Chapter Sixty-Three: The New Dungeon

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter Sixty-Three: The New Dungeon

The public gauntlet is getting close to being finished. Ive made it a lot simpler and easier than the one attached to the jail. Once the trio finally frees themselves, Ill probably open that one up to everyone, too. The mana gains are decent, but with the investment I put in, I dont think its especially dangerous for other dungeons to try similar.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

It might even encourage other dungeons to capture instead of kill delvers, who knows? The trio has also managed to get past the wave log, too. The troll tripped and managed to cling to the log and did a few spins before it stalled out on him. So now they know to just grab on from the start.

Its funny seeing them look so unstable when they get off. Nobody has fallen into the water because of it, though. They all just take a seat to let the world stop spinning, and try to figure out the next obstacle: my own take on the salmon ladder.

If I had just left the stick free, theyd just take it and probably try something stupid. So instead of a little ladder of pegs they have to try to climb, I have it set in a track with the most basic of ratcheting systems. Its basically a bunch of hinges. Theyll let the stick move up past them, but when gravity puts its foot down, the hinge blocks it from falling further.

And the trio has no idea what to do about it. Im pretty sure Vnarl and Hark could do pull-ups with enough vigor to climb, but I dont know about Mlynda. None of them have actually figured out how it works yet. Its not exactly an intuitive thing to try if you havent seen the show. So far, theyve just been jumping to it, climbing on top of the bar, and looking around confused.

If they dont figure it out in a day or two, Ill probably have Teemo tell them what to do.

The expeditions in the tunnels are getting closer to whatever the weirdness is. Theyve been taking it carefully, making sure the weirdness isnt just from them going deeper into the tunnels. The regular wolves seem to be a lot better at getting info than the lesser ones, so Ive been having the lessers come join in my encounters.

Freddie and Rhonda have been enjoying them a lot, and the kids are actually starting to go and encounter my undead, too. Theyve even gone a couple rounds with Rocky, though they havent won yet. Ive been keeping him from practicing his magic on them too much, just going with his basic fire and ice punches. Once he gets better at it, Im going to explain to him thermal shock. He might even be figuring that out on his own. He likes to alternate hot and cold punches, though that might just be because he alternates his hands to actually throw them.




Giants stalk in the unknown. Mushroom and centipede have valiantly fought off the soft invaders of teeth and claw, but outside has much more terrifying things in store. The perceptions of the purple shard have encompassed the cavern, but there is a void in one of the sides. And outside that void lurk giants.

Centipedes have tried to brave the outside, but it is disorienting and confusing beyond the safety of the influence of the shard. Sounds can be heard, rumbles can be felt, shadows can be seen the beasts of teeth and claw are among the least of the threats from outside.


Telar works at her desk, industriously transcribing Tarls reports to go into the official record, and preparing to transcribe from the official record regarding both Hullbreak Harbor and the Southwood. Thedeim expressed interest in information on them, and while shed prefer to keep Hullbreaks details quiet, they might be able to barter at least some information to at least get a look at Thedeims core.

Most dungeons have at least some trick to keep their cores safe. The most obvious is a dedicated scion to attack any that get too close, while the second is to simply hide it. Most do both, like with Neverrest. Sure, its true core was close to the false one, but an effort was at least made to keep it hidden.

Wheres Elf Guy? asks a voice from nowhere, and Telar only just manages to not upend her inkwell over the papers in her surprise. She looks around the small room that is the public face of the Dungeoneers Guild, but cant find the source of the voice. A whistle calls her attention to the top of a shelf of pamphlets, and she sees a rat?

Yep, its me. Im Teemo, the Voice of Thedeim. Telar stares for a few moments, her mind racing to try to remember the protocols for talking to a dungeons Voice. Teemo, however, doesnt let her get her legs underneath her, and repeats his question.

Wheres Elf Guy? You know, the Inspector? Tarl?

Er hes off to the Southwood to give it the information it requested, tries the elf, wishing she had gotten more training in how to actually talk to a dungeon and its Voice. Shes supposed to be directly dealing with people, not dungeons! At least she doesnt seem to have offended it yet.

Teemo nods. Right right, didnt think hed be off so quickly. Youre part of the ODA, right?

ODA? she asks, confused.

The Office of Dungeon Affairs. Thats what he calls you guys. He knows youre the Dungeoneers Guild, but that still doesnt stop him from calling you that.

That raises so many questions, Telar doesnt even know where to start. She latches onto the one thing he said that makes any actual sense. Yes, Im part of the Dungeoneers Guild. I and the guildmistress for this particular branch. How can the Dungeoneers Guild assist you, Voice Teemo of Thedeim? Oh sure, now her training kicks in.

Well, the Boss found a dungeon in the deep tunnels. A baby one, apparently. He wants to know what to do about it.

He found another dungeon?!