Chapter 144

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 144

It was quite tempting, really, to set the whole countryside on fire. Though it likely wouldnt burn up the energy devouring grasses, it would reveal them by the very fact that they remained. Tempting, but also excessive, unnecessary, and immoral. Hoyt knew that setting a fire in the countryside couldnt be controlled exactly. Maybe animals that were just trying to live their lives, no threat to humans, would die. Ecosystems would be wiped out, and human villages could easily be caught up in the aftermath. He had no doubt that some sects would have done it anyway, but either the other two clans didnt have the inclination, the ability, or they didnt want to risk damaging their prize.

A powerful plant might resist scorching fires unharmed, or it might burn up like loose tinder. With only speculation, the risks had to be taken as they came instead of attempting to solve them with a single act. But damn were the native plants annoying. It wasnt just the grass, but western creeper as well. It was bad enough when it was grown on trellises and designed to be harvested from- when it crawled along the ground in patches hundreds of meters wide, crossing the area was just foolish.

If their scouts werent so good, they would be having real problems. Though occasionally even Hoyt could spot some things on his own. Namely, after someone from one of the other clans had stumbled into a patch and now had a dead body in there. Most of those were from the Mwangi clan, including some of the swarms of mercenaries theyd hired. The Mwangi clan went for quantity over quality, and the same was true of the mercenaries theyd hired. People wearing their colors were all over the place, and when they died the bodies were just left behind.

Their group, at least, did a better job taking care of their weaker members. Every Body Tempering cultivator was matched with a Spirit Building ally, and simply through virtue of the ability of the Spirit Building cultivators offensive power the Body Tempering cultivators were safer. It wasnt necessary to have anyone risk themselves to protect others- fighting together and taking advantage of openings people created was good enough.

Hoyt spotted the scouts returning. Anton was the one to relay what they saw. A large field of melons is ahead. They radiate energy, an attractive prospect. However, they match the description of a dangerous plant.

Serpentmelons? Ayotunde asked.

As far as we could tell, yes. It should still be worthwhile to retrieve them, but we saw cultivators from the Olayinka clan nearby. Doubtless they will be aiming for them as well.

Ayotunde nodded, Serpentmelons are worth enough to harvest and compete over. Though the energy contained in them is a bait, its still very real. A delectable treat and a valuable cultivation resource. Alas, one that does not grow well in captivity. It requires many animal carcasses. Some of significant energy.

For those who forgot, Anton began to relay the information, Serpentmelon plants have extremely poisonous spines. Those spines can either directly pierce you as you brush against them or be launched. In addition, the tendrils they extend containing those can whip about when disturbed. It would be best to deal with them from a distance. Sadly, they are both durable and do not tire quickly. More importantly, the more they are disturbed the more they reabsorb the energy from the melons to replenish themselves.

As the explanation finished, the group was already making their way to the serpentmelon patch. Once there, they spotted the Olayinka clan on the far side, as predicted. Neither of them could have truly been said to have arrived first.

Stand down, called a late Spirit Building man, accompanied by another. The Olayinka clan has claim to this patch.

He chopped down, severing a melon from the plant. He wasnt quite sure what they looked like when fully ripe, but they wouldnt be coming back this way. With his foot he caught the melon and tossed it back towards those watching at the edge. Anton caught it, gently placing it in a pile they were starting.

Hoyt continued to make a narrow line through the plants, his straightforward methods disturbing them less than it might seem at first. As long as he could step over a particular vine and have an area of confidence around himself to dodge, he would leave the plant alone on his way to the next melon. As he cauterized the wounds, there was nowhere to pull energy to, except the remaining triggered parts of the plant. A single flop or twist was not enough to particularly drain a melon, and he didnt have the niceties of time anyway. He could see others near him, allies forming a matching line as they circled the center.

He caught sights of a squirming figure, wiggling her way along the ground. Between her feet she was dragging a melon almost the same size as her, scooting it under the winding tendrils. Hoyt hadnt even considered that option, because he was far too big to pull it off. The melon itself somehow didnt set off the plants, however, so Alva was able to worm her way along. If she brushed against the plants wrong she could be in danger, but he couldnt stop her just because she was young. Others the same strength as her were participating, and she was doing quite well, taking advantage of her small size.

As he continued along the leftmost edge, Hoyt neared the middle. He saw a particularly fine specimen, a melon the size of his torso. He could see a cultivator from the other side eyeing it as well. Hoyt took a deep breath, focusing on his surroundings. He had reached the seventeenth star, and he focused on Spiritual Connection. There was a flow of energy through the plants- though it was really more of one large plant. Regardless, he felt how things flowed. Insight was of little use, as there was no body language to read in a plant. The flow of energy wasnt really hidden either. Serpentmelon hadnt developed to prevent human cultivators, but instead entrap wild beasts. Sometimes those beasts were powerful, but they couldnt usually pick up on the subtleties of energy flow.

Hoyt kicked one of the tendrils, and it snapped up- whipping towards the other cultivator. He had no ability to accurately control it, so his opponent was able to dodge with the space around him. But Hoyt didnt need to kill him or even injure him. Just slow him down. He was already halfway to his destination when a rock was tossed into the area near him, springing a number of tendrils to wrap around him and sending tiny needles as thin as hairs flying everywhere. The fires he kept wrapped tightly around himself burned them, but it consumed some of his energy.

Hoyt strategically triggered a few more pieces of the plant and then just chucked clods of dirt around his opponent. He chopped through nearby areas as necessary to make room, and soon he was only a handful of meters from the melon, his opponent the same. They exchanged glances, and his opponent began darting forward.

Instead of doing the same, Hoyt just jumped. He couldnt guarantee exactly where he would land, except that he would certainly step on some of the plant- and he wouldnt be far from the melon. As he landed, he wrapped himself around the melon, his energy coating it with fire directed outwards. A feature of energy that was a manipulation of the natural order, since fire didnt really have a direction normally.

As the plant triggered around him Hoyt used the best of his training in Instinct and Spiritual Connection to avoid most of the damage. Then he leaped, carrying the heavy melon back with him. By the time he reached the edge, most of the melons were already retrieves. Some in the very center still remained, but they were mainly small and shriveled.

Thats enough, Elder Tshering declared. We must treat our injuries and be on our way. Based on the size of their piles, they had come out basically even, though personally Hoyt thought their melons seemed more vibrant. That could have been bias, though.

They stuffed their pile of melons into the storage bags they had available and moved away. Even as they walked, they chopped some of the melons into pieces. While it wasnt perfect, eating the melon and circulating the energy the right way helped dissolve the poison some people had injected into them. Either way, the melon was bulky and they didnt quite have room to carry all of it in the bags they had available. Everyone got a share of the succulent and juicy melons, and a quick boost in their energy. There were limits to how much cultivation resources were reasonable to consume, but serpentmelon was a stable one. Not excessively powerful, but Hoyt could feel the effects it had. He was quite satisfied.

The rest would be shared with the other groups when they met up. That would be in the morning, because that was when the signals came. Someone had found the beast overlord and whatever it was protecting. The group hastily made their way forward, watching for dangers that might stand in their way.