Chapter 325

Name:Dungeon of Niflheim Author:
325 Chapter 325: Back home (3)

As Frost planted a kiss on Maya’s lips, her arms moved upwards, hugging his neck as she went on the offensive, planning to overwhelm Frost with her kissing skills. However, she quickly realised that she was battling a master. When she started to use her tongue, Frost responded in kind making her melt in bliss. She quickly backed away, her face showing shock.

“Where the hell did you learn to kiss like that!?” Not only was Frost a handsome face it seemed he was a natural Casanova. Though Maya didn’t have much romantic experience she should be better than a noob right?

“Hmph I experienced a lot while I was away, why did you enjoy it?” Frost asked with a teasing expression as his hands skilfully caressed her back and waist. Maya needed to resist moaning from his delicate touch, completely not expecting such moves from him. Her emotions suddenly shifted as she heard his words, her hands quickly finding Frost’s and locking them down before she looked up at his face with a peculiar glint in her eyes.

“What kind of experience?” She spoke slowly and emphasised the word ‘experience’ as her grip began to tighten.

“Ugh...a....ugh” Frost’s lips started twitching as he endured Maya’s questioning glare. Cold sweat dripped down his back and forehead warning him of impending danger.

‘Fuck!’ He cursed internally, realising that he just dug his own grave at the worst possibly moment. Why did he have to brag about experience right after confirming their relationship.

Maya’s stare became more and more threatening at his silence and her grip around his hands started to become very, very painful, eliciting audible cracks.

“I’ll ask you again young master, exactly what kind of experience did you have?” An image of a ferocious wolf appeared behind her charming face oozing killing intent. Frost felt as though he was being eyed by a vicious predator, his head lodged in a pair of powerful jaws, threatening to decapitate him if he said the wrong thing. A woman’s ire was a deadly thing to experience, especially when that woman could eviscerate you in a second.

“Haaaaaaa” Frost knew he had to bite the bullet so after sighing he bravely faced Maya’s stone cold gaze and told her all about his time in the Glacial mountains.


His visit to beta camp, his first time camping out in the wild, his time in the monster lair as well as his tutelage under Sam and Lola. These experiences seemed to calm Maya down making her loosen her grip on his hands and even occasionally chuckle, happy with him being educated by such an experienced set of adventurers.

Then he spoke of the battle against the ice revenant and how he finally achieved control over his aura, the first step in entering B-rank, which caused Maya to nod her head in praise and remove the frightening image of her wolf form that loomed behind her. Giving Frost some much needed breathing room.

As he spoke about his visit and touring of Kranor and his meeting with Sam and Lola’s family, Maya even completely relaxed, showing a joyful smile. However, that quickly changed when Frost brought up Daki, even though he hadn’t gotten to their second meeting, yet Maya could instantly tell from the way he spoke that this woman was dangerous.

When he spoke of her intimate greeting, her special background and more importantly his response she revealed her fangs in a threatening manner. The Frost she knew was still too innocent to make such a bold move as provocative teasing and shameless groping. But she forcibly calmed herself down equating the situation to Daki’s powerful natural pheromones as well as Frost being exposed to Sam and Lola’s public displays of affection which in all fairness was probably a good thing considering that he grew bold enough to confess to her.

“After seeing and talking with Daki, I knew that I needed to be more aggressive in my desires. That night after being subjected to Sam, Yarrow, Lola, and Chia’s open flirting I couldn’t help but feel lonely and my mind wandered to you, your radiant smile, your enchanting figure, and charming laugh, I missed being by your side.” Frost spoke eloquently, his gaze filling with adoration as he looked down at the annoyed fenrir still in his arms.

His words tugged at Maya’s heartstrings, her cold gaze instantly warming as she nestled her head against his chest, feeling a little embarrassed. But that was short lived.

“However, it wasn’t only you in my mind, Daki was there as well. I couldn’t get her out of my head. We only met once but my interest in her was strong and genuine.” Maya shivered as he spoke, a strong sense of jealously arose within her heart.

