After Chu Huai and An Tyn finished their speeches together, the crowd cheered, and then the salute cannons roared, marking the first climax of the celebration.

In the moment when the salute cannons went off, Qiao Zhiya’s vision suddenly blacked out for a moment. His magic pool started boiling again, his body alternating between feeling cold and hot. All sounds seemed to fade away from his ears, and the small horn on his forehead began itching again.


Chu Rong’s worried voice sounded in his ears, and then his body was embraced.

His ears twitched as he lowered his head as if there were sand in his eyes, gently rubbing them. Once his vision and hearing returned to normal, he looked up, smiling at Chu Rong, and said, “Some sand got into my eyes. How much longer is the event? Dasao must be tired standing.”

Chu Rong carefully examined his expression, then reached out to touch his forehead, finding his temperature normal. He lowered his head to kiss his ear gently, reassuring him, “It’ll be over soon. Once the salute is done, we can go back to the lounge.”


Suddenly, a roar of a wild beast echoed in the distance. Qiao Zhiya’s ears perked up, and he turned to look in the direction of the sound. At that moment, a volley of fireworks soared into the sky, exploding gently, accompanied by ribbons and fireworks, drawing another round of cheers from the crowd.

Was it just his imagination?

He withdrew his gaze and glanced at the friends and family who were safe around him, touching the small horn on his forehead, which had returned to normal. Frowning, he swept his body with magic but found nothing wrong. Shaking his head, he pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind.

After the fireworks ended, the festival performances began. The heads of state and their families sat on the high

In the unseen sky above them, a faint green light appeared above Qiao Zhiya, then quickly merged with the darkness of the night.

In the military department, the “ice blocks” in the seven large containment pods had melted at some point. The creatures inside, seemingly asleep with closed eyes, suddenly opened them, emitting silent roars.

At Chu family’s residence, the eyelashes of the unconscious Imperial High Advisor flickered, and the scales on his hand reappeared. Jian, who was watching the celebration performance with a photon computer beside him, was completely unaware of this, humming along to the music with a good mood.

In a distant dark place, a massive “monster” that seemed more than human slowly opened its eyes and looked towards the quiet, head-hanging figure of An Xei. They spoke softly, “Go, bring my food back.”

An Xei stirred, got up, and a black hole appeared, swallowing him silently.

After he left, the “monster” closed their eyes again. At the same time, in the detention room of the military department, Ning Tianxing’s mental lock fluctuate slightly, his eyeballs rolled, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Chu Rong suddenly raised his hand to his forehead.

“Are you feeling too tired?” Qiao Zhiya quickly leaned over, took out a vial of potion and offered it to him, while sending magic over, saying, “Dage is here with you, do you want to rest in the lounge for a while?” Chu Rong, as a Marshal, didn’t need to accompany the whole crowd to watch the performance.

Chu Rong frowned, suppressing the discomfort, shook his head to indicate that he was fine, drank the potion to ease Qiao Zhiya’s worry, then soothingly touched his forehead, casually found an excuse to get up, instructed Chu Yan beside him to pay more attention to Qiao Zhiya, and walked to a corner to make a communication call to He Hongjun who was stationed at the military department.

The center of the square was bustling with performances, cheers from the crowd rang out intermittently, and time passed unnoticed. Qiao Zhiya, whose routine was disrupted, started to feel drowsy. Chu Rong finished his call and came back, reaching out to pull him into his arms when he saw him.


In a half-dreamy state, the cheers of the crowd and the music of the performance suddenly disappeared from his ears, leaving only a deafening roar. Qiao Zhiya opened his eyes abruptly, dispelling the dream, returning to reality, and the festive atmosphere enveloped him once again.

Surrounded by familiar scents, Chu Huai and Gu Yan’an were sitting not far away chatting, while Chu Yan was sitting on the sofa on the other side, watching the performance attentively. Everyone was there, everything seemed normal.

“Did the noise wake you up?”

Chu Rong pinched his ear, kissed him, and said, “The fireworks display is about to start, it’s time to change clothes.”

