Chapter Eighty-Three

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter Eighty-Three

Hey Telar, says Teemo, deliberately waiting for her to start to take a sip of her tea before he speaks up. She jerks to a more attentive position and looks around, but doesnt bless him with the spit-take he so desperately wanted.

Voice Teemo! she says as she stands and gives a small bow, which makes her miss him rolling his eyes at her formality. What can the Dungeoneers Guild do for you? Im still working on that information packet you asked about. I just need Inspector Tarl to check it over, she says, still uncomfortable talking with me.

I dont get the feeling shes scared of me, at least. It feels more like shes scared of her boss, or scared to mess up the account of some bigwig client. I can spot the extra books on her desk that look to be about etiquette with dungeons. While Im playing Sherlock with her and her desk, though, Teemo sticks to the business of why I asked him to talk to her.

Do you know anything about scythemaws? Or tunnel horrors? he adds, liking my name for them a lot more than the colloquial term for them.

Telars eyes widen a bit. Tunnel Horrors? Im sorry, I dont, but they dont sound pleasant. Has something happened?

Eh more that something is going to happen. The Boss has been exploring outside his new expansion, and around Violet, and has been seeing a lot of signs of scythemaw activity, but no scythemaws. As far as we can tell, the various caves between the aquifer and underswamps are their breeding grounds. The markings and such are pretty old, too, so were expecting them to want to use those grounds fairly soon.

Instead of answering, Telar starts digging through scrolls and books, mumbling to herself. She opens up one of the books about talking to dungeons and seems to be referring to it as she scribbles something illegible, and then shes off to look at a map one of the ratkin sold her, looks like.This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

Its quickly apparent that, though shes taking the question seriously, shes also taking her duty to her guild seriously. Notes are written, scratched out, rewritten, references pulled out, put away, pulled out again

Now I understand why you try to stay away from bureaucracy, Boss mutters Teemo before turning to leave. Yeah, I dont think were getting any answers from her today. Maybe go check and see if Yvonne is having any luck with her guild?

Teemos not about to turn down a chance to go hang out with Yvonne and come to think of it, I havent visited the Delvers Guild yet. The birds on expedition dont count. It doesnt take Teemo long to get to the guild and slip inside. Right now, it looks a lot like a tavern, and is fairly busy. Looks like a lot of various parties are either winding down after some quest, or winding up to go do one.

Oh hey, I even see the trio over there. I resist asking Teemo to go see what theyre up to, as were here on business, not simply exploring. He heads up the nearby stairs to what seems to be rooms for sleeping, so he heads for the stairs to go further up. Hes stopped by a boot landing right in front of him, quickly followed by a second boot and a voice connected to the person in the boots.

At first, I think hes a tall goblin, but the features just dont add up. Goblins almost have little fangs that dont pass their lips, but orcs have definite tusks, for starters. He smiles at Teemo.

Ah, You must be Teemo! At least I hope you are. I dont usually let rats stay long, heh.

Uh yeah, Im Teemo. Is Yvonne up the stairs?

I think she could get Honey to help. I think I can keep her from obsessing over the library here if I keep reminding her about our library, not to mention her research lab. The ratlings should be able to make a card catalog, too, so people can actually quickly access what they need.

The Boss thinks you can get Honey to help at night, when her other duties wont demand her attention. Itll still take time, but not nearly as much.

Yvonne smiles at that idea. Thatd be nice. Once its organized, I might even act as the librarian here at night; reshelving books, putting new ones in their proper place, and making notes about the gaps in the knowledge kept here.

Cool. Ill help you find the thing on scythemaws today, and well see about making this an actual library maybe tomorrow. With that, the two get to work, and I turn my attention to trying to prepare for the scythemaw problem.

Probably most pressing is making sure my spiderkin are going to be alright. Aranya is working with them to ensure they have most of their residences built more towards the ceiling than the ground. I think Folarn was more inclined to fight any scythemaws that try to start trouble, but after Aranya told them about how much of a fight just one gave Tiny, they seem to accept that discretion can be the better part of valor at times.

Im glad, because Im still not sure what to actually do about the impending scythemaw invasion. On the one hand, sure, theyre big and dangerous. They even count as delvers, so Id get boatloads of mana from killing them.

But I dont really want to kill them. Killing one thats chasing someone: sure, self defense right there. Killing a bunch of them who are just looking to make babies: not so much. Besides, I dont know what they might be keeping at bay. Big predators tend to be a good way to keep other things away. The scythemaws are scary, but seem to mostly keep to themselves.

I dont want to go and destroy the ecology in the caves just because Im scared of an overgrown alligator/insect thing. People may have killed wolves for the threat they pose, but people also domesticated the things also for the threat they pose.

Which is another opportunity, too. Im pretty sure actual alligators like to lay their eggs on the shore and then just wait for the babies to come back to them. We might be able to steal a clutch or two to try to raise. Thats a lot of mights and maybes, though. For all I know, they give live birth by the babies eating their way out of their mom! Hopefully not, because ew, but Im pretty sure at least one insect does that, and the scythemaws have those big bug mandibles. I dunno, still not a biologist.

No, Im an engineer! So how do I build a solution to this? I dont think its going to be as simple as a salmon slide thing that lets them get around dams so they can spawn, not that that is a simple thing in the first place! Even if I do dig out a bypass for them, I think they actually need dry land to do their thing. There will probably be fighting for mates, fighting for good spots to make a nest, fighting for everything, really. Somehow, I doubt their courtship involves just peacefully making the best wall-marking to attract a mate.

Still, might as well get that project at least started. Im hopeful Yvonne will be able to say we have plenty of time to make the bypass, but I seriously doubt well be that lucky. And I do mean we. For me and everyone in my dungeon, itll be simple enough to just get out of the way and clean up the mess after, like dealing with gigantic army ants.

But Violet is going to be in some serious trouble. Shes been working on getting her centipedes to dig out a proper core room for her in the ceiling, instead of the little space Teemo made for her. She seems to find the place weird to be in, which I dont blame her for. Everyone else just goes through them in a couple minutes at most, but she was planted in one for a while. She's technically out of the inflated space now, but it will take her more work to get a proper sanctum made.

But all her spawners and nodes are on the floor. And she seems to be just off the main path of the migration/breeding ground. Thankfully, shes not panicking, which is great. She seems to be taking it as the proof of the wisdom of getting her core up off the ground and hidden. She seems confident Ill be able to keep her safe.

So that makes one of us.