Chapter 108: Why Not Call It A Draw? (3)

Name:Eat The World Tree Author:
Chapter 108: Why Not Call It A Draw? (3)

At the foothills of an unnamed mountain, around its edges.

Hwangdo, hurry up!

Baekdo, hah, hah. Please go up slowly.

Baekdo, climbing up between the trees, flashed a bright smile at Hwangdo, who followed behind.

Ah geez, how can you be so slow?

Baekdo is too eugh. Fast, I tell you

Hehehe, its because you always read those weird magazines that youre so weak.

Its not a weird magazine!

As Baekdo teased her, Hwangdos ears turned bright red while she struggled to climb the tree.

Really I really hate Baekdo.

Im just telling the truth.

Hwangdo puffed up her cheeks, visibly upset. Baekdo playfully scratched the back of her neck.

Isnt it nice to climb the mountain in the morning?

Not nice at all! I just wanted to talk with Sajeo

What kind of talk? Something naughty?

When Baekdo asked with feigned innocence, Hwangdo blushed and scrambled to make excuses.

Hey, its not naughty; its about preparing for the future!

I really dont understand your thoughts. Whats with that obsession over your future spouse

Hmph, Baekdo should start preparing too. I heard a lot of people break up over bedroom issues.

What are you talking about?

Baekdo snorted, failing to grasp the concept.

What love breaks over bedroom issues?

Fifteen years had passed since the three peach sisters were born.

Excluding the precocious Hwangdo, Baekdo, and Cheondo knew little about such matters.

The person Ill like wont care if Im not good in bed, right?

Whats Baekdos ideal type?

Someone who always cooks for me Has similar taste in food. Reliable and strong. Someone like me?

Baekdo listed her preferences, counting on her fingers. Hwangdo looked skeptical.

Someone like Baekdo? That would be terrible.

Baekdo, who was known for playing pranks on Sajeo and others.

Her frivolous cheerfulness was enough to make everyone shake their heads.

Hwangdo recalled a past incident.

On Christmas Day, she helped Baekdo hang sparkles on all the peach trees in Dowon, only to get spanked. Why hadnt she stopped Baekdo from planning such a thing?

A person like Baekdo doesnt exist in this world.

Maybe its rare because its a match made in heaven?

Hwangdo had no response to her naturally flowing words.

Also, they must like hard peaches.

Whats that about? Thats silly.

Hmph, peach preference is the most important! Even if everything else is different, if the peach preference matches, its fine!

Someone who cooked was reliable, strong, playful like Baekdo, good at taking jokes, and liked hard peaches.

What are you saying, Baekdo? Youre really silly.

Did such a person even exist in this world?

Hwangdo shook her head in disbelief.

Back to the conversation.

Anyway, bedroom compatibility is super important!

Hmph, who divorces over bedroom issues?

You dont know how dangerous the world is nowadays! To catch a man more beautiful than Baekdo, blond and tanned foreign women are just!

Hwangdo, your fantasies are too wild.

Baekdo put her hands on her hips.

Someone more beautiful than me? Where can you find such a person!

Such arrogance. Even the most stubborn would bow to such self-esteem.

Hwangdos half-closed eyes looked towards Baekdo.

Baekdo, who had naturally flawless beauty, thought her personality would overshadow her charm.

Poor guy wholl become your brother-in-law.

Hwangdo stuck out her tongue.

Baekdos ears twitched at such a serious warning. Even the unparalleled Baekdo couldnt ignore it.

Is the bedroom really that important?

Of course! They say if the chemistry is right, marital harmony is good! Do you know what happens if its not?

Darkness settled on Hwangdos brow.

Like telling a scary story in a summer room, Baekdo swallowed hard at the seriousness on Hwangdos face.

Lets say Baekdo falls in love with a man.


But the bedroom experience is not satisfying.


What would happen to that man then?

Hwangdo spread her hands with a wham! like a wolf.

Both men and women are like wolves. If theyre not satisfied, they go looking for someone with whom theyre compatible.

What are you talking about?

They seek pleasure.

Her statement was incomprehensible, but Hwangdos serious demeanor invoked an inexplicable trust.

Think about it. What if Baekdos beloved isnt with her on Arbor Day but with another tree in a hotel making ehee ahee sounds?