Qiao Zhiya came back to his senses, his mind, disturbed by the roar in the dream, slowly stabilized. He rubbed his eyes, obediently followed Chu Rong as they headed towards the lounge.

Half an hour later, everyone changed into a new set of clothes and stood at the highest point of the square’s tower, ready for the New Year countdown and the subsequent fireworks display broadcast.

“Will it be cold?” Qiao Zhiya worriedly stood by Gu Yan’an’s side, holding a piece of woolen shawl.

Gu Yan’an smiled and shook her head, saying, “This top floor is equipped with a protective shield and is temperature-controlled, so don’t worry.”

Qiao Zhiya looked up at the sky, unable to see the protective shield, and felt a bit relieved. He then turned his head to look around but couldn’t see Chu Rong’s figure. Puzzled, he walked over to Chu Yan and tugged at him, asking, “Where did Chu Rong go?”

“Hmm?” Chu Yan looked around when he heard the question, muttering, “I just saw him a moment ago, how come he’s gone now… maybe he went to the restroom.”

Qiao Zhiya nodded, glanced at the time, and felt an inexplicable unease creeping up.

Although his body didn’t show any signs of discomfort, and his magic scan revealed no issues around, he couldn’t shake off the growing anxiety that he might have missed something important.

Two minutes later, Chu Rong returned, emitting a strong scent of potion.

By now, the countdown to midnight had begun, and the live broadcast had started. Qiao Zhiya didn’t want to ask in front of everyone, so he just held Chu Rong’s hand tenderly, sending a worried look to him.

Chu Rong squeezed his hand back, shaking his head to indicate that everything was fine.

All the citizens of the Federation and the Empire were watching the open broadcast screen at this moment, following the countdown and the music, ready to release their enthusiasm for the upcoming New Year.

Ten, nine…. three, two, one! 

The new year arrived, and the fireworks, which had been prepared in advance, ascended together, bursting in unison, illuminating this lively winter night with dazzling light.



The beating of the heart suddenly intensified. Qiao Zhiya widened his eyes and vaguely saw some winged shadows swiftly approaching amidst the light of the fireworks. He wanted to alert Chu Rong beside him, but his body suddenly heated up as if it was about to explode, and his magic pool began to surge frantically.

‘No, something’s wrong.’

As the fireworks disappeared, the next wave immediately rose, and the cheers of the crowd grew louder. However, in the moment when the second wave of fireworks disappeared, more than a dozen black shadows suddenly rushed into the sky. The night breeze seemed to fluctuate for a moment, then there was a loud bang. Among them, five smaller black shadows gathered together and exploded, forming a “firework” made of flesh that filled the sky, with a bloody smell pervading the air. A huge and incomparable black hole suddenly appeared in midair, sucking in the third wave of fireworks.

It’s blood! Since the power source of the black hole teleportation device is those red marks, and the red marks are made from blood, does that mean that those winged creatures also have the ability to create black holes?

Qiao Zhiya suddenly realized what he had overlooked, but before he could say anything, it was already too late. The black hole appeared, and the small angle that was thought to no longer be affected by the creature’s blood suddenly began to heat up frantically, followed by intense pain spreading from inside out.

Subconsciously, he touched his forehead, but he felt a dense layer of scales.


His eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly felt it difficult to breathe.

The music continued, and the broadcast continued, but the smiles on everyone’s faces froze.


The remaining seven larger black shadows quickly approached while everyone was stunned, diving towards the top of the tower.

“Ah! It’s a black hole! New monsters have appeared!”

Screams suddenly rang out, shattering the festive atmosphere like fragile glass, revealing the dirty and terrifying truth inside.

The crowd cried and fled in chaos, as if doomsday had arrived.

“Arrange for the military to evacuate the civilians, quickly! Stay away from the black hole, everyone retreat! Women and children leave first! Military personnel stay!”

When everyone was stunned, Chu Rong’s calm and heavy voice seemed to shatter the witch’s curse like a heavy hammer, waking everyone up. They immediately acted according to his orders. Chu Rong handed the “stunned” Qiao Zhiya over to Chu Yan, then took out the mech and flew towards the experimental subject that had been blocked by the protective shield with a single blow.

