Chapter 469 467-Perils Within the Dream

Chapter 469 Chapter467-Perils Within the Dream

As the power of the Cursed Dreamland continued to expand, Ethan and the Shadow Elf found themselves plummeting into its depths.

However, Ethan had taken all necessary precautions beforehand, enabling him to control the Cursed Dreamland using the Shadow Clan's weapons.

Ethan first ensured the safety of himself and the Shadow Elf within the Cursed Dreamland.

Afterward, they embarked on a quest to locate Prophet Magus's dreamscape.

Inside the Cursed Dreamland, the dreams of all the inn's inhabitants appeared as colorful bubbles, one after another.

Ethan and the Shadow Elf approached Prophet Magus's dream, noticing that it had a distinct appearance compared to the dreams of the others.

While the dreams of others mostly shared a predominant color palette—some leaning towards cool hues, while others favored warm tones—Prophet Magus's dream was a chaotic medley of colors.

It oscillated between cool and warm shades, indicating a profound complexity within his psyche.

"It seems like both of us may have underestimated Prophet Magus," Ethan remarked, making an initial assessment of the situation.

The Shadow Elf did not voice any objections, as she understood the general significance of the dream's colors.

"Do you have any regrets now? If you do, we can carefully reconsider our actions. Rushing into Prophet Magus's dream might expose us to unexpected dangers. After all, a dream belonging to someone like Prophet Magus is bound to be profoundly bizarre," Ethan continued.

Shadow Elf's reminder prompted Ethan to consider a drawback of the Cursed Dreamland.

While it allowed users to enter the dreams of others successfully, it also bestowed considerable power upon the dream's host, including a series of dream monsters, imbued with potent Power of Curse.

Facing these dream monsters would pose significant risks for both Ethan and the Shadow Elf.

After all, the strength of these dream monsters depended entirely on the host's intentions.

If the dream's host desired formidable dream monsters, they could potentially reach the level of Demi-gods.

"There's no need to dwell on it any longer. We must accept some level of risk, no matter what. In this world, there's no success without taking some risks," Ethan declared. The source of this content can be linked to n0velbin•

Ethan was well aware of the dangers associated with hasty entry into another person's dreamscape.

However, the current situation left him with little room for caution.

If he continued to waste time, there might be even worse developments ahead.

Ethan hoped to regain control of the situation, as everything seemed to have slipped beyond his judgment.

Prophet Magus nodded and proceeded to descend the stairs.

He believed it prudent to begin his investigation from the lower floors, as he perceived many peculiar occurrences within the inn.

Ethan and Shadow Elf watched him go, hoping that their brief encounter with Prophet Magus within his dream would lead them closer to uncovering the truth about the events at the inn.

After Prophet Magus left, Ethan and Shadow Elf exchanged a glance.

They both had some hesitation about whether they should discreetly follow Prophet Magus.

Ethan seemed to have a realization and spoke to Shadow Elf.

"We shouldn't be too hasty. If we provoke any hostility from Prophet Magus within this dream, our situation could become even more dangerous. Let's wait in our rooms for a while; he'll be back soon. Exploring the lower floors likely won't yield any clues for him."

Shadow Elf also agreed with Ethan's suggestion.

As he pushed open the door to his room, he was momentarily stunned to find another Ethan and another Shadow Elf inside.

The shock was mutual when the four of them met unexpectedly.

Ethan realized his mistake in Prophet Magus's dream; he should have been in his room.

His presence here was illogical, and it would surely lead to a conflict with his dream counterpart.

In that split second, Ethan teleported himself to the hallway, knowing that his dream-self would immediately attack.

As expected, the dream version of Ethan launched an assault without hesitation, catching Shadow Elf off guard and sending her flying with a powerful blow.

The dream version of Shadow Elf joined forces with the dream version of Ethan, launching a coordinated attack.

Facing his dream counterpart's assault, Ethan showed no mercy.

In his eyes, he was the real deal, while the other was just a product of Prophet Magus's imagination.

How could a fabricated Ethan possibly match the strength of the genuine article?

"Since you want to fight, I'll gladly oblige! I won't lose to a fake like you!" Ethan declared, brandishing his weapon as he prepared to counterattack.

Although Shadow Elf's abilities had somewhat diminished due to the surprise attack, her combat skills were still formidable.

She recognized the urgency of the situation, well aware that if she were eliminated within the dream, escaping this dreamland might become an impossible task.

The battle between the four was intense, with each of them possessing formidable powers.

Even the dream version of Ethan wielded extraordinary strength within Prophet Magus's dream.

In Prophet Magus's perception, Ethan was a top-tier force, and that projection extended into the dream realm, endowing the dream Ethan with unparalleled prowess.