Hwangdo imitated a moaning sound exaggeratedly. Baekdo thought to herself,

Not with her on Arbor Day? Her chest suddenly felt tight.

That wont happen. The person who likes me wont get physically involved with anyone else. Neither will I.

Its because of such prohibitions that infidelities happen! Baekdo, do you know what Sajeo calls me?

What?Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Hwangdo patted her chest proudly.

Expert Hitomi!

She had never masturbated in her life She had always thought whatever. It was true she had acted wildly, especially considering he wasnt someone she would normally get involved with.

Who would have thought it would end up like this.

Please shut up.

Or what a draw?

Ah, really!!!

Her emotions exploded.

Without bothering to cover herself with the blanket, she rose and began to stomp on Lee Shiheon.

Ouch! Wait, no, Master Ouch! Youre hitting a bone. Bone! Bone!

After about 20 minutes of relentless stomping.

Lee Shiheon lay on the floor, whimpering like a tragic princess, weeping fake tears.

You started it

Bring me my clothes. Before the kids wake up.


Lee Shiheon concentrated for a moment and then conjured several sets of clothes from the dormitory using space magic. He had become quite adept at it. His progress was both notable and annoying; was it just her mood that made it so?

Get out. I need to dress.

After seeing everything already

Do you want to bleed today?

Yes, Ill leave.

After Lee Shiheon hastily left, she donned the clothes he had brought.

My clothes arent here, and he brought his own

She fastened the unhooked bra and pulled on a loose T-shirt. The sensation of the wet underwear was unpleasant, but she had no choice.


She was not even drenched with water, yet she felt so wet. Suddenly, she recalled being tightly held by him the previous day, unable to resist.

-Huak, stop, stop! Its strange its strange

-Whats strange.

-Third-class disciple Ah

Ah, ack!

She kicked the floor rug furiously and shook her head with force.

Just the thought that Lee Shiheon knew everything about that incident made her cheeks flush with heat. She made a vow to herself:

If he brings up that story Ill tear him apart.

Now fully dressed, she mentally steeled herself and stepped outside.

Lee Shiheon was leaning against the wall near the door, his eyes closed.

Oh, youre here?

His naturally nonchalant expression was exasperating to look at.


Im feeling really awkward right now, so please say something.

Sigh. Really a pain. Alcohol is the devil.

She trailed after Lee Shiheon in silence.

They settled the motel bill, ignoring the strange stares from the receptionist, and left the building, walking under the sky that was gradually brightening.

Breathing in the crisp early morning air, she felt her mood lighten slightly.

Feeling a bit better?

If you would just stop talking, that would be much better.

She slowed her pace to walk beside Lee Shiheon and snapped at him; he responded with a bitter smile.

Lets drink less next time.

Yeah. But how far did we go yesterday?

We didnt go all the way.

That was a relief to hear.

She was genuinely relieved.

But why did I have such a dream all of a sudden?

She glanced at Lee Shiheon.

No matter how many times she saw his unmasked face, it was always irritating.

A man like him was her destiny. To engage in such acts with him at night.

She walked absentmindedly, lost in her thoughts.

Just a moment.

Then, suddenly, Lee Shiheon spoke.


She felt someone sharply tug on her shoulder.

A horn honked from behind.

A car sped past Baekdo, barely missing her. Her head tilted slightly, made contact with the annoying guys shoulder.

Ah, geez, watch out. Its dangerous. Walk on my left side.

Cursing and glancing at the car, Lee Shiheons face displayed a slightly furrowed brow and intense eyes.

A look that would linger in her memory for a long time.

Feeling suddenly irritated, she shoved his chest.

Why did you do that? It was unnecessary!



She couldnt find her calm, even in the morning.

No, ah. Sorry.

Haha, whats that? Honestly, I was just worried about the car. If there was an accident, it might get a dent.

His playful words, his unnecessary concern, and yesterdays incident.

Her mind was too cluttered and overheated. She felt incapable of sorting out her thoughts right then.

Lets go back quickly. Well stop by the supermarket on the way. Ill make some hangover soup.

She didnt respond.

No, she couldnt.

She studied Lee Shiheons face intently.

Make it or not.

No matter how many times she reflected on it and reconsidered it,

It was an annoying face that didnt suit her at all, not to her taste.