Chapter 125

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 125

Though he had somehow managed to get Alva to take cultivation slowly, after slightly more than half a year of cultivating she was close to the second prime tempering, the fifth star. Even at that speed her road hadnt been entirely smooth. Anton and the others had been carefully monitoring her progress and there had been several points where it was clear that her still growing body responded differently to body tempering than an adult. If it were so easy to begin training five or ten years early, it would be commonly practiced.

The correct thing to do was to prevent Alva from cultivating, but that wasnt possible anymore. Anton wasnt sure if it had ever been possible. Everyone she might reasonably be taken care of was a cultivator or at least learning how to be one, and Alva would certainly have coaxed them into teaching her or found the technique manual herself at some point. Then she would have been doing something dangerous and entirely unsupervised. The best Anton could do was impart on her the knowledge of the danger and take care of her.

He was currently satisfied that she probably wouldnt kill or injure herself in cultivation. A small comfort, since she was eager to participate in real battles. He could forbid that as well, but that was impractical. He and the others who could watch her were heading to Everhearts tomb. Only physically imprisoning her would stop her from running off into the beast forest or on some dangerous mission. By the Orders standards, she was able to become an official member with the proper benefits that provided.

The only other option was taking her along with him, but that simply guaranteed shed get into danger that she wasnt prepared to handle. The difference between the fifth star, when she reached it, and the fifteenth star that Anton was at were more than just a factor of three. Anton could probably fight ten of her without trouble.

You need to stay here, Anton said. Keep training as Ive taught you. Work the fields or any other job you like, to improve yourself and grow your resources. And Uncle Pete will be around if you need any advice. Technically Pete wasnt her uncle or a relative at all, but it was close enough.

But I want to go with you! Im much stronger now.

Youre not ready for real danger yet.

You always say that, Alva pouted. I know you were fighting beasts in the forest a month after you joined the Order!

Having smart grandchildren was a curse. But at least he had one more way to wiggle out of that. It was only a month after I joined the Order, indeed, but I was at the fifth star at the time. If you reach that level and find a team, you can hunt in the forest. It was best to compromise, especially if it would keep her overall safer. Shed already been in danger many times more than a normal child of her age, but that didnt mean exposing her to more danger was a good idea. Dont go outside of the proper depths. Ill know if you get lost and go deeper than you should. You have a better sense of direction than that.

And, Catarina took the chance to interject. Youll have Fuzz with you. Hell be there to keep you safe, but if you go somewhere too dangerous he could get really hurt. You dont want that, do you?

Alva shook her head. No I want Fuzz to be happy and run around like normal.

With that information, Anton kept his eyes and other senses open. He had to admit that Vincent was right. While the plants were mostly clumps of scrubgrass and scraggly bushes, there were occasional solid trees and robust and tall grass. The natural energy was still minimal, but he realized that much of it was condensed into what little plantlife there was. That included wheat fields, and Anton knew that eating grains with condensed natural energy would be almost as good as taking cultivation boosting medicines with fewer potential side effects. Anton didnt mind that in principle, but it seemed that lower level cultivators had trouble advancing without connections. Then again, wasnt that true anywhere? Even Anton had just been handed a powerful technique in the form of the Ninety-Nine Stars. It wasnt secret but the number of copies was still limited. If Vincent hadnt done that for him he might not have even been able to acquire any form of cultivation technique to start off with. That just reaffirmed Antons plans for the future.


The terrain gradually grew arid and hot. There were also more craggy hills and tall, freestanding rock structures. Some stood alone like towers while others had wide, flat tops. The soil itself was now reddish brown and claylike. Not good for farming much of anything, though the few plants that grew in the area seemed happy enough.

Most of the terrain was completely ignorable, and there wasnt much of anything to see. However, as they approached one of the large freestanding plateaus Anton could see other people. Hundreds of them, maybe thousands. They must have reached the destination.

The first thing he saw, while they were still far off, was the image of a tall man. Not a statue, but not really a person. Unless the man were eight feet tall and able to stand with his feet well above the ground. Possible, but he would have sensed the fluctuations of energy from the horizon. The way the light didnt hit his face quite right confirmed Antons theory.

From what hed heard, the chiseled jaw and sharp features were just the sort of thing Everheart would use for a projection of himself. Broad shoulders like an ox and muscle filled out the rest of the figure who had no shirt and barely anything covering his lower half. He was standing there in the air, grinning at the crowd of people.

As they approached closer, Anton managed to recognize a few further figures. Elder Varela and Lev werent exactly a surprise, though the young man was almost unrecognizable. His back was straight, and though his presumably still useless arm was concealed in an oversized sleeve, he radiated confidence.

The next two were a surprise. Faces he had only seen in drawings. Anton tensed up as he saw Maximillian Van Hassel and Nirmal Slusser in person. He thought about trying to put arrows through them then and there, but in addition to the fact that they felt like they were in late Spirit Building there were both formal and informal agreements about conduct in such situations. The Order would be justified to not support him if he were to attack, and he would find himself mostly alone. Even if his usual allies supported him he wasnt certain of victory, and the two didnt seem to be alone.

Finally he saw a face hed wanted to see for two and a half years. In that time Annelie had gone from a girl to starting to look like a young woman, but there was no way he wouldnt recognize her no matter how much she grew. She was standing at the center of a group of people with similar auras, presumably the Frostmirror sect. Each group was cordoned off from the others.

Anton knew he wouldnt be allowed to casually approach, but he was going to make the attempt. That was his intention, anyway, but around the time they were just a couple hundred meters away from the crowds of cultivators the large floating Everheart spoke with a booming voice.

Welcome, everyone, to my tomb! Or your tomb, if you are not worthy. This one is specially prepared for new cultivators. Somehow the figures back became even more straight, and Anton thought his muscles bulged unnaturally as his arms flexed in front of him. You might be wondering who counts as a new cultivator. Its quite simple. Just try to enter and if you fit the bill you wont get knocked on your ass! Anton had never heard a laugh that would have sounded like someone good spirits in other contexts feel so malicious. Though Anton could see a smirk that indicated it would at least be fun for someone. Though Anton doubted a projection could actually feel mirth, it sure acted like it.

As crowds of people started pouring towards an ornate entrance in the rocky plateau, Anton realized he would have to find a chance to see Annelie later. Hopefully inside, where she would have fewer people around her.