Chapter 2005 Ready

Name:Earth's Greatest Magus Author:
Chapter 2005 Ready

Two weeks later, within the confines of Terra City, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. Dozens of Terra warriors, clad in their full uniforms, stood in disciplined lines at the hangar, their faces set with determination and resolve.

At the forefront stood a formidable figure, his rugged countenance and mane of long brown hair marking him as Thrax, the immortal gladiator. With a commanding presence, he raised his voice, addressing the assembled warriors with fervor.


A resounding chorus of affirmation echoed across the hangar as the warriors responded in unison, their voices ringing with determination.

"Yes, commander!!"

With a fierce nod, Thrax rallied his troops, urging them into action.

"Go! Go! Aboard the ship! Let's go hunt these pirate bastards!!"

Meanwhile, Emery stood among a distinguished gathering on the podium, flanked by Magus Rosia, Silica, and Grand Magus Fantasia.

From their elevated vantage point, Emery, Magus Rosia, Silica, and Grand Magus Fantasia observed with a mix of pride and concern as 300 Terra warriors prepared to embark on their mission. Among them were 30 magus, 70 saints, and 200 carefully selected sky realm warriors, each brimming with determination.

As the warriors readied themselves, Emery's gaze lingered on the four vessels awaiting their departure. Three sleek scout ships, designed for agility and stealth, stood alongside a newly upgraded flagship, a formidable vessel bearing the name of their esteemed hero, the Gilgamesh.

Morgana cast a glance toward Emery before joining Thrax and the other magus, including Chumo, Camela, Grisa, Beowlf, and Grand Magus Anpu. With the ship's doors closing, the pirate-hunting force lifted off from the hangar, soaring into the skies above Terra City.

Observing the departure, Emery remained silent, his thoughts drifting to the safety of the warriors under his command. Sensing his unease, Magus Rosia offered reassurance, while Grand Magus Fantasia couldn't resist a playful remark.

"You should let me join them," she chided lightly. "I could really use some hunting as well."

Klea's cheeks flushed at Ashaka's words, while Fuxi chuckled as he stated "Yes, this is good. Both of you are not young anymore. Maybe it's time for you to talk about it."

It took Emery a few seconds to realize that the conversation had veered toward the topic of marriage. The word itself stirred a bittersweet memory within him—a fleeting moment of happiness that had dissipated in just one day.

However, as he observed Klea's awkward response to the words, Emery couldn't help but feel a stirring within him. Perhaps, it was time for him to leave behind the shadows of his past and embrace the prospect of a new beginning.

With a sense of resolution taking root within him, Emery gazed as the four enthusiastic youngsters eagerly boarded the Nexus ship. Following suit, he, Klea, and Ashaka joined them, their footsteps resonating against the metallic floor as they formulated their way aboard.

As the ship departed from the moon base, Emery's thoughts shifted toward the future, filled with anticipation for the journey ahead.


Saturn 5, Kronos Faction Base

Murmurs of discontent echoed among the gathered magus as they conversed the news from Earth.

"Teaching at the academy! How preposterous! How old is he anyway? What has become of our esteemed Magus Academy's standards?" one voice exclaimed, dripping with disdain.

Another voice chimed in, adding to the growing sense of unease. "This is unacceptable. They have grown too powerful. We cannot afford to remain passive any longer."

"But what can we do?" countered another, frustration evident in their tone. "We cannot risk another failure like four years ago. What plan do you propose?"

Amidst the heated exchange, a calm voice interjected, bringing a sense of reason to the discussion. "Fear not, my brother. This may work to our advantage. The competition at the academy is fierce, and that arrogant half-blood will undoubtedly make enemies there."

"You speak wisely, brother," another acknowledged. "Our faction has thrived in the Alpha Quadrant for more than a millennia. Let us reach out to our allies. They will be eager to lend their support for us."