“When I met her the next day when we met again I couldn’t help smiling and teasing her, finding her reactions adorable. I figured you must have felt similar when teasing me.” Frost cupped Maya’s chin forcing her to look at him when he said the next part. “When she appeared in her beautiful dress I couldn’t help but be moved, strongly desiring her. I embraced and aggressively flirted and in return she kissed me, and I kissed her back.” Maya’s eyes grew red, as she listened, she could feel that despite Frost confessing to her this Daki was also in his heart and that she had stolen his first kiss something that should have been hers. Frost continued to explain the entire event wanting Maya to know everything, holding no secrets in front of her.

“She made another aggressive move as revenge which ended up causing us both to be really embarrassed.” He couldn’t help but slightly chuckle as he remembered Daki’s reddened face. “I told her that that was my first kiss which she struggled to believe thinking that you would have stolen it long ago.” Maya suddenly felt a strong punch to the gut, ‘why didn’t I bravely steal his first kiss, now that woman will forever be etched in his memory.’

“She asked if I loved you.” Frost gently caressed Maya’s cheek, his heart warm and filled with affection. “And I said yes that I love you and feel lonely without you by my side. For the first time ever, I loudly proclaimed how I felt about you.” Hearing his love filled words Maya couldn’t help but feel happy, completely ignoring the fact that her new lover had to kiss another woman to realise that.

“This of course hurt Daki, knowing that I already had you deep in my heart but coming to terms with my feelings about you also allowed me to understand how I felt about her. Though she didn’t take up as much of my heart as you she was definitely there, and I wanted her by my side.” Maya gripped onto Frost’s robes tightly, her happy mood quickly souring.

“We kissed again both wanting to pursue a romantic relationship. I promised that once the monster stampede is over and that when the dungeon’s territory has been established, I’d bring her here, to be by my side.” Frost knew that his words would hurt Maya, but he didn’t want to lie to her. Daki was in his heart as was she, he told Daki about Maya before they entered a relationship, it was only fair that Maya knew about her.

The two sat in silence for a good couple minutes, Frost nervous and anxious to hear Maya’s reply whereas she was conflicted. Jealously, anger, happiness and frustration all filled her heart. Frost had unloaded a major bomb right after they confessed to one another. It was hard for her to take in, especially when he spoke so honestly and from the heart.

She didn’t expect that she’d be able to hold Frost all to herself given his potential and good looks, but she really did hope that she’d have at least some time. Yet now not only has this other woman stolen his first kiss she’s going to be living here with them in a month or so. Her jealously burned bright at the thought of this charming woman named Daki that she handed even met yet. But she was also frustrated that Frost’s meeting with her also lead to him confessing to herself.

Was she supposed to be thankful to Daki for kissing Frost and letting him know desire. Or was she supposed to be mad at him for entering a relationship with this woman when she was already in his heart, she really didn’t know what to do. Underlying all that however she was genuinely happy, though she’d have to share Frost she was still number one in his heart, and she had an entire month at least to make sure that she cemented her position.

‘Ah screw I’ll just be all of them at once!’ Maya yelled internally, coming to a decision. She glared up at Frost who was anxiously awaiting her voice. “First off I’m glad you were honest, the fact that you would openly tell me something like this and in such detail is very moving and a great foundation on which to build our relationship, so I’ll also be honest.” She then removed herself from Frost’s lap, standing while Frost remained seated on the bed. ” First, I’m really annoyed that you not only kissed another woman before me but that you also confirmed a relationship with her first, making her you’re first kisser and first girlfriend. Second it’s really frustrating that I technically need to be thankful to this Daki because due to her actions you decided to confess to me, making me unable to truly hate her, which would be so much easier. Third, what was supposed to be a really romantic confession has now been overshadowed by the fact that your dating someone else so despite me still being happy about your feelings I’m also pissed off ergo you are going to be in the doghouse for a while until my anger dissipates hmph!” Maya crossed her arms underneath her chest and showed a really irritated expression.