Chapter Seventy-Five

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter Seventy-Five

The caverns are coming along nicely. Itll probably be a week or more before theyre truly ready for delvers, but theyre not barren anymore. The access tunnel is going well, Slash is being a great help, too! I cant help but hum sixteen tons to myself as they work and they seem to be working to the beat. Im pretty sure hes trying to sing along or something, its difficult to tell. His rumblings are changing in pitch, so I think hes at least trying.

It makes me wonder what I can do to make progress on my plan to basically make him a bard. I need to figure out how to make an electric guitar for him, and how to combine that with an axe. The puns run deep with him, even if nobody here will understand them. I also need to get him a top hat, but the axe is the more important thing.

Im pretty sure I can at least get the basics for an electric guitar, though I might need to give Slash some go juice to give him electrical affinity. Heh, thatll be a good surprise for anyone who fights him. Who expects an earth elemental to sling lightning? I look into the stores of go juice, and it seems Slash will need a way bigger dose than the more ordinary denizens do, but thats fine.

Ill probably need to ask Teemo to talk to the ratkin about actually forging the axe for him. I dont think my ratlings can manage the kind of quality I want for it. Grims scythe is fine to be a bit rough. Slashs axe needs some style to it and needs some specific detail work done to make the guitar part work properly.

For one, I need to actually make the guitar stuff. The basics are simple: strings with adjustable tension to change the pitch. The first thing is that guitar strings are not simple wires. Theyre really long springs, basically. I think my ratlings can manage that. Its fine work, but once they draw out wire thin enough, they just need to wrap it around a stiff separate piece of wire, so I dont think Ill need to bother my dwellers with it.

I wonder if silk would vibrate right? Eh, Ill put it on the list to test. I dont think itll do the job, but it should be simple enough to test. Which makes me glad Honeys library expansion/lab is up and running. Its still not officially a research lab, but there doesnt seem to be anything actually stopping us from using it as one.

Strings planned, now I need the pickups. A normal guitar uses the hollow body as an amplifier, basically, to make the small vibrations of the strings actually loud enough to hear at any distance. An electric guitar uses pickups to change the vibrations into an electrical signal. I might be able to just get Thing to enchant something, but I also want to try something there.

Im pretty sure actual electric guitars use magnets to get the electrical signal, but I want to try using quartz instead. Im pretty sure its piezoelectric, which means pressure will get it to squirt out a bit of electricity. Its not a lot of electricity, but its the principle that sonar works on, and I think quartz watches actually use it for power? Maybe?

Either way, sound waves are pressure waves, so it should make electricity. My hope is to use some magic to grab the electricity, amplify it, and transmute it back into sound. So yeah probably going to take a lot of work to actually make viable. Maybe I can get the aranea to trade something for some instrument, just so Slash has something to practice on until his actual axe is ready.

Indeed. Whats more, he has remade the cemetery to allow its intended use. Heh, hes even assigned a scion to care for it: the skeleton scion, Grim. Despite having inherited several undead spawners and having created scions for each, his outlook appears unchanged.

Tarl starts to continue, but the Stag tilts his head, clearly listening to Southwood itself. The elf waits patiently, knowing how displeased the Voice can get if his lord is interrupted in communicating with him.

This Thedeim truly subsumed Neverrest while so young? The same Neverrest that has consumed other young dungeons? asks the Stag once more, and Tarl nods.

Yes. He planned with the local Adventurers Guild to help. He feinted with his denizens in the tunnels below Fourdock, while sending three of his scions along with what adventurers were available on the surface. One of which is now his second Resident.

The Stag listens to its lord again, before speaking. My Lord would entreat with this Thedeim. Something is stirring in the Green Sea. If this Thedeim can defeat the likes of Neverrest, perhaps he can defeat whatever is out there. My Lord has been forced to upgrade his spawners to deal with the influx of invaders from the north, and is uncertain how much longer he can manage. His mana gains are up, but so are his expenditures.

Bring his Voice, so we may speak.

Tarl just stares for a few seconds, before his brain kicks back into gear. I will try, but winter is not far off. I dont think hell be able to send anything until the spring at the earliest, if hes even willing to help at all.

The Stag looks unconcerned. My Lord should be able to hold out that long, at the least. The orcish nomads slow their wandering in the winter months, and so tend to delve more often. But that is later. For now, tell me more of what you can of this Thedeim. If my Lord is to ally with him, I would hear his measure.

Tarl chuckles and nods. I can do that. Hes told me not to reveal too much of his current strengths, but even if I were to tell you everything I currently know about him, hell have many new tricks to spring, besides even the ones hes kept secret.