“Qiao, go downstairs first, hurry!”

Chu Yan’s expression was solemn as he helped Qiao Zhiya walk downstairs.

Qiao Zhiya, who was feeling extremely uncomfortable, caught a glimpse of Gu Yan’an being supported by Chu Huai as she staggered back, so he pushed Chu Yan and gestured for him to go help Gu Huai, indicating that he was fine.

Chu Yan also saw Gu Yan’an, who was pregnant and having difficulty moving, hesitated for a moment, let go of his arm, and quickly said, “I’ll take my Dasao to a safe place first. There are several Marshals and Generals holding the line here, it’s still safe for now. You follow the crowd downstairs, I’ll be back soon to pick you up.”

His body was getting more and more painful, and the scales on his face seemed to increase. Qiao Zhiya quickly covered his forehead with his bangs, nodding to indicate that Chu Yan should hurry.

In the sky, Chu Rong and several others who piloted mechs had already taken off and were fighting the monsters. Below, military officers who couldn’t pilot mechs were assisting with long-range weapons.

A special fireworks display began, but the live broadcast was intermittently interrupted by the strange power released by the monsters. The people vaguely saw that the situation seemed to be stabilized by Chu Rong, and the chaotic emotions gradually calmed down.

It’s okay, no matter how big the crisis is, it’s okay. Their hero is still here, Chu Rong is still here. Just a few monsters and an incredibly huge black hole, it seems much easier to deal with than a large-scale Zerg swarm.

Qiao Zhiya also glanced at the live broadcast equipment above his head, feeling panicked and helpless — he must go to a place where the live broadcast equipment couldn’t see, he must leave this top floor, he must.

His instinct was shouting at him to leave, but his body was getting more and more painful, his steps became unsteady, and worse still, he felt his nails slowly lengthening, a clear sign of beastification.

‘No, beastification is not allowed, it’s not allowed.’

He felt helpless to the extreme, and the vine pattern on his wrist suddenly heated up, causing him to gasp for breath and collapse to the ground. His consciousness alternated between blurry and clear, and every roar and bloodshed of the monsters in the sky made him lose control of his emotions.

Not far behind him, a small black hole suddenly appeared, and a figure rushed out towards him.

Chu Yan came back and saw this scene, his heart almost stopped in shock. He quickly rushed over and shouted loudly, “Qiao! Get out of the way!”

In the high altitude, Chu Rong heard the shout and looked down, just in time to see the figure rushing towards Qiao Zhiya. Without caring about the approaching experimental subject, he aimed the cannon at the figure and fired.

But obviously, it was too late. The figure was too close to Qiao Zhiya, and its speed was too fast. Afraid of hurting Qiao Zhiya, he restrained himself very much when firing, and the shot was easily dodged by the other party.


At a critical moment, a huge white shadow suddenly approached like a meteor, fiercely knocking away the figure approaching Qiao Zhiya. Then it opened its mouth, grabbed Qiao Zhiya, and flew straight into the sky, taking Qiao Zhiya out of the range of the figure’s capture.

The figure was knocked back, and the hood fell off, revealing An Xei’s face.

His body hit the railing heavily, but An Xei immediately stabilized his body as if he couldn’t feel the pain. He looked up at the white shadow with a strange light in his eyes. With a movement of his finger, a black hole appeared again and swallowed him up, making Chu Yan miss him.

Everyone on the high platform was overturned by the hurricane brought by the huge white shadow approaching. Chu Yan missed his strike and lay on the ground, looking up at the beautiful white creature with huge wings and a long tail, which carried Qiao Zhiya straight into the sky. He roared, “Qiao!”

Chu Rong’s expression changed drastically after seeing the scene of Qiao Zhiya being “swallowed” by the white shadow. His spiritual power, which had been unstable for some time, surged violently and forcibly suppressed the strange fluctuations of the experimental body. He operated his mecha and chased after the white shadow directly.

After seeing the white shadow, the other monsters also suddenly stopped fighting and flapped their wings, chasing after the white shadow. The black hole in midair also began to expand rapidly and rotate, and the familiar insect dropping program appeared.

