Chapter 2141 Innate Ability

Name:Earth's Greatest Magus Author:
Chapter 2141 Innate Ability

Shinta's bloodline was a marvel in itself, a rarity in the vast tapestry of bloodline communities. The mythical rank 8 designations placed her in the uppermost echelon. It was a genetic heritage that promised unparalleled potential, with a near guarantee of ascending to the esteemed rank of grand magus and an increased likelihood of reaching the pinnacle of the supreme realm.

But Shinta's bloodline held an even more exceptional quality—its mixed nature. This added layer of complexity made her bloodline almost comparable to the highest rank 9, a distinction that set her apart even further. In the entire magus universe, the wolf bloodline boasted fewer than five surviving rank 9 figures, a paltry number shared among the twelve bloodlines. After realizing the extent of her breakthrough, Shinta spent the next morning trying her new innate ability.

[Shaman Form]

[Shaman form has increased your spell power]

[Shaman form has increased your magic resistance]

The transformation bestowed upon Shinta an overwhelming advantage in battle, but what intrigued her most was the subtlety of its effects. Unlike traditional wolf-like transformations, her appearance remained largely unchanged, save for the addition of sharp claws adorning her fingertips. Instead, glowing intricate runes now adorned her scaly skin, weaving a mystical tapestry that pulsed with latent power.

Though they bore no resemblance to the typical features associated with the wolf bloodline, Shinta remained cautious, aware of the need for discretion in unveiling her true nature, she resolved to have her blood analyzed by her uncle Bob, a decision that would provide much-needed clarity in the days to come.

Before she could act on her intentions, however, she received an unexpected summons from her head instructor, Grand Magus Lucius. As she entered the main hall of Hall 7, she was met with a warm and prideful gaze from the wolf grand magus.

"You have brought great honor to this hall," he declared, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Your achievements have surpassed all expectations"


As Kehinde relayed the harrowing events to Emery, a sense of unease settled over him like a suffocating shroud. Each word painted a vivid picture of danger and uncertainty, leaving Emery feeling utterly powerless in the face of Shinta's abduction.

Heorgar, ever the voice of reason, interjected solemnly, "I have sent a message to the Ouroboros Queen. She asked us to let this matter go... I am afraid there's not much we can do. It is a faction matter..."

Emery's gaze shifted to Bob, whose expression mirrored his own deep-seated concern. Despite the chaos that had unfolded, Bob's assurance that Shinta's safety was not in immediate jeopardy provided a small measure of solace.

Bob was not good at lying, but it was indeed true: despite all his attachment to this girl, Emery was just an outsider.

Heorgar then assured Emery that he would update him with any information, and suggested Emery should return to attend to his students.

As Emery departed from the scene, a lingering sense of unease gnawed at him. With a heavy heart, he and the wolf acolytes made their way back to the academy, the shadow of Shinta's absence casting a pall over their return.

Before parting ways, Kehinde suddenly halted a troubled expression clouding his features. "Magus, I forgot," he began hesitantly, producing a small vial filled with a shimmering silver liquid. "This is her Serum. I am worried she needs them."

As Emery took the tube filled with the shimmering silver liquid from Kehinde, a wave of surprise washed over him. "This is hers? Not yours?"

"Magus, I would not make such a mistake," he affirmed. "Unlike hers, my bloodline is of the wolf."Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates