Chapter One-Hundred Eighty-Three

Name:Dungeon Life Author:
Chapter One-Hundred Eighty-Three

Rezlar Larrez

The discussion about deities occupies Rezlars thoughts as he returns home, and makes him wonder if he should try to attend some services regularly. Hell need to talk to Larx or maybe even Lady Aranya, to see if theyre willing to talk more, too. He may even try to attend to both faiths, at least to a degree. He doubts hell ever devote himself to anything wholly enough to change how he works his magic, but both the Shield and Thedeim arent quite so intimidating to him anymore.

That will have to come later. He has the rest of the afternoon free, and he would very much like to see if Freddie and Rhonda might like to go delve Hullbreak. The very idea makes him chuckle. If someone suggested that just a few months ago, hed think theyre mad! But now its no more abnormal than any other friendly activity.

When he puts away White Waves, he wonders if he might be able to disguise the horse in some way, too, but has to regretfully abandon that idea. It would just stretch believability, and theres no simple disguise that would hide the health and breeding of the horse. No, hell have to settle for the brief forays, rather than joining Rezlar and his friends on adventurers.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

Besides, an ocean is no place for a horse, even if the horse is named for it. It doesnt take long for Rezlar to get changed, and soon Larrez is walking down the street to go meet his friends. He heads to the church first, and is relieved to hear Freddie is simply reading in his room. He always feels a bit bad to interrupt the young paladins training.

Freddie has his door open in an effort to get some of the warmth of the various hearths into his room, as he doesnt have a personal fireplace. Larrez knocks on the frame as he looks in, and sees Freddie relaxing on his bed, with Fiona fussing over his shield.

Hello Freddie, Fiona. I hope Im not interrupting?

Freddie smiles and marks his place as he shakes his head. Nah. Im just reading some old accounts from the archives. I think the priests like to pretend like theyre boring history, but they read like fantastical stories. He smirks over at Fiona as she chitters to herself, refreshing the web on his shield. Fionas trying a new design, but its not coming out quite how she wants. Itll be fine, Fiona. Its not like I actually have any heraldry in the first place!

The large spider gives him a scandalized chitter as she keeps working, and Freddie laughs as he turns his attention back to Larrez. She says thats all the more reason to keep looking for the right one, so itll be ready when I do get heraldry.

Do you get to design your own? asks Larrez, honestly uncertain how that kind of thing works. He knows all about displaying and the meaning behind heraldry, but he doesnt know about making your own.

Freddie just shrugs. Most paladins either take the symbols of the church, or just use their shield as their heraldry. I was actually reading about Vory of the Torn Banner, and his heraldry. He and his fellows would often suffer hardly a scratch in battles, but his banner would always get ruined in some way. A lance would tear a gash in it, arrows would perforate it, stray spells would singe or even melt some of it, and so on. So, before one battle, he took his sword and rent his banner from the center to the bottom. Some say it was out of frustration, some say it was a bit of humor to lighten the mood before the fight. Whatever the reason, no other damage happened to it in that fight. He used that same banner for the rest of his career.

Huh. Larrez looks over at the book, wondering if he can get a copy for himself later. It sounds like an interesting tale. But he didnt come here to get distracted by stories. Do you have the free time to go delve? Rhonda still needs to get the bubble moss? From Hullbreak?

Bubbleweed, I think? tries Freddie. Whatever it is, itll be on her to get the right stuff. And yeah, I should have plenty of time to delve today. Give me a few minutes to get ready, and Ill be right out.

Alright. Do you think I could talk the archivist into letting me borrow some of the histories of the paladins?

Freddie shrugs. Maybe? I dont think theyll want to let the originals out, but theres probably some copies laying around done by the scribe acolytes. They have to practice their writing somehow, right?

Larrez elbows Freddie to get him into gear, and the orc shakes his head to clear it and focus. When wet?

Rhonda nods and waits for everyone to get outside and walking before she explains. The aqua affinity potions are so great because you can basically take anything with you and itll be fine in the water. The water breathing potions that Thedeim designed only let you breathe. They dont protect from all the water. With winter here now, its especially important to get proper potions to delve Hullbreak, rather than what well be using.

Then why are we using them? asks Larrez. Breathing might be fine, but that water is going to be cold.

Rhonda grins and pulls out an odd blueish-green potion. Thats what the equilibrium potion is for! I designed it with what I know about fire and ice affinities. Basically, it should keep you at a normal temperature, no matter the environment! She pauses for a moment before continuing. Well, I dont think itd work against something like lava, or even boiling water, but it should make ordinarily-dangerous temperatures feel almost pleasant!

Freddie looks impressed. That must have been difficult.

It wasn ok, yeah, it was pretty hard, actually. The first batch was too insulating, like wearing a thick blanket next to a roaring fire. Then I made it too conductive, and even next to a fire felt like I was soaked to the bone and standing in the wind. Ive made a few more batches since then, and this should be just right! Well have to drink a water breathing potion and an equilibrium potion, and then basically just dive in. Make sure you dont have anything you cant get wet.

Larrez takes a few moments to go over his gear in his head. I should be alright. With my affinity, I need to take some water into consideration anyway. Ill probably need to oil everything properly once were done, but that should be it. How about you, Freddie?

Freddie looks much less certain about his gear. I dont know if my armor can stand up to being in water for that long. Even if it can, I dont think I can swim in it anyway.

Lets head by the church, then, and see if they have something leather or even cloth for you to wear, suggests Rhonda, and Freddie nods.

Probably a good idea, yeah. I might grab a short spear or something, too. I dont know how well my axe will work under the water.

Larrez speaks up almost immediately. Swings underwater are difficult. Thrusts are the best.

Then I think well be doubly-reliant on you in the water, Larrez, says Rhonda with a smile. For your affinity and your rapier. Youll probably be the best suited to any actual fighting we might need to do. If Hullbreak is learning from Thedeim, well probably have to overcome at least a few encounters to gather some bubblekelp, especially for the amount I want to get.

How much do you want to get? asks Freddie, looking mildly concerned.

As much as we can carry!

Everyone laughs at the obvious answer, and Freddie speaks up as the church comes into view.

Then Ill also ask if they have any spare packs or maybe baskets. Something we can take under the water without too much trouble.