Chapter 44

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 44

After surveying the area around Helmfirth Rill, no more dangerous beasts were found. While no humans had been attacked, their very first actions were aggressive and territorial. Even if they were just defending their den- a possibility- Anton knew it was far too dangerous to leave them alive. Not that they had much choice in the matter, once it came to that. They arranged for information to be sent back to the Order. There might be rewards, but either way Anton found himself satisfied with the results even if he received nothing but the thanks of the village. The villagers certainly couldnt afford to pay anything appropriate for hunting such monsters, and they werent asked to do so.


Once they moved on, Dungannon was not far away. Anton both dreaded and highly anticipated his return to his hometown. It was no longer his home, though. He couldnt see himself living there again even if it was in a different state.

It was with mixed feelings that he approached the village. He mainly experienced dread, anger, and sadness but he also had a bit of hope. He was only returning because he had confidence in himself to begin vengeance against those who had wronged them and salvation for those who still lived. Anton would have liked to come back in Spirit Building, maybe even the peak of it, able to wipe out the entire bandit group single handed. But he was willing to settle for at least having enough strength to begin.

The other two were quiet as they passed overgrown fields that had no crops and came into sight of the sagging and crumbled buildings of the city proper. Even those that had been relatively untouched by the fires were showing a year without maintenance, and the weight of early snows. Though he knew they were merely being respectful, Anton couldnt stand the silence. That was the home of Melinda, a seamstress. Best in the whole village. Across from her was Deo... possibly the worst baker in the world. But a wonderful man, regardless. Anton wished he remembered every single one but Dungannon wasnt the same place anymore. He could barely recognize some of the buildings or what they had been. His memory wasnt perfect, and while hed known most everyone, some hed merely not interacted with. He did his best, however.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Houses on the outskirts, workshops and stores and other nearby farms were all there. It was a place Anton had spent his whole life, and it had changed so much from when hed first seen it to when it last existed. It had been most of his world. There was the nearby forest and other towns, but they were only a small part of his life. But as they finally arrived at the former Krantz farm, he realized how small it was. Anton tried to introduce the farm, but he couldnt.

Is this it, then? Catarina asked. Where you lived?

Anton nodded. He could at least do that. At least, until all of the memories flooded over him. He wandered about in a daze, unaware of anyone else remembering. Janina had caught his eye in the city, but when she first came to visit him on the farm he remembered how shed slowly come into view on the horizon. The first cow hed helped give birth. Each field that slowly expanded. His own children, grandchildren, and more. A hundred years and then everything was gone all at once.

His cultivation was still insufficient. Anton knew that. As he was now, he couldnt handle any of the bandit leaders, even if they remained the same. No more Anton spoke to himself. He wouldnt allow it to happen anymore. Killing the bandits was something that needed to be done but that wasnt good enough. He couldnt allow it to happen to anyone else. As he began to come back to his senses, he realized the stars were out. He couldnt just try to be stronger. He had to be the strongest. He had to reach the peak of Ninety-Nine Stars.

No, that wasnt it. That was the problem, wasnt it? Anton was quite confident in himself in general, but as a cultivator in a new field he felt unsure. Even if just a little bit, he was thrown off. He hadnt thought he could reach the peak of cultivation, but now that he had the determination he realized he was just a little bit off.

Anton sighed, I am afraid to say that I have very little information on family. My plans are much the same. I can afford to set a number of people up in Graotan, and if I dont have enough now, I can earn it. There are a few I hope will be simple purchases. Devon has been sold to an arena, which will be trickier and he may not even still live. Anton closed his eyes for a moment. Then there is Annelie. She was I thought she was my first great-grandchild, though I was apparently quite wrong about that. That would be your mother, and even you are older than her. She was sold to the Frostmirror sect. I have no information after that.

Hoyt bit his lip. If they care for good cultivators, she should be treated well. It seems you have talent for cultivation in your family he looked between the two of them.

Perhaps, Anton said. Though we are but two in dozens, many generations apart. Hardly anything to draw conclusions from.

Hoyt shrugged, Thats still not actually that bad. Some of the sects are very picky about partners and dont end up with top tier cultivators in two out of five generations.

Top tier? Anton asked. Im merely in body tempering yet.

If you can say that again in the Spring, I might reconsider my thoughts, Hoyt grinned.

You should be more confident, Grandpa Anton.

Anton smiled, Id much prefer not to be overconfident. But while I might not consider myself anything of the sort now I will reach the top. That I swear to whatever it is that governs the lives of people. A ripple of energy flowed out from him as he spoke, brushing over the two other cultivators., Hoyt said. I like that confidence. So while youre not too far, Id like to humbly request your guidance in the future.

Of course, Anton said. I shall always support you, such as I am able, he inclined his head to Catarina, You as well, of course. Even more so. Though your skill with formations far outpaces anything I imagine doing.

Maybe so, Catarina said. But you can always ask me for help, when you need a formation master. Or apprentice, right now.