Chapter 142

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 142

During the course of their travel, Elder Tshering didnt have to lift a finger except the one time an ambush predator thought he would be the best choice as a target. It was a greatly oversized cat, but clearly without the ability to sense energy. Elder Tshering restrained his energy so as to not simply scare off every magical beast in the surrounding area, but anything close enough to lay its eyes on him would still be able to sense his power.

Rarely in the past had Anton been successfully ambushed. While the forest around Dungannon wasnt exactly peaceful, it had no ambush predators large enough to attack humans. After hed started training Body Tempering, one of his earlier stars had been the organs in his head, which was where the major senses resided. He also trained Hawk Eyes archery and other techniques to boost his senses even more. It was good to match off against more challenging foes. The way the creatures camouflaged into the surroundings without the use of energy was particularly interesting.

If he could find Velvet, he might ask her what she thought. He could pick her out here and there, but ever since shed started practicing her new stealth technique he struggled to keep up. It was one of the techniques merely forbidden by sects in the past because it was used against them. In short, it was too good. A technique that allowed her to slip past her surroundings without disturbing them was certainly not easy to learn, but after the months of practice shed put in, he found himself impressed.

Fuzz was running back and forth, crossing in front of and behind the group. When he abruptly stopped and pointed his nose into the tall grass, Anton took his bow into his hands. Before he could compare the angle to determine exactly what was hiding, Alva had already taken a shot. An injured lion leaped out of the brush- a slim hunter, unlike the more voluminous males who seemed to do little actual fighting. Anton took a shot, his arrow digging deeper into its side than Alvas. It wasnt really a fair comparison, as he had a whole eleven stars more than her. Still, despite the fact that the cats leap was less than halfway to Alva, he wasnt going to let it get unnecessarily close. If he had other opponents to worry about it would be one thing, but he wasnt going to just leave it when he was able to act.This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

Aww, I wanted to take it alone. Though its pretty tough. Alva waited a few moments then urged Fuzz closer. I think this is the same kind thats part of my bow. She tapped a finger to her lips, Does this mean I can make a second bow?

If you find a good shaft and learn to properly handle the materials, sure, Anton said. Want to help me butcher it? We can see if there are any good tendons.

... I think Ill pass for now. Alva wasnt exactly squeamish, but she preferred not to get blood and guts on her. She patted Fuzz on the head, Good job sniffing it out. Can you teach me how to do that?

Fuzz did a sort of bark, sniffing around the area with his head low. Alva followed him around, but Anton could tell she was just playing. Though he wondered if he should try to enhance his sense of smell. Something might hide from sight, vision, and even energy sensing but smells were bound to leak out eventually. Scents were lingering instead of just having to be stopped in the moment. Having the ability to detect things by scent could be valuable, though as with any powerful sense it could also be a weakness. Hed seen normal wolves overwhelmed by certain plants in the forest, making them an excellent deterrent around their flocks. Though most wolves wouldnt approach a farm unless they were starving anyway.

How much longer until we get there? Alva asked. She seemed impatient to arrive, though she was doing her best to keep herself occupied as they passed very similar terrain for long periods of time.

Elder Tshering was the one to answer that. Two days, if we keep this pace. Well hit a road soon enough, and well likely not encounter any more wild beasts. He shook his head, There hasnt been much of note here, but I can ask about unexpected movements of beasts when we arrive. The locals should know more.

Even though it had already been several years, the reasons behind the unexpected number of beasts that had appeared were still being investigated. For the moment the area was just being more carefully managed, but there were investigations into whether significant changes had happened elsewhere. The primary suspect was more from the north, but the circumstances Ayotunde had mentioned were a possible connection. Either way, they had plans to move around different parts of Ambati after they concluded the mission- to search for more about the beasts if necessary and to look for the facility Everheart mentioned. It was doubtless something dangerous to tackle alone. Anton hoped that Elder Tshering would stay with them, though that was up to whether he could be convinced.


As predicted, they soon enough arrived in Tailoga. The architecture was quite different from what Anton was used to, but houses were houses and cities were cities. It was easy to make out roads and businesses, and of course the locations of large clans. The Tempitope clan didnt entirely control the city of Tailoga, but they had their hands in many things in the city and the area around it. Finding their way to Ayotunde merely took a short time, and he jumped down from the walls he was standing atop to greet them. They were actually tall enough to stop most cultivators, but going down was easier than up. Down came on its own. Normally Anton would have supposed such a fall would break a knee or two, but it seemed the Western Steel Body was quite suited for such stunts. He did leave a significant impression in the ground, though.

Ayotunde threw his arms out wide, Welcome, members of the Order of Ninety-Nine Stars. I hope your presence means you have accepted my request. His eyes especially lingered on Elder Tshering.

Elder Tshering nodded, That is correct. Assuming the scope of the task is as stated, we can enter into a proper agreement.

Ayotunde laughed, Thats right, quite a problem.

Elder Tshering nodded sagely, his arms crossed in front of him. A conundrum indeed. Have you considered a horseshoe design? It could curve around you but still have that open space.

Oh, a good thought! Matriarch Afi grabbed one of the haunches of the gazelle with a snatch of energy. Everyone had a chance, no complaining now, she grinned heartily, then opened her mouth wide, shoving the entire thing inside. Somehow it worked, without distending her expression. She chewed for a few moments until her mouth was empty in her one nod to politeness. A horseshoe shape, huh. What do you think? she waved the bone at Anton before cracking it in half to begin sucking out the marrow.

He was a bit hesitant to answer, because although she was friendly enough her cultivation was still enough above him it felt awkward. With the Elders from the Order he had a connection to them beforehand, but Matriarch Afi was unfamiliar to him except in the last minutes. He gave himself time to think by slowly chewing the seeds of a fruit he had in hand. If there are too many people, it will still result in some being far away. But I cant think how you would fix that without moving your seat. She didnt have to shout, of course. A cultivator could shape the sound of their voice at least enough to have it carry further without being too loud. Though if she truly intended to talk to those at the end of the table, they might not have the skills to answer in the same manner.

Suddenly, the Matriarchs face became stern. Alva! Alva froze, one hand under the table. You dont need to smuggle something out of the dining hall, you know. Well make sure your companion gets fed.

Oh. Alva slowly put her hand with a large slab of meat on her plate. Fuzz gets very hungry.

You named him Fuzz? A good name.

Catarina named him, Alva said. When she found him in a cave of death moss.

Death moss? Id love to hear about it, Matriarch Afi nodded enthusiastically. And about you. Not many cultivate so young. Her eyes sharpened, searching across the table. Tell me, are you and Catarina sisters?

Umm Great-Grandpa Anton, what are we?

Cousins of some sort, Anton answered.

Quite a bit of family here, then. Do I sense Devons connection as well? she seemed less certain about that one.

Anton nodded, A grandson.

Id love to hear all about how you ended up together like this. And with one cultivating a different technique, even. But first, this death moss.

Anton did eventually share his story, and how his family came to be in the state it was, while Matriarch Afi shared about the Temitope clan. The history was a bit longer, but it was not too much unlike his own familys story, except with more cultivation- not counting the recent years for Anton and the others.