Chapter 2169 Godly Battle 3

Name:Earth's Greatest Magus Author:
Chapter 2169 Godly Battle 3

The situation above the ground became even more intense as all three cosmos grand magus unleashed their true power.

The viceroy's thunderous serpent bolts crackled through the sky, striking with immense force. The Targaryen King's wind blade sliced through the air, creating devastating gusts that cut through the hydra's scales. The Kruk King's meteor strikes rained down fiery destruction from above, each exploding impact hurling the hydra's massive form.

Master Hirashi's sword slashes, General Herald's punches, The Mauritius King's giant serpent form, The Severus King's spirit attack, The Jafar Shaman Queen's restraining spell, and finally, The Boa's Emerald elder melodic sounds resonated through the battlefield, boosting the vigors and healing the grand magus wounds.

Multiple explosive blasts shook the battlefield as the nine Serpent Grand Magus coordinated their attacks against the nine-headed hydra. They managed to push the nine-headed hydra back, forcing it out of the city. The beast roared in fury, its heads snapping and thrashing as it struggled against the relentless assault.

On the city walls, the remaining grand magus stood as the last line of defense. Their vigilant eyes scanned the horizon, ready to intercept any threat that might breach their perimeter. They were also tasked with ensuring the orderly evacuation of the remaining citizens. Panic was a constant threat, and maintaining order was crucial to prevent further casualties. Many knew the stakes. A battle of this magnitude, involving powers comparable to those of supreme beings, might end in the destruction of the entire planet. "It keeps on regenerating!! How long is this going to last?!" shouted the Kruk King, his voice strained with the effort of casting high-grade spells despite his worsening injuries.

Ever since the battle began, the hydra's heads had been cut down ten times. Each time, the beast's resilience and seemingly endless reservoir of cosmic energy became more apparent. Despite being continuously blasted by powerful spells, the nightmare hydra's regeneration abilities were relentless. Where one head was severed, another would grow in its place, often with renewed ferocity. Above the chaos, the Viceroy hovered like a thunder god, his eyes blazing with determination. "Do not lose focus! Maintain your positions!" he commanded, his voice booming across the battlefield.

The air crackled with energy as the spell manifested. Thunderous arrows, glowing with immense power, materialized in the sky and descended upon the hydra with a ferocity unparalleled. The first arrow struck with devastating precision, exploding one of the hydra's heads where the gooey figure had merged. The impact sent shockwaves through the battlefield, and fragments of the hydra's head scattered like shrapnel.

Without pause, the second arrow followed, piercing another head and obliterating it in a spectacular display of raw power. The third arrow struck soon after, ensuring that the hydra could not easily regenerate. Each impact was accompanied by deafening thunderclaps that reverberated through the air, shaking the very ground beneath the combatants.

The hydra roared in agony, a sound so powerful it felt like the sky itself was tearing apart. Its massive body convulsed as the aftershocks of the spell rippled through its form. The serpentine heads writhed, and the beast's scales crackled with residual energy. The force of the spell was so overwhelming that the hydra's colossal body began to falter, eventually collapsing to the ground with a tremendous crash.

Cheers erupted across the battlefield as spectators marveled at the Viceroy's extraordinary spell. Despite the continued thrashing of the six remaining hydra heads, their main body was grounded, significantly reducing the potency of their attacks.

Taking advantage of the moment, other grand magus swiftly moved to neutralize the remaining heads. Jormungand, the Giant Monarch, wrapped his massive form around one of the hydra's heads, crushing it with a powerful twist. Simultaneously, the Targaryen's spear blade sliced through the air, cleanly severing another head.

The strategy was clear: leave only one head for King Severus to use his mind attack and fully subdue the hydra. However, before they could execute the plan, the hydra suddenly surged back to life. Its aura intensified, exuding a malevolent energy that shook the ground beneath its massive form.

A new serpent head had emerged, distinguished by a gleaming crimson crystal atop its crown. This head appeared to coordinate the others into a defensive formation, thwarting every advance the grand mausi made while the decapitated heads slowly regenerated. All watched in shock as they realized another anomaly within their sight.

"Eight... nine... ten! Ten heads!" x