Chapter Sixty: The Gauntlet

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter Sixty: The Gauntlet

Rather than looks of terror or concern, or even excitement, the trio wears looks of confusion as they get their first look at the gauntlet. Maybe they were expecting swinging blades and gouts of flame? What theyre getting is a lot of platforms, ropes, netting, and other things that look like a random jumble with even less of an obvious way forward than if I went with the blades and fire option.

If you all want to escape, you all need to get through the gauntlet, says Teemo simply, which seems to get the jerks to focus. They still look pretty confused, which is fine. Im not going to tell them how to do any of the obstacles.

Vnarl smirks as he starts to understand the first obstacle. Just a couple little steps for the first challenge? I hope your dungeon isnt feeling too proud of itself for this one!

The first obstacle is a twist on the classic stepping stones. I have them set at different levels, so itll be very difficult to go quickly through, but I also have them set up so they can pivot and rock. To get past them, theyll have to minimize their forward momentum. Otherwise, as Vnarl demonstrates, the platform will tilt, and that momentum will send you into the drink with a surprised look on your face. It also gives me a nice bit of mana.

Hark laughs at his leader, and Mlynda sits on the edge, smirking at him as he tries to figure out what happened. When are you going to stop underestimating this place? she asks, still blaming him for their predicament. Not saying its wrong to blame him, just saying she still is.Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

He grumbles and curses as he climbs the ladder back to the cell area. Yeah? Lets see you two do better! With a shrug, Hark steps up.

You gotta learn to be lighter on your feet, Vnarl, he says before jumping. While he sets himself to land with minimal momentum going forward, his foot lands well off-center of the small platform. It swivels away, giving him no purchase, and now Vnarl is the one laughing. Im pretty happy, too, with more mana in the bank.

I thought you were light on your feet, Hark! guffaws the troll, and Mlynda titters as well at his misfortune. Hark doesnt look too upset at failing, and even swims forward a bit to try to get an idea of what the next obstacles will entail. He cant get a good angle from the water to really see, though.

He climbs back onto the home platform and gestures for the halfling to try her luck. Well, your turn to show us how its done, heh.

Teemo chuckles. That should be fine, as long as its edible. Do you guys need anything in return? Thedeim doesnt want to just impose on you for this.

Larx considers that for a few moments. Could you ask him to send a few more thorough expeditions down our main hunting tunnel? The caverns down there are very interesting and great for hunting, but theyre nowhere near fully mapped yet. Some of the hunters say the air has been feeling different down at the outskirts of our hunting range, too. I dont think itll be anything too concerning, but perhaps he could check and put our minds at ease?

That sounds good. Leo needs to get some experience organizing expeditions anyway. Itll be a good way for him to get used to it before he has to try to send his wolves out on the surface.

Then we have an accord, says Larx, holding out a finger, which Teemo shakes.


Fungus and centipede work in conjunction to safeguard their little purple source of light. Neither would usually care about light, nor would they always work so closely towards a goal, but things have changed since the tiny fragment coalesced.

Ever since they started working together, others have been trying to reach the little piece of purple. Roaches were the first, but have made little headway. Spores and mandibles make quick work of them, and their small mutual master wants more to feed upon.

The second outsider is much more difficult, but makes a worthy tribute for their master. Fur, teeth, and grasping claws, the beast felled a full dozen centipedes before finally succumbing. The guiding force fed well and made two dozen centipedes to prepare for the next beast.

The presence of their master slowly spreads through the cavern, unaware of its purpose. It just knows it must grow.