Chapter Fifty: Field Trip

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter Fifty: Field Trip

Tarls dramatic exit is a bit ruined when he comes back to the manor to turn in the quest. Ive been trying to convince the aranea that socks should come in twos, but the idea of giving two items for completing one quest is utterly anathema to them. Im not too upset, though. I find it kinda adorable that they have a primitive sense of fairness.

The spider lair has spawned a few more, and while a couple have taken up places in the tunnels, it seems like the new ones are focusing more on delivering stuff from the warehouse. My ratlings still arent great at smithing, but knives and little shields have joined the potential quest rewards. Ive even seen a few rough gems get handed out.

Ive also discovered where the leather came from. Its from my ratkin. It seems like making leather is a lot simpler here than back home. Here, you basically just skin a thing and get thing leather. On Earth, tanning is a lengthy and disgusting process, so Im not exactly going to be crying about how easy leather is to get.

As for how I got it, since my ratkin dwellers are their own thing? Theyve set up a little I guess offering area? Its not far from their enclave, and they just place part of whatever they make or hunt or gather there. And my aranea pick up whatever they like, though I think like is a bit strong. I watched what they decided to take, and what they decided to leave in exchange, and it seems almost more like osmosis than any actual barter system. High-concentration gets taken to a low-concentration area until theyre roughly equal.

Which works for me. I think the ratkin will figure out how it works eventually, and probably try to tailor their offerings to what it looks like my warehouse needs. I even had Teemo tell them its not required, but it is appreciated.

Ive also realized something else: I havent looked at my traps in a while. Like a while. I think the last time I even thought about traps, I didnt even take up the entire house. I have a lot more options in there now.

Theres the expected pit traps, spike traps, rockfalls, even quicksand. None of which are really interesting to me. Theres also things that are more mechanical than I used to have access to; things like poison gas, darts, blades, trapdoors, and the like. Then theres, of course, the magical traps that Thing has been working on. He finally got a breakthrough with the spatial magics from examining the bag of holding, so hes been experimenting a lot to see what he can come up with.

Ive asked him and Queen both to try to figure out something for sleep traps, alchemical or magical would be fine, or even both. I think it could be an interesting thing to keep delvers on their toes with. Instant death things are boring, but that doesnt mean other dungeons wont try to spring them, so I need something to emulate that. I think sleep will do well for it.

Ive also been getting an idea with looking at the various traps. I wonder if I could do a ninja warrior thing, or emulate one of those embarrassing gauntlet shows that always have annoying voiceovers on tv. Could be another good non-combat thing for people to do. I tell Coda the basic plan for something like that, and point out what I think will be a good area to dig to set something like that up. Itll take a while, but Coda and the ratlings are both getting a lot better at digging.

They need a new digging goal, now that theyve broken through to the mausoleum. The undead flood out at first, fungal zombies and green skeletons sweeping through the crypt complex, but the place is big enough that they soon thin out enough to not be a deathtrap. A few aranea even set up in the tunnels and the graveyard to hand out quests to go beat them up, too.

As I sketch plans in the secret library, I feel familiar feet, and unfamiliar feet at the graveyard gate. I see Rhonda with Lucas riding her hat, and for a moment, I think Larx is with her. Only for a moment, though. While Larx almost seems to be playing at being old, this guy is definitely old. His robes are thick, with pockets everywhere, and he leans heavily on his staff. Something about the way he moves, though, makes me think of a certain king earthbender. I hope hes not here to start anything. Hes with Rhonda, though, so its probably fine.

His eyes look over the cemetery, just taking everything in as he speaks up. So, this is whats become of Neverrest?

Rhonda thinks for a moment, then gives a slow nod. Shes been learning to not move her head around too quickly. Lucas doesnt like having to suddenly hang on for dear life. Kinda, Master. Fourdock Dungeon subsumed it, and is in charge now. The church has even been bringing bodies to be buried properly! I get the feeling Freddies happiness at them getting proper interment has rubbed off a bit on his friend.

Whatd they say the name of her master was? Old something? I know she and Freddie have mentioned him several times, but I dont remember what his name actually is. Whatever his name, he seems satisfied with looking around the graveyard, and smirks as he spots the mausoleum with the sign on it.

Dont Open, Undead Inside. Direct and to the point. Now then, Rhonda. Where did you say this hand was?N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

She points towards the mausoleum that leads to the complex. That leads to a lot of tunnels, and hes in there somewhere. Or at least his workshop is. Thats also where the nasty traps are.

Teemo leads them to the enchanting lab, and Thing is there, patiently waiting. Old Staivens eyes immediately settle on the disembodied hand, before he lets them wander the room.

Thats quite the impressive enchanting lab. Especially that lens array. He looks ready to get lost in exploring the shop of a fellow magic user when Rhonda gently tugs on his robe to get him focused.

Ah, yes. Business before pleasure. My young apprentice here noticed an odd reagent the last time she was here. A yellow liquid. Yellow liquid? I peer through the various cupboards as Thing taps a finger in thought. Im seeing a lot of yellow liquids, and while I technically know what they all are, I have no idea what they all do, no more than Id know what a shelf of chemicals in a more traditional lab would do, despite being able to read the labels.

Thing waves himself to try to get him to give more details, and Teemo speaks up. What kind of yellow liquid? Theres a lot in here.

The enchanter holds out his hand and Rhonda places her notebook into it. Let me see ah, yes. Judging by the other reagents, it has properties pertaining to movement? he says, looking to Thing and Teemo to see if they can confirm. Thing thinks for a few more seconds before snapping, seeming to know what it is. He hops off the counter to get it. Oh, youve been keeping some bottled lightning in here? I probably should have figured itd be something that could be useful in enchanting, instead of just something to give my stuff lightning affinity.

Thing levitates it to the table, before hopping up himself, and he immediately has the Ratkins full attention. What is that? he says like a kid whos seen a candybar for the first time. As my Voice, its on Teemo to respond.

The Boss calls it Bottled Lightning.

How do you make it? comes the immediate response. Ive never seen anything quite like it before.

Queen, the ant scion and alchemist, makes it.

Can I meet her?

Teemo grimaces and shakes his head. No. Her domain is the secret alchemy lab.

Staiven still stares at the small bottle. Id almost pledge myself as a Resident just to get to talk to her but that wouldnt be reasonable, he says as he tears his eyes from the vial with visible effort. Hmm.

Hey Thing, Queen. Do you two think itd be a bad idea to let him have a small sample? I dont think it will work the same on delvers as it does on us, but you two are the experts. Unfortunately, neither of them seem to have any actual advice to give. Well, Im pretty sure its something that can only be made in a dungeon, possibly even only made by a dungeon, via scions and such. It wasnt exactly a complicated recipe or used anything especially rare to make. Pretty sure I made the first bit in a literal hole in the dirt with a couple ants just chewing and spitting.

Alright Thing. Prepare a little sample vial for him. I really do want to thank him for clearing out those magical traps. Teemo speaks up as Thing gets working on what I asked.

Thedeim says you can have a small sample, as a thanks for clearing the traps. Hes not sure what itll do to you guys, but you look like you know what youre doing.


A small purple light forms atop a mat of mycelia. Something primal tells the fungus to protect the tiny shard. Soon, wide-capped mushrooms block it from sight, and spores get produced in more quantity. Usually, the fungus would be happy to let spores travel, or even get lucky and kill a small insect well away from the main biomass but now its different. Working that slowly could endanger the purple source of light. It cant have that.