Chapter 2030 Mysterious Girl

Name:Earth's Greatest Magus Author:
Chapter 2030 Mysterious Girl

"Attack!!" the leader roared. In response, the five remaining outer hall acolytes charged at the mysterious girl simultaneously.

However, the girl remained remarkably calm. With a confident grin on her face, she began to dodge their attacks with almost ethereal grace. She moved with a unique technique, seemingly gliding effortlessly between their strikes, evading each blow with precision.

Titus, still bound by the vine restraints along with the other Earth acolytes, watched in amazement. "What kind of technique is that?"

Despite their combined efforts, the five acolytes found themselves unable to land a single blow on the girl. Her movements, though seemingly slow, proved to be elusive, leaving her untouched by their attacks.

"Is that all you've got?" she taunted with a smile.

"My turn now,"

With a subtle shift in her movements, she struck back. Like a snake gliding through the grass, she closed in on one of her targets and unleashed a swift dropkick that connected to its back.

"BAAMM!!!" The impact sent the acolyte hurtling down, his face slamming into the ground with a resounding thud as he fell unconscious.

Surrounded from multiple sides, the girl remained unfazed. With remarkable agility and precision, she swiftly dropped to the ground and executed a rotating kick on the attacker's feet, knocking two of her assailants down. In a fluid motion, she followed up with a knee drop to one's face and a flying high kick to another.

Within just two minutes, she had incapacitated four rank 8 acolytes.

The onlookers were stunned by the girl's overwhelming speed and strength. Only Farhan, the leader, managed to gather his wits. "With that kind of ability!! I know what she is!! a half-blood!!"

In an attempt to subdue her, Farhan commanded his vines to ensnare her. But the girl was quicker than anticipated. With a graceful leap, she evaded the entangling vines and executed an acrobatic maneuver before landing another powerful kick on a nearby target.


As the situation escalated, the three inner hall rank 9 acolytes joined the fray. Ice shards and waves of water spells forced the girl into a corner. Despite her formidable skills, she struggled to fend off the relentless assault. Using her kicks to deflect the acolyte metal fists, she was pushed back and entangled in Farhan's vines, her movements restricted as they wrapped around her body.

"I've got you now!" proclaimed the burly acolyte, his voice filled with triumph.

Arminius couldn't bear to watch such an unfair fight, his anger boiling over. "You shameless bastard, let her go!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the clearing. Diiscover new stories at

But his protest only incited more thorned vines to wrap around him, eliciting a pained cry from Arminius as he struggled against the ensnaring tendrils.

"Just be quiet! Your time will come," the acolyte barked, his attention fixed firmly on the captured girl.

Closing in on their captive, the acolytes gathered around, eager to examine their prize.

But the girl's smile only widened as she responded, "This is your punishment for striking me. You deserve it."

Farhan's panic intensified as he watched the tiny black marks on his hand transform into horrifying-looking lumps oozing black mucus. "What have you done?!! Give me... give me the antidote now! Or else" Desperation creeping into his voice.

However, the girl remained unperturbed, her tone calm and collected as she delivered her chilling response. "I'm sorry, but I didn't bring it with me today. And also... you should try not to move too much—it'll only make things worse."

Farhan watched in horror as the lumps continued their relentless crawl, spreading rapidly up his arm. His mind raced with panic.

The girl calmly retrieved a sword from the ground—it was Titus's gladius sword, discarded during the chaos of the battle. With a serene expression, the girl calmly picked up the sword and tossed the weapon to Farhan.

"You know what to do... better do it fast... before..." she said, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

With trembling hands, Farhan grasped the sword, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He knew what he had to do, but the thought of severing his own arm filled him with dread. Yet, as the blackened lumps crept closer to his elbow, he realized he had no other choice.

Summoning every ounce of courage he had left, Farhan swung the sword with a swift, decisive motion. A gut-wrenching scream tore from Farhan's throat as he severed his limb, tears streaming down his face in agony. Yet, amidst his anguish, the girl merely chuckled and offered a serene smile.

At that moment, a group of acolytes rushed down from the hill, led by a young man with grey hair and a massive sword strapped to his back.

"What is going on here?" he demanded, his gaze falling upon the fallen acolytes. Spotting Farhan, he exclaimed in disbelief, "Farhan, what did you do?"

In a fit of rage, Farhan turned his glare towards the girl. "Dillion... That little devil, she poisoned us! She's responsible for this! And my arm... My arm!" he cried out, his voice filled with anguish and fury. "I will make sure the academy punishes you severely for this!"

The girl scoffed dismissively in response. "Huh! Don't be such a crybaby," she retorted. "I didn't lay a finger on you, remember? It was you who attacked me. I'm the victim here. And as for your arm... You did that to yourself. I never told you to do such a foolish thing."

"You!!!! I am gonna kill you!!" Farhan erupted in rage, but Dillion quickly positioned himself between them.

Remaining calm, the girl chuckled and added, "Isn't it funny? You were trying to stop these four acolytes from joining the hall by cutting off their arms, and now you've cut your own hand"

The sentence succinctly explained the situation while delivering a mental blow to Farhan. It dawned on him that the girl had manipulated him all along. All her taunts and actions had lured him into cutting his own arm. His rage suddenly transformed into fear. She was merely a first-year, barely 15 years old, yet she terrified him.

Dillion who grasped the gravity of the situation instructed his men to tend to the wounded and poisoned acolytes, he then approached the girl and said. "Miss, can you please provide the antidote?" Dillion asked, extending a polite gesture toward her.

The girl glanced at Dillion for a brief moment before responding, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "You are an acolyte from hall 120?"

"Yes, that's correct,"

There was a flicker of emotion in the girl's eyes and after a deep sigh, she said. "I've heard of your master in an excellent poison expert. He should be able to cure them easily."

With that, she turned to leave, but Dillion quickly moved to intercept her. "Miss, I cannot allow you to leave without the antidote... no, I wouldn't know you gave me the right antidote,you better come with us and see our master"