Chapter 79

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 79

It was a big relief for Anton that they finished the battle without interference from the mysterious figure. He hadnt been able to learn more about whoever they were after that first instance spotting them, though hed had a few similar moments. His detection abilities were just on the edge of where they needed to be to pick out that particular person. He enlisted the help of Fuzz to memorize their scent, but he wasnt sure about following the trail. He had a few tricks hed used to try to make them reveal themselves. His most promising attempt he gathered much of his energy and tried to move it away from himself as if he were walking off away from his actual location. That had afforded him another glimpse as they moved, but that was it. Still just the edge of clothing. Not wanting to push his luck, Anton had gone on with the plan to ambush the bandits.

Hed kept a bit too much energy in reserve, and some of their allies were seriously injured. He couldnt say that he would have been able to avoid that entirely if he didnt hold back at all, because hed still been quite effective and most of the injuries were earlier in the fighting when the bandits stabilized their positions right after the ambush. But he couldnt spend too long thinking about what he had done right and wrong. He didnt detect any serious mistakes, and he took much of the risk upon himself, fighting several cultivators at once. Well, he supposed he shouldnt count the one he brought down with his first arrow.

While Catarina stabilized the injured members, Anton and Hoyt gathered the heads of the bandits that the bounty wanted proof of. It was a grisly task, but really the best way of proving they had killed them.

Though some of them had been involved in the attack on Dungannon- Oskar even mentioned he recognized one- Anton didnt feel much elation. He had no worries about killing them, his inspections of their actions sufficient for him to agree with the assessment. It just wasnt very cathartic. Only a handful of them had been connected to the attack, and there were so many more to kill, and so many taken into slavery yet unfreed. So, Anton only felt a little bit of satisfaction that hed done good for the world. Then again, hed pretty much known that revenge wouldnt make him happy. Even though hed previously only experience pettier forms of revenge, any satisfaction it brought was fleeting.

Even though the dozens hed had a part in freeing from slavery were extremely grateful, he wasnt the sort to base his life around praise and adulation. Though it did feel good. He just knew that wouldnt be the driving force in his life. Revenge couldnt be it either, because eventually he would be done with that. Perhaps he was a bit overconfident, but Anton knew he had to have assurance in himself to cultivate well.

That was something he was working on at the moment. For the twelfth star, he was cultivating voice. It combined inner and outer benefits. The outer benefits were improved ability to command- and more usefully in Antons opinion- to teach. Internally, it let him organize his thoughts and act with confidence. Both of those effects were still quite minor at his current level of progress, but he thought it was the best choice. While he could chase after purifications that would be most useful for combat power he wanted to prioritize some other areas so he didnt lose himself.

As they travelled the half-days journey back towards Valburgh, Fuzz started acting up. He began with sniffing up a storm before he began alternatively whining and growling. Clearly he disapproved of something along the road. Anton didnt see anything but there was no hurt in taking a look. Fuzz showed no signs of stopping, however. He kept pace with the rest of them, continuously sniffing.

Whatever it is, Catarina said, It doesnt seem to be too close.

The woman just smiled, not actually answering. Things do need to be done properly. She moved into the back room for a few moments, returning with their payment. The whole process was quick and easy, We appreciate your contributions to Estarys safety.

Was this some sort of test? Anton asked.

All bounties offered are important for the safety of Estary, the woman answered. However, she didnt deny his idea. Anton wasnt really sure who it was a test for, but the woman was clearly strong enough to take out that group on her own.

Anton didnt think he would get much else, so he merely thanked her and left. They checked the bounty board for anything else, but there were relatively few and some of the bounties didnt indicate anyone local. Anton did his best to remember the faces either as potential targets or some to avoid and report to the authorities, if they were too strong.

After they left the office, Anton spoke to the other two, What do you think about all that?

Id bet its a test for the younger generation, Hoyt said. And a sort of training opportunity. Let people experience live combat without too much chance of anything going wrong. Its sort of what the Order did with the forest, though clearly that got out of control this last time.

A troublesome problem, Anton said. The older generations can take care of all the danger more efficiently, but that leaves those following behind them unprepared.

Also, Catarina added, If they are always seen to be occupied with smaller tasks, people can take those opportunities to cause larger trouble. If only a few of the stronger cultivators are occupied and nobody knows when, theyre a better deterrent.

A reasonable enough system, Anton admitted, Its too difficult to perfectly assess and handle danger. He was quite aware that cultivators werent perfect. They were still just humans after all, humans who could make mistakes with even broader reach than normal. Still, from what he could tell Estary had its head in a good place and was also at least decently effective. Graotan wasnt bad either, but clearly there had been failures. Fixing a system that worked well for the most part without allowing other problems to crop up would be difficult. It was a good thing Anton had no intention to do it alone.This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.