Chapter 2024 Benefits

Name:Earth's Greatest Magus Author:
Chapter 2024 Benefits

Emery's actions piqued the curiosity of everyone present as they followed him to the secluded spot behind Hall 120. There, nestled amidst the serene backdrop of the waterfall and river stream.

Emery began invoking an earth spell with focused concentration, channeling his deep understanding of the laws governing the Magus universe. Before their eyes, a perfectly rectangular hole began to take shape, measuring 10 by 5 meters in size, complete with a small staircase leading down its 1.5-meter depth.

Kat watched with growing curiosity, her initial skepticism giving way to intrigue. "Nice skill you have there," she remarked, her tone tinged with admiration. "But what are you making this for?"

Emery focused on his task and paid little heed to her question as he seamlessly transitioned to his next step. He tapped into his control over the water element with a fluid motion, directing it to flow into the newly formed hole. The water shimmered in the sunlight as it filled the space, reflecting the surrounding beauty of the natural landscape.

Once the hole was brimming with water, Emery's attention turned to the final element—fire. With a steady concentration, he summoned flames to dance across the surface of the water, gradually?transforming it into a bubbling, steaming pool.

As Emery continued to display his mastery over multiple elements, the onlookers were astounded by his proficiency. Murmurs of amazement rippled through the group as they watched in awe. "Is he really proficient in all ten elements?" someone whispered in disbelief.

To their surprise, Emery began to add various plants, stones, and liquids into the water, each ingredient carefully selected and tossed into the bubbling pool with precision. The air filled with a medley of scents as the concoction brewed, creating an atmosphere of anticipation.

"What are you doing?!" Kat exclaimed, her concern evident in her voice. Before she could approach Emery, Klea intervened, placing a restraining hand on her arm. "Don't disturb him, just watch," Cheêck out latest novels at

Fifteen minutes passed, each moment filled with anticipation as they waited to see the outcome. Gradually, the water began to emit a pleasant aroma, signaling that the process was nearing completion. Emery took a deep breath, a smile of satisfaction spreading across his face. "It's ready,"

Observing the mesmerized expressions of the onlookers and sensing the profound impact on the six acolytes who had experienced the breakthrough, Kat couldn't help but be captivated by the 'magic pool'. Sensing her curiosity, Emery extended an invitation. "There are still some residual effects in the pool. Feel free to enter," he offered.

The girl regarded Emery with a skeptical gaze. "If you're trying to trick us into joining the hall for this, you're mistaken," she retorted, her tone guarded.

Emery shook his head "No, of course not. You don't need to join. I just thought it would be a waste to throw such a valuable concoction away," he explained.

"In that case," the girl's expression softened into a smile. Without hesitation, she leaped into the spring, beckoning for the four acolytes accompanying her to follow suit.

Although the pools didn't provide the same breakthrough for those already in the sky realm, all five of them sensed changes within their bodies. There was indeed an increase in their battle power, and their cores felt remarkably lighter.

Upon emerging from the pool, the young woman's expression had undergone a visible transformation. Her demeanor had softened, and her tone carried a newfound respect. "You have my gratitude, but this... this still doesn't mean I would join your hall," she stated firmly, though her tone held a hint of admiration.

Emery smiled as he spoke, "I hope this proves that I care and that I never intend to waste their time or talent. My goal is to lead my students to reach the highest peak."

His words reverberated among all the acolytes present, stirring a sense of determination within each of them. Even the young woman seemed affected, though she remained silent as she led her band away.

Observing their departure, Damo sighed softly. "In the end, they still aren't joining... it feels like a waste of master's valuable ingredients."

Klea placed a reassuring hand on Damo's shoulder, her smile brimmed with confidence. "On the contrary, it's not wasted at all. It's a smart move" she affirmed