, is it the presence of the Flamefruits that brought you here?"

"Of course, what else?" Oriel responded instantly.

The answer left Ethan somewhat speechless, finding Oriel to be a character indeed.

In a world where power reigned supreme, Oriel's utmost priority wasn't enhancing his strength, but rather, things like Flamefruit.

However, after consuming a small piece of Flamefruit, Ethan had to agree with Oriel; the fruit was truly marvelous, not only in taste but also in the sensations it bestowed.

The flesh of the Flamefruit was red, resembling flowing magma, yet carried a refreshing fragrance.

But it was only upon consuming it did one realize that it was cool as it entered the mouth.

Once fully swallowed, a warm sensation could be felt emanating within the lower abdomen, a warmth that enveloped the body comfortingly.

It was indeed a perfect sensation.

"Oriel, how did you come across the Flamefruit?" Ethan's perception of Oriel shifted once more.

Oriel burst into hearty laughter, saying, "I knew no one could resist the charm that the Flamefruit brings. As for how I found them, it was purely a coincidence."

"And, let me share a secret with you; the Flamefruit has enhancing effects in 'that' department."

Ethan gave him a peculiar look, understanding instantly what 'that' referred to.

Consequently, he helped himself to a few more pieces; after all, a little enhancement in that area could only be a good thing.

As their joyful conversation unfolded, they eventually touched upon the primary agenda.

"As for the Blood Source, I don't have any at the moment. But I will in a while. How much do you need? I'll personally deliver it to you when the time comes," Ethan said, referring to the agreement they had established at the outset.

However, Oriel's expression turned strange at this, and he asked Ethan, "Ethan, have you heard the news about the Azure Empire manufacturing and openly selling the Blood Source?"

"The Azure Empire has created the Blood Source?" Ethan was caught off guard, finding the news somewhat unbelievable.

The Oksd heart in Lana Mokos's possession was a secondary heart, lacking the potent capabilities of the primary heart and unable to produce Blood Source.

Yet, Oriel had no reason to lie...

At that moment, Oriel asked again, "Is the Oksd heart in your possession?"

The direct question left Ethan momentarily stunned, but after a brief contemplation, he candidly responded, "Yes, the Oksd heart is with me. Oksd has two hearts; it is the primary heart that can consume flesh and extract the essence to create the Blood Source."

"In the Red Jade Valley, what Lana Mokos took was the secondary heart."

"It was just a coincidence."

Ethan's power had grown substantial enough that even if others came to know and aimed to snatch it, they would be marching towards their own demise.

This formidable personal strength was the foundation of Ethan's confidence.

After sharing, Ethan asked Oriel in return, "Oriel, how did you come to know about this?"

With a smile, Oriel replied, "It was because the goods from the Azure Empire didn't match up. After our previous conversation, I procured a drop of Blood Source from the Devil Guild and turned it into some fertilizer. Later, when the Azure Empire announced they had produced Blood Source, I had some seized and realized something was off with those Blood Sources."

"Although the Blood Source produced by the Azure Empire works, its effect is far too weak."

"I can assert, it is a substandard product."

"And the reason I could deduce that you have the Oksd heart relates to the Devil Guild. I can only tell you once you become a member."

"No, once you join, you'll find out on your own."

Oriel once again broached the subject of joining the Devil Guild.

Yet Ethan found himself drawn to a term in Oriel's words, and queried, "Oriel, what do you mean by 'fertilizer' that you mentioned?"


"Ah, you mean that."

"It is naturally the fertilizer for the Flamefruit. Flamefruit can only thrive in environments rich in the Power of Flame. They grow extremely slowly, taking at least five years to bear fruit a single time."

"As you know, given the delectable nature of the Flamefruit, I cannot afford to wait that long."

"So, I began researching ways to hasten the fruit-bearing process of the Flamefruit, eventually discovering that by blending some powerful treasures with molten rock essence, I could create a specialized fertilizer for the Flamefruit."

"And among these, the Blood Source has the best effect."

Oriel's explanation left Ethan not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He had never imagined that Oriel would go to such lengths for the sake of Flamefruit.

However, moments later, Ethan's perspective shifted once again.

Oriel brought out a few more Flamefruits, significantly smaller than the ones previously presented, only about the size of a fist, and exhibiting subtle differences in their outer appearance.

"Try this," Oriel said.

Ethan picked one up and bit into it directly.

As he did, he abruptly stood up, his voice filled with immense surprise, "This is the power of Blood Source!"

"Exactly!" Oriel nodded approvingly. "After being transformed into fertilizer, the power enclosed within the Blood Source doesn't dissipate but is absorbed by the Flamefruit. Most importantly, the Blood Source power absorbed by the Flamefruit is mild, so mild that even an ordinary person could assimilate it. If word of this gets out, everyone would go insane."

This time, Ethan was thoroughly astonished.

He remembered the words old John in the underground command post had once impressed upon him.

"Ethan, your power is incredibly vast, allowing you to disdain all others. But remember always, even the mightiest force, if not guided by sufficient wisdom, can only morph one into a brute, a beast possessing mere strength. I don't wish to see you becoming that. Therefore, remain humble, never underestimate anyone, not even a beggar."

Now, Ethan perceived the profound truth in those words.

Although he hadn't shown it before, deep down he had felt disdain for Oriel's approach.

But now, he suddenly realized it wasn't that Oriel didn't care about possessing such power, but that he didn't need it.

Because indeed, Oriel was distinct from the majority of people Ethan had met.

If this was true for Oriel, what about the Devil Guild?

Ethan found himself growing increasingly intrigued.

At the same time, he couldn't help but genuinely praise, "This is a monumental feat. I have never considered using Blood Source in such a manner. Moreover, if Blood Source can be utilized this way, couldn't other treasures be used similarly?"

"It's a question worth exploring, but sadly, I lack the materials," Oriel lamented, a touch of despondency in his voice.

Then he once again turned to Ethan, asking, "Ethan, do you want to join the Devil Guild?"

"Can you give me a brief overview of the Devil Guild?" Ethan inquired.

Although he was leaning towards joining, he still wanted to have a preliminary understanding of the Devil Guild before making a commitment.

Oriel pondered for a moment before responding, "The Devil Guild is a gathering place for individuals with similar passions. It's not just an organization as rumored, where numerous powerful Dark Lords unite to counter the Azure Empire. That is only one aspect of it, and there is much more that I can't encapsulate in a short explanation. In short, it's an interesting organization, much like the Flamefruit."

"Alright, I'll join. What's the test?" Ethan conceded after a moment of contemplation.

According to his observation, Oriel was not deceiving him.

"Hold on a moment," Oriel instructed before closing his eyes, sitting immobile.

After a brief pause, he opened his eyes and said to Ethan, "Your situation is somewhat unique. Oberlis is on his way here and will arrive shortly."

In the next instant, Ethan grasped just how soon Oriel's 'shortly' was.

Almost the moment Oriel finished speaking, a space gate appeared before the trio, gradually expanding to form a vortex-like spatial door.

From it emerged a slender man, taking confident strides as he stepped out from the anomaly.