Yuan Lie: Yuan Xiu’s father, a Lieutenant General.

Wei Xiongchang: Wei family’s head. A Lieutenant General.

Xiang Lingyun: Xiang family’s head. Xiang Kun and Xiang Hui’s father.

He Hongjun: one of the four Marshal from the Federation.

Ning Tianya: Ning family’s head. Former Chairman.

Long Ruifeng: the President.

Long Xuyang: Long Baorou’s younger brother. The President’s youngest child.

Long Ruizhang: The President’s younger brother.

An Mhu: ex-Third Imperial Prince. Now the current Emperor.

Qiao Zhiya  was aware that he had returned to that pitch-black space. He felt the presence of his parents’ power around him, but he couldn’t open his eyes or gather his consciousness. He felt as if he were enveloped in a cloud of mist, vaguely aware of and sensing what was happening outside, but everything was too blurry to distinguish clearly.

“Baby, wake up.”

His mother’s voice sounded in his ears, as if she were beside him.

“Baby, hold on.”

“Qiaoqiao, soon …”

The familiar wood elemental magic suddenly became intense. For the first time in a long while, he heard his father’s voice in his dream. His hazy consciousness struggled to awaken, but the weight of the magic pool and the heavy sensation in his brain pressed down on him, preventing him from breaking free.

As if sensing his plight, the wood elemental magic suddenly surged towards his forehead. His eyelashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes slightly, catching a glimpse of his father’s exquisite white elven robe before warmth spread across his forehead, and darkness enveloped him once again.

In the early hours of the morning, Chu Rong noticed the person in his arms suddenly becoming feverish and restless. He was jolted awake from a light sleep. He saw that Qiao Zhiya was looking flushed, and seemed to be writhing. He became so nervous that he immediately called for Zhuang Yu to come over. Then, he sat up and held the person in his arms, releasing his spiritual power to soothe him as much as possible.

Zhuang Yu quickly arrived and conducted a simple examination, but still couldn’t find anything abnormal. She could only administer some basic fever-reducing treatment for Qiao Zhiya. Helplessly, she said, “We can only rely on Qiao to pull through on his own. Additionally, when high-level spiritual power users undergo power advancement, they may experience frequent discharge until it’s overdrawn and reabsorption of power. Although Qiao’s power is different from ours, he may still go through this process. Therefore, it’s essential for you, Chief, to ensure that he has sufficient power around him for absorption at all times. Also, considering that Qiao previously simulated a spiritual power level of SS, this time he might be upgrading to SSS. As you know, the release of SSS-level spiritual power is extremely powerful. We need to isolate Qiao as soon as possible, just like when you experienced spiritual power outbursts in the past.”

Hearing this, Chu Rong frowned deeply. He glanced down at Qiao Zhiya in his arms, who looked slightly better after applying the fever-reducing patch. Tightening his embrace, he pondered for a moment before asking, “How many days until we reach the Capital Planet?”

“The flagship has left the Empire’s territory. If we take a special channel, it will take up to three days.” Zhuang Yu answered, thinking of it, and asked, “Sir, the Empire …”

“The news on the battlefield has been blocked. We will wait until we return to Capital Planet.” Chu Rong settled Qiao Zhiya on the bed then sat next to him, still frowning deeply. “After the flagship arrives near Capital Planet, don’t land. Wait for until QIao has been stabilized before we will land.” 

Qiao Zhiya’s power was special. If the power release during his upgrade was too conspicuous, it may cause people to spy on him. For the sake of insurance, it was better to stay on the flagship, where the security was guaranteed. 

Zhuang Yu also agreed that this would be the better choice. Qiao Zhiya’s current situation was not suitable for moving, so she nodded in response. After a last, anxious glance at Chu Rong, she left without making much sound. 

After the door was closed, Chu Rong gently put Qiao Zhiya back on the bed, and touched his face, and found the temperature had dropped. After making sure he slept soundly, he stood up, walked to the side and covered himself with a soundproof protective cover. Finally, he dialed Chu Huai. 