“Hiss hs hsss!”

The Zergs appeared overwhelmingly, blocking the view of the people below chasing after the white shadow and the black mecha.

In the high altitude, Qiao Zhiya only felt his body getting more and more painful, and the fluctuations in his magic pool became more and more intense. He felt so uncomfortable that he wished he could die immediately, without any consciousness left.

“Hold on, you must not faint during your first transformation.”

The voice of the Imperial High Advisor sounded in his ear, and his dim consciousness recovered a bit. He opened his eyes and just happened to see the scene of the experimental body pouncing over from the side. He took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in his body, and suddenly broke free from the Imperial High Advisor’s protection. At the same time, the black hole sucked him away, completely unleashing his magic power, turning it into a green light band and surrounding the Imperial High Advisor and the black mecha that was rushing towards them despite the black hole’s suction, firmly entangling them and throwing them outwards.


The shout of the Imperial High Advisor and the severe pain after emptying his magic power came simultaneously. Qiao Zhiya groaned, and in his distorted vision caused by the black hole, Chu Rong’s figure suddenly appeared. He widened his eyes, saw Chu Rong actually abandoning the mecha and rushing over with only a personal floating device, and his heart trembled. He immediately exerted his strength again to entangle them, shook his head with difficulty, and said, “Go quickly…” 

“The suction of the black hole was too strong.” went unheard.

“No,” Chu Rong understood his lip movements, gritted his teeth and answered with a stern face. Unable to bear the slow speed of the floating device, he simply took out a silver net and threw it over, entangling his body before pulling him forcefully.

“This black hole is starting to shrink and close in. Hurry!”

The Imperial High Advisor flew over, opened his mouth, and grabbed Chu Rong’s body, helping him pull Qiao Zhiya, whose half of his body was already trapped in the black hole, outwards.


The sensation of pain intensified under the influence of the black hole, and Qiao Zhiya groaned in pain as power surged wildly, surrounded by a green light, his figure suddenly becoming blurred.

Chu Rong felt the silver net in his hand loosen slightly, his heart pounding in urgency. With a burst of chaotic energy erupting in his mind, it surged outwards, rushing towards the black hole along with his will, unexpectedly stimulating a momentary halt in the rotation of the black hole.

The Imperial High Advisor was thrown out by the force bursting from him, then as the force subsided, he lost control of his body, being flung out of the range of the green light entwining him.

Seizing the momentary pause of the black hole, Chu Rong exerted force to pull back the silver net. Qiao Zhiya’s figure appeared from within the green light, just as he was about to be pulled over, a smaller black hole suddenly appeared beside Qiao Zhiya, and An Xei’s figure emerged from it, reaching out towards the unconscious Qiao Zhiya.

“Get out of the way!” Chu Rong’s eyes widened in fury as power surged towards An Xei.

However, An Xei remained unaffected, continuing to reach for the unconscious Qiao Zhiya.

Just as An Xei was about to touch Qiao Zhiya, the green light surrounding Qiao Zhiya suddenly expanded. It grew brighter and brighter, a green vine pattern suddenly appearing, swiftly coiling and forming a complex circular pattern. The pattern rotated, a powerful and domineering force spreading out, forcibly pushing An Xei’s hand away, shielding Qiao Zhiya at the center.

An Xei’s expression changed drastically, wanting to charge again but was repelled by Chu Rong’s mental power.

Seeing the magic array, Chu Rong knew it was bad news. He quickly increased his spiritual power output to drive An Xei away, wanting to rush over and grab Qiao Zhiya.

However, just as Qiao Zhiya was about to be touched by An Xei, the green light around him suddenly flashed, his figure disappeared, a golden light quietly passing by. Then the figure of a long-haired man appeared within the array, turning his head to coldly look in their direction. With a wave of his long sleeve, as if in a silent movie, the magic array disappeared, the green light vanished, the long-haired man also disappeared, leaving only the despairing darkness of the black hole around.


Chu Rong finally approached, only managing to catch a customized communicator with a vine pattern that fell from the air after the magic array disappeared.