Chapter Ninety-Six

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter Ninety-Six

Aranya, Yvonne, Ragnar, Aelara, and even Teemo are all for luring a scythemaw into Violet (who is also onboard, tentatively), but as they all sit down to plan, they realize something: how will they actually lure the scythe maw in?

They dinna seem ta be hungry, points out Ragnar as the group carefully peers out of Violets doors. A couple various wild critters scurry by occasionally, and the maws dont seem to care about chasing them down to eat.

We could try having the Boss send a spider? They seemed to like to go after those, suggests Teemo, but Yvonne shakes her head.

Theyre a little too interested in the spiders. If they notice it on the ceiling, we could draw in more than one. And Thedeim seems reluctant to make shortcuts to allow them to get here unseen, she points out.

What if we try throwing rocks or something at one? suggests Aranya, and the others weigh that option, with Aelara voicing her opinion first.

Itd be risky, but would be easiest to pick exactly which one we want.

Yvonne nods at that. If they behave like other territorial nesters Ive seen, the weaker ones will be more aggressive in guarding their territory than a stronger one, which should make it easier to draw it off. If we bide our time, we can even try to instigate something, too. Wait for a stronger one to eye its territory, draw it towards us, and if the stronger one moves in, the weaker will have little other option than to try to come get us. We even have a clear territory here in Violet that it might want to claim.

Violet doesnt seem happy with that, but Teemo does his best to ease her concerns. We wont let it actually claim you for its nest, Violet. Were just planning around how it thinks. All the maw would see is an unclaimed area, and then we spring the trap.

Are you guys going to be able to handle even a shrimpy scythemaw, though? The one Tiny fought was pretty gnarly, and Ive spotted a few that look even meaner.

Teemo relays my concerns, and they all nod.

Were certainly not strong enough to just go charging out there to fight all comers, says Aelara, But thats what the plan is for. Well lure in a smaller, weaker one, and deal with it once the doors are closed. If something goes wrong, well take an emergency shortcut back to Thedeims territory. You can do that, right Teemo?

My Voice reluctantly nods. Itll be a drain, but I think so. Itll be even more of a drain to properly collapse it afterward but yeah, I think I can.

Sounds like we have a plan! says Ragnar with a wide grin. Well draw the beastie here, Ill keep its focus, and you lot put it down bfore it turns me intae dwarf jelly. They all nod at the simple plan, and Teemo relays it to Violet. She still seems a bit nervous about it, but she gives her permission. She even points out to Teemo a patch of puffballs to try to draw the scythemaw through. Shes not sure if itll actually do much, but shed like to contribute more than just the doors.

The plan set, the group returns to their careful scouting and observing of the scythemaws, looking for a good opportunity to try their plan. I nervously watch for a few minutes, but its quickly obvious itll take a while. Yvonnes party is experienced enough to be patient and wait for the proper time, and Aranya is smart enough to follow their lead. I should probably stop worrying about them, but its not that simple.

Well, were some of the top in the guild as far as raw power goes. Thats probably one of the reasons he recruited us.

Yeah, but a lot of the others are gaining fast. Thedeim is a great place to train, grunts Vnarl, looking forward to turning in this particular quest so the three can get back to some more typical delving. The gauntlet was an interesting challenge and test, but the troll knows where his particular talents lay.

It really is. Did you know there haven't been any deaths in here yet? says Hark, and the other two look at him like hes lost his mind.

Of course there have been deaths, Hark. You saw what that raven scion did to us! points out the halfling as she joins the guys in sorting and gathering the loot.

Yeah, I did. But we also survived, right? Im telling you, Ive been checking. Theres been some good scares and some close calls, but nobody has died in here, he insists. Vnarl still doesnt look convinced.

Even if thats true, which I doubt, itll only be a matter of time. Even the most peaceful toyboxes have had people die on accident.

What if its a death or life affinity dungeon? insists Hark, and its Mlyndas turn to give him a look.

What makes you even think that?

Well, Yvonne is alive or not. You know what I mean. He saved her, what if hes saved others? What if the close calls were closer than people think?

I think youre crazy, Hark. Death and life affinity dungeons are pretty obvious in their affinities. Besides, other people would have that same condition if it was doing the same to them as it did to her. I think its earth affinity.

Whys that? asks Vnarl as he examines a pair of boots.

It hasnt been content to just expand into natural caves and tunnels. It manipulates the stone to make what it wants.

I think its water. The only reason it hasnt gone to the sea yet is it doesnt quite know its there. The two look to Hark to see if hes changed his mind on what aspect I am.

Youre sure its not death? he asks, and Mlynda nods. ...then I think its life. Thats why Yvonne is a weird kind of undead, and why nobody has died in here.

The other two shrug, and Vnarl speaks up. Whatever affinity it has, we should finish looting and get back to the guild. Were still on the bottom rung until we turn this quest back in to him.