Chapter Thirty-Seven: Continuing the Inspection

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Continuing the Inspection

Wingnoodle! Yes, Fluffles Ascension has brought with it a pair of feathery wings, officially making him a quatl. Hes gotten a bit bigger, too. He was around six feet long before, but now hes pushing ten. Itll be a tighter fit for him in some of the snake tunnels now, especially with those wings, but he should still be able to get around with ease.

His MP bar also looks different in that its not there anymore. He seems a little curious about that, too, as he levitates a couple nearby rocks. I can feel the tiniest trickle of my mana being used when he does. He uses my mana to cast stuff now? Thats probably made him my most dangerous scion by far. If he has my full pool of mana to draw on, the snek could probably levitate things all day without breaking a sweat. I wouldnt want him to waste my mana like that, though.

He seems to come to the same conclusion, and I tell him to head down to the public war room to introduce himself. In the meantime, Yvonne answers Elf Guys question as best she can.

Fluffles is, as you know, the snake scion. Hes a magic user, mostly force, I think. Im no mage. He and Teemo here both tend to wander the Dungeon and tend to various tasks, though Teemo is usually blazing new trails.

She smiles at the rat scion on her shoulder, and even gives him some little pets before continuing. Teemo is the rat scion and Scout. Hes always exploring the Dungeon and creating shortcuts for the denizens and even residents. He, Fluffles, and Tiny were all involved in the raid on Neverrest. He tried to save me when the skeleton scion threw a lifedrinking sword at me. If not for the enchantment, he would have succeeded in that, too.

So youre actually undead? asks Freddie, looking confused. Ive heard rumors, but nobody actually believes them. Yvonne sighs and nods.

I am. The Dungeon was able to help me return. The Raven gave me the choice of returning, or going to my final reward, and I chose to stay.

Nobody really has any reply to that, which I find kinda interesting. I would have thought Freddie would want to grill Yvonne about what the afterlife was like, or about this Raven or something, but no. I guess the crystal shield church doesnt really deal with ferrying souls? Either way, that seems to have answered his question so thoroughly that it just leaves a bit of an awkward silence. You cant just follow up someone telling about how they died and came back with asking how their day was.

They get close to the Enclave, and Elf Guy and the kids all seem surprised to see the ratlings standing guard at the doorway.

Ratling Enclave encountered, appears advancement will be finishing shortly. He looks to Yvonne to see if she has anything to add, which she does.

Aranya said she wishes to do some ritual with them later, once she awakens. She tried to explain it to me, but Im not sure what it actually entails. I only understood that it should finish the advancement of the ratlings and make them a true Enclave. The inspector nods at that and speaks to the rock again.

Enclave will likely finish advancement tonight, much more quickly than any other enclave Im personally aware of. Likely due to guidance of Resident Aranya. Recommend delvers stay away from Enclave unless specifically invited. There are guards posted, and though they have made no advances towards us, I doubt they would be so passive if we actually wanted to enter. Looks like ratlings will be Ratkin Dwellers.

You what? Everyone else seems to think that explains everything, but I dont! Thankfully, I have a library not far from here, and a bunch of bees to deliver a message! Ill just spend a little mana and write why cant I write? I did it before! Maybe if I make it a quest? I try to focus harder on the little scrap of paper in the library, but all I feel is a weird equivalent to a headache as it feels like something else talks to me? Its just a concept in my mind, a quick bit of information, but Im pretty sure I didnt put it there.

Dungeons may only communicate via their Voice

What was that?!

And whats a Voice?The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.