Chapter 117

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 117

The next weeks were filled with more boring yet stressful legal proceedings. Kohar had to make the utmost use of her legal prowess, and Anton was astounded at how many seemingly small circumstances could change things. Fortunately Kohar had been prepared for what they had done. Killing everyone in their path had always been the backup plan, it had simply been intended for a later time when Catarina, Hoyt, Velvet, and Timothy were all present. Toninas actions had forced them to act much earlier than intended.

The insurmountable extent of evidence on their side was helpful. First was the official courier who swore he delivered the first copy of the document directly to Toninas hands. Elder Varela had shown her the copy sent to him in the presence of several of her guards, and though they hadnt read it his verbalized summary was remembered by one of them. Probably more than one, but only one admitted it.

Then there was the quarter-full arena. Not all of them had been able to clearly make out Antons shouting declaration, but out of hundreds of people they were able to track down a handful who heard clearly enough and could confirm that Tonina ordered the match to be continued. Once more there could have been more, but many likely feared reprisals from the Potenza family. There were also witnesses of Toninas destruction of the orders outside of the arena, and Elder Rocha had significant influence.

Not everything went smoothly. Both of Toninas parents had been out of town for business and were quite furious when they returned. They immediately started calling in favors, but the delay minimized their impact. They also brought counter charges against Anton and Elder Varela- the legality of slaughtering the guards preventing their passage was already settled, but there was another matter they attempted to leverage. The other slaves had broken out of the arena while they were there.

Kohar counterattacked savagely, at least as much as could be done by pulling up legal precedent. The accusation only served to slow down the whole situation. There were no witnesses of them being in that section of the arena, and there couldnt be. All of the guards were dead. The freed arena combatants had been even more savage than the caged magical beasts that seemed to have been unleashed first to soften up the guards.

Despite cultivators patience for certain matters, legal proceedings werent generally one of them. The Potenzas influence only went so far when held against Elder Rocha. In the end they merely sufficed to keep Tonina alive. The sentence was a paltry three years of confinement and penalties that amounted to ten times what Devon had been sold for. The first was nothing compared to death, but not quite as worthless as it sounded. Proper confinement for cultivators involved a prison where there was no natural energy. If they could cultivate, it would hardly be a punishment at all. And while it was just three year, for a young woman like Tonina missing even a single year of cultivation would significantly weaken her compared to her peers.


I owe you both great favors, Anton said to Elder Varela and Kohar. I promise to pay you back properly, if I can.

I will not refuse the offer, Kohar said. Your goals aligned with my own, but I will admit that there is more risk to myself than my normal business.

You painted a big target on yourself, Elder Varela said. I hope youre ready. So many eyes are on you right now that I doubt youll immediately be in danger, but dont let your guard down.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

I was aware when I started all of this what the consequences might be. Anton looked towards his other companions who had arrived during all of the legal mess. In a way, Im glad things turned out just like this, without any of your involved.

Catarina hung her head, I was willing to share the burden with you.

Thats right, Hoyt said, I wanted to fight with you.

Im not saying you wont still get to do that, Anton pointed out. Rather, nobody took notice of any of you. At least, not in the same way. Its not so easy for you all to be unnoticed with, well everyone. There was quite a large number of people to bring along with them now, as each group had over a dozen freed people. I do mean it about that favor, Elder Varela. I may have saved Lev by coincidence, but you called in a big favor to help Devon.

Elder Varela smiled beneath his massively long beard. Oh, dont worry about not paying me back. I know the value of favors. I hope you dont mind if I wait until youre in late Spirit Building, so I can get a fair exchange.

Thats some confidence you have in me, Anton laughed.

How long? Elder Varela asked, more seriously.

What do you mean?

Anton took a deep breath, then nodded. Fine. Though we have personal history, your actions were no worse than any of many others in this country. Anton leaned closer, But I would think very carefully about what you do in the future and who you choose to support.

Masozi shook his head. In ten years, you will be an important figure or a dead one.

Im already past due, Anton smiled. Then he turned towards another figure hed noticed. There was a delay before recognition sparked in the mans eyes.

He approached the dark skinned man, waving casually as he did so. Ayotunde slowly and obviously gave Anton the once over, his eyes and senses carefully appraising him. Youre stronger. Yet your body and youre far too much older. Ayotunde shook his head. I will not judge your choice of techniques. Forbidding useful abilities is only for those with the luxury to do so.

Theyre unrelated, Anton clarified. My cultivation advanced more or less naturally, and the forbidden technique that re-aged me was simply necessary for recent events.

So you were the old man to cause trouble with the Potenzas. What an astounding change. The other two that were with you?

Similar advancement, but less exposing themselves to side effects. I must ask, why are you no longer with the caravan? It seemed like a solid job.

It was, but the caravan changed hands to a fellow I did not mesh with. So I left. And now you are here to hire people for?

A simple escort out of the country, Anton said.

Who else wants to kill you? Ayotunde asked. Besides the Potenzas.

Anton shrugged. Them, probably the Iron Ring Slavers, some wealthy slavers who dont like change. I doubt all of them will cause trouble though.

Nobody important, then. Ayotundes declaration seemed sincere. I would be glad to offer my services for standard rates.

With combat pay extra?

It cannot be extra if it is guaranteed. If you were to have to pay proportionate to the danger, I am not sure if you could afford it. I would suggest offering a share of equipment sales- to myself and others. Anyone sent after you wont be poorly equipped.

Reasonably. Who else here can you recommend?

Ayotunde looked across the room, though he probably already had people in mind. The shrimp and the granny.

It wasnt too hard to determine which two Ayotunde referred to. I dont suppose they have actual names?

Probably, old man, but why even bother? Ayotunde smiled.