Three days later, the Xiang family, the Wei family, and the Chu family’s flagships all reached the Capital Planet. The Xiang-Wei both went down to land first, while the Chu family’s flagship deliberately lagged behind and maintained a distance behind them. 

Chu Huai, Xiang Lingyun, Wei Xiongchang, and others who received the news early were already waiting at the port, accompanied by the media, to do a live broadcast. They were prepared to welcome the soldiers’ triumphant return and simultaneously inform the public of the victory in the war.

Previously, when the coalition forces went to the Empire and suddenly lost contact, major families had a rough idea of ​​what might have happened. However, they refrained from disclosing details of the high-level conflict to the public to avoid causing greater panic. Instead, they tacitly agreed to use reasons like “real-time updates on the battlefield situation might affect the morale of the troops” to downplay the war’s circumstances. They only directed the public’s attention towards praying for the victory of the war to divert their focus.

Among the Four Great Families, the Xiang and Wei families initially believed that this battle would be a long-lasting, protracted conflict like the one over a decade ago, or perhaps a brutal one-sided slaughter. However, they were taken by surprise when, after about a day of silence from the battlefield, unexpected news reached them from the front lines.

The Zerg Queen was actually captured alive! Chu Rong unexpectedly appeared in the flagship of the Chu family! They knew full well but had to take the initiative to intercept the conspiracy behind the suspicious medicines, but unexpectedly, Chu Rong suddenly appeared and directly thwarted it. Moreover, Chu Rong also captured Ning Tianya, Long Ruifeng, and their party! 

The Empire didn’t dare to do anything until now. It’s also known that the new Emperor was beaten and had to run away! 

The Xiang and Wei families’ mood became very mixed. There is a sense of unexpected realization that “ah, so it can be done this way” and “they really went to do things this way.” 

The situation, which had been passive since Chu Rong’s disappearance and the appearance of the Zergs, suddenly reversed. The Xiang and Wei families knew that this time it was the Chu family who won, and they won decisively. The Ning family and Long Ruifeng were completely finished, and the two other families no longer had the possibility of overpowering the Chu family.

So after the news of the victory of this live broadcast campaign started today, they consciously gave Chu Huai the first honor.

The major families had already settled their minds and were prepared to accept the outcome, but the people of the Federation were still clueless.

When they suddenly saw the official announcement from the Federal government broadcasting across the entire Starnet, their hearts skipped a beat, and they all started guessing in a pessimistic direction — now, less than ten days had passed since the coalition forces set off. Subtracting the time for the round trip, the military could have only stayed on the battlefield for at most two days, and that was the maximum!

They’re fighting the Zerg Queen! More than a decade ago, Chu Rong fought against the Zerg Queen and was almost killed! But now, the army has returned so quickly, and they’re broadcasting it live. Chu Huai’s face looked so terrible during the broadcast, and Chairman Xiang and Lieutenant General Wei both looked gloomy. This situation looks really wrong no matter how you look at it!

Could it be that the entire army was wiped out? Could it be that they were all taken down by the Zerg Queen as soon as they arrived? The President’s brother, Long Ruizhang, and his son, Long Xuyang, didn’t appear in the broadcast. Could it be that even the President has sacrificed?

No, no way… could it be that, without Marshal Chu, the war between humanity and the Zergs was doomed to fail? There’s also no news from the Empire… 

As the tension among the public reached its breaking point, the broadcast screen suddenly displayed the silhouette of three flagships. Chu Huai and the others, who had been quietly waiting, immediately looked up, and the official broadcasting equipment also quickly shifted its focus.

The frightened public, unable to discern the colors of the warships for the moment, turned pale.

At the time of the coalition army’s departure, it was a joint expedition with the flagship of the Ning, Wei, and Xiang families, along with the warships of the Chu and He families. Now, only the flagships are returning, with no sign of the warships. So, it’s indeed…

But soon, someone found something wrong.

“Wait! Although there are three flagships that returned, why is one of them black-colored? Isn’t only the Chu family’s flagship black?”

“But hasn’t Chu’s flagship been broken for more than a decade?”

“Wait, where’s the Ning family’s flagship?”

