Chapter 2037 The Truth

Name:Earth's Greatest Magus Author:
Chapter 2037 The Truth

"Tell me, who is my mother?"

For Shinta, this inquiry had plagued her thoughts for years. It began with a seed of annoyance planted by her father's multiple marriages. Despite the abundance of consorts that adorned the Ouroboros palace, the identity of her true mother remained a mystery shrouded in secrecy. Time and again, Shinta had sought answers, but her inquiries yielded nothing but silence or evasion.

Undeterred by the veil of silence that surrounded her origins, Shinta employed her cunning intelligence and subtle manipulation to obtain the official Ouroboros royalty records. To her astonishment, she discovered a glaring absence: her father was listed as unmarried at the time of her birth. The revelation hinted at the possibility of her being born out of wedlock, a child of her father's illicit liaison.

"Am I a bastard?"

She was ten years old when this "truth" became ingrained in her consciousness, shaping the contours of her rebellious spirit and guiding her actions in a manner she deemed fitting for her "real" identity.

Gradually, as she got older, she began to realize there was something unusual with her body—something that even the great gene master, Uncle Bob, was unable to explain, other than the fact that she had a wolf gene in her DNA. As a result, she was forced to undergo a specific course of medication.

This revelation added another layer to her already complex identity, suggesting that her mother may have been a wolf half-blood. Determined to uncover the truth, she embarked on a quest for more information about a certain wolf bloodline that had intersected with her father's life around the time of her birth. However, it took her some time to realize the chilling alternative that lurked beneath the surface.

That her father was not what he said he was... which means her mother...

"Who is she really?"

Since then, Shinta's restlessness has only grown, fueled by a mounting sense of unease and a desire to uncover the truth about her origins. She toyed with the idea of confronting her father, but the thought of facing the unbearable reality held her back. Escape seemed like the only option—a chance to flee the suffocating confines of Ouroboros and its secrets.

Yet, as she contemplated her departure, Shinta stumbled upon a startling revelation: the family's overprotectiveness was not simply a result of her youthfulness. There was a deeper secret at play, one that bound her to the city and required her to be constantly shadowed by multiple guards.

The prospect of becoming a candidate for the Magus Academy emerged as a glimmer of hope—a potential avenue for escape and independence.

Revealing her successful candidacy at the heir ceremony served as a calculated move on Shinta's part. She knew that her father's reaction would be predictable—forgiving.

With this revelation came the realization that the man standing in front of her was not her father, but her uncle instead.

Shinta's heart felt like it was being torn apart as she struggled to process Visla's words. The revelation hit her like a tidal wave, overwhelming her with a mix of disbelief, confusion, and a deep ache she couldn't quite articulate.

The name echoed in her mind, stirring memories long buried beneath. Images of a white-haired woman who had been a significant part of her childhood memories flooded her mind, followed by a fleeting recollection of a beautiful wedding ceremony.

"Then... my father... The wedding... Is it him?"

Suddenly, Visla's previous sorrow morphed into a seething anger at the thought of that man. His voice dripped with venom as he declared, "You don't need to think about him... he is not worthy of being called father..."

Visla began to reveal a version of the truth that sent shockwaves through Shinta's core. The realization of how this person had tormented her mother until her dying breath was a bitter pill to swallow.

The weight of the truth bore down on Shinta like a ton of bricks, crushing her spirit and leaving her gasping for air.

Unable to contain the overwhelming emotions flooding her soul, Shinta bolted from the Ouroboros palace, her heart heavy with grief. She fled to the one place where she felt a connection to her past, the Ouroboros ancestry ground.

Kneeling before a certain graveyard, Shinta wept bitterly, her cries echoing through the silent air.

"Mother... My poor mother... It's me... I am sorry, mother... I didn't know... I..."

The anguish in her voice echoed through the cemetery.As if the heavens themselves mourned her pain, rain began to fall, washing away her tears.

In the depths of her despair, the agony within her became too much to bear. The pain she had been holding within finally broke through, collapsing her to the ground.

[Your bloodline went through changes.]

[Bloodline limit breakthrough]