Similar sentiments echoed across different corners of the Starnet. The people were stunned, their gazes shifting unanimously from the white flagship of the Xiang family and the deep blue flagship of the Wei family to the black flagship obstructed in the rear.

With this ray of hope, everyone started to stir up.

It turned out to be black! Throughout the Federation, there was only one black flagship, and that was… that was… Everyone held their breath, their eyes ignited with a hidden glimmer of anticipation.

As the fleet reached the designated altitude, the flagships of the Xiang and Wei families descended in order, and finally, the silhouette of the black flagship was fully revealed, eliciting gasps from the public in every corner of the Starnet.

It had the emblem of the Chu family! The black flagship bore the Chu family emblem! It’s really the flagship of the Chu family!

It’s clear that when the coalition army set sail, there were no flagships from the Chu family’s, as their flagship was already damaged in the battle over a decade ago. Moreover, this time, the Chu family’s military was led by Yuan Lie, and he certainly did not possess such a flagship!

Is it, is it …

The excitement surged in their chests, a secret hope clamoring to burst forth. With eyes brimming with tears, the crowd watched the slow descent of the black flagship, collectively yearning for a miracle to unfold.

Cheers were on the verge of erupting from their throats, as long as the person they hoped for could descend from that flagship, as long as that person could once again emerge from the darkness with the light of victory, as long as—

The black flagship halted abruptly upon reaching the designated altitude, and then the voice of Chu Rong resounded throughout the entire military port, “The Zerg Queen and the traitors have been captured alive. In response to the conspiracy orchestrated by the Empire and traitors such as Long Ruifeng and Ning Tianya to annihilate Federation soldiers, I, representing the Chu Family, hereby declare that from today onwards, the Chu Family and the Empire are irreconcilable enemies. The crime of creating fake Zergs is unforgivable!”

The Starnet and the military port fell into complete silence. After more than ten seconds passed, the first suppressed scream suddenly erupted, and then it was as if sparks had fallen into a frying pan, with cheers and screams erupting everywhere. Countless people were forcibly disconnected from the Starnet due to excessive excitement. Then, as they continued to scream, they couldn’t help but burst into tears.

It’s Chu Rong!

It’s really Chu Rong!

Their hero has returned! Truly returned! They no longer need to fear or worry! The ever-reliable God of War who always protects them and the Federation has returned from the black hole once again!

“Thank you to all the soldiers for your dedication in this battle, you are the heroes of the Federation.”

After hastily finishing his statement, Chu Rong quickly ended the external call and delegated the remaining matters to Fan Xiangnan and others. As he turned to leave, he anxiously asked, “How is Qiao doing?”

“Just absorbed the second batch of emerald jade and about to start a new round of power release.” Zhuang Yu frowned as he followed Chu Rong, quickly saying, “The high fever hasn’t subsided, we must forcibly reduce it, but no one can enter the isolation room now, the completely unfamiliar power inside is too powerful.”

Before the final space jump, Qiao Zhiya indeed began the repeated release of power and frantic absorption. Fortunately, Chu Rong had enough jade reserves, otherwise, given the current frenzy of absorption by Qiao Zhiya, the situation would likely have spun out of control.

Chu Rong originally didn’t plan to show up at the military port, intending instead to park the flagship outside the Capital Planet to guard Qiao Zhiya. However, Chu Huai, Fan Xiangnan, and others kept advising him to show his face, to inform the public about the basic situation firsthand, lest rumors spread and cause instability among the people.

In the end, considering that Chu Huai had been single-handedly supporting the Chu family for so long and that the Federal situation couldn’t withstand further turmoil, Chu Rong compromised and agreed to dock the flagship at the port for a while. However, to their surprise, shortly after the flagship landed, Qiao Zhiya’s condition became unstable again.

Upon hearing this, Chu Rong’s expression grew even more solemn. He quickened his pace and ordered, “Raise the flagship and move it to a location beyond the detection range of Capital Planet’s defense. Ignore all communications except for our own people, and no one else is allowed on board!”

“Yes!” Zhuang Yu responded quickly, and took out the communicator to notify Fan Xiangnan. She watched anxiously as Chu Rong strode back, worried.

After listening to Chu Rong’s words, the citizens became anxious and roared in their hearts: ‘No! You are the hero! You are the most powerful hero of the Federation! Please don’t leave!’

However, before they could finish shouting and prepare for a warm welcome to the hero’s return, the majestic black flagship suddenly lit up its departure lights again and ascended into the sky, disappearing from the live broadcast screen.

The cheers of the people choked in their throats, their eyes widening in surprise.

What happened? Why did the flagship lift off again? Why didn’t it land? 

They stared in horror into the sky, hoping they were mistaken, speculating that the flagship would descend again. But one minute passed, then two, then five… The doors of the flagship of the Xiang and Wei families opened, soldiers emerged, greeted by Chu Huai and others. Interviews began, and the official announcement of victory in the war was broadcasted… As the livestream was nearing its end, there was still no sign of the black flagship in the sky.

Meanwhile, the people at the military port proceeded with the announcement of the victory in the war as if the non-landing of the black flagship was entirely normal. They completed the broadcast according to the procedure and promptly ended it on schedule.

The people were stunned, staring at the ended live broadcast. Their hearts were filled with confusion, and various speculations popped into their heads.

The speculation and confusion among the people were rampant. Was Marshal Chu really not landing? Why? Was he not returning to the Federation? Could it be that he was going to dock at another port? But that didn’t make sense— the military port was large enough to accommodate ten flagships, and there was no need to go to another port. Moreover, the military port was evidently safer and closer to home.

Wait, home?

The public recalled Marshal Chu’s troubled expression during the broadcast and his visibly exhausted appearance, and they were suddenly filled with unease. Their hearts raced with apprehension— his beloved oldest brother was waiting below, looking worn out, yet Marshal Chu chose not to land. Could it be that something had happened to Marshal Chu? Perhaps Marshal Chu was seriously injured and unable to show himself, hence only transmitting his voice?

Or something happened to Qiao Zhiya? At that time, the two were sucked into the black hole together, but only Chu Rong’s voice appeared.

After speculating, some members of the public turned their attention back to the words spoken by Marshal Chu. In hindsight, they were once again shocked — traitors? Ning Tianya and Long Ruifeng? What was going on? And the Empire’s conspiracy, the crime of creating the fake Zergs — each statement was loaded with information, yet when combined, they seemed incomprehensible. Wasn’t Ning Tianya a hero for providing the neural waves-resisting medicines? How did he become a traitor?

As the public opinion on the Starnet slowly fermented, members of the Chu family didn’t have time to deal with it. After the broadcast ended, Chu Huai immediately boarded a small Chu family warship that had been waiting nearby. Along with Gu Yan’an, who had been waiting on board, they set off in pursuit of the flagship.

Xiang Lingyun and Wei Xiongchang watched the Chu family’s warship flying with complex emotions brewing in their eyes. They then silently looked at each other, then calmed down their emotions – the loyal ones managed to return to their homes safely. “What happened to the Ning family traitors?” 

Three days ago, after the Imperial Royal flagship and the Ning family flagship respectively left and were destroyed, external communication on the battlefield immediately resumed. At that time, they received the message transmitted back from the front line. However, the news was too sensational and unbelievable. It took them several days to digest it, and even now, they still feel somewhat bewildered.

After all, who could have imagined that this outbreak of the Zergs was actually artificially created? Previously, at most, they thought it was the Ning family and the President betraying the Federation, and then, taking advantage of the reappearance of the Zergs and the disappearance of Chu Rong, they attempted to eliminate the remaining Three Great Families together with the Empire.

The two loyal survivors, upon seeing their trusted individuals at this moment, finally let go of their suspended hearts. After confirming that there were no others around, the person in charge from the Xiang family took out an encrypted electronic book and handed it over, saying, “Marshal Chu asked me to pass this on to you and Lieutenant General Wei. It contains all the truths of this battle. He said you and Lieutenant General Wei will understand once you’ve read it.”

What did Chu Rong give them?

Xiang Lingyun frowned, looked at Wei Xiongchang again, and reached for the electronic notebook.