Chapter 157

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 157

It shouldnt have felt like an accomplishment to walk around in her own house. Though Velvet wasnt sure if it was her home anymore. Nothing that made it home was there anymore. Her grandparents were gone. The room that had once been hers was indeed full of random things. Pots and vases and spare tables and chairs. Normal stuff for a house, but not her house. The only thing the same was the walls- and walls were the least important part of a home.

As for who owned the house Velvet wasnt sure. Her aunt and uncle had claimed it after her grandparents deaths. She hadnt even thought to dispute it at the time. Now with nothing left of what made it what it once was, it didnt matter. The value of the house and the land were irrelevant to her.

Just to show she could, she stuck her head into the other rooms as well. The master bedroom didnt have much interesting, just typical furnishings and a jewelry box on the nightstand. Her aunt followed along looking worried, while Anton just stood nearby.

Velvet avoided looking at Carol and Bert as she moved past them. If she stopped, she might do something she regretted. Petty vengeance would be easy, but would it make the world a better place? She doubted it. Now she had more than just the Orders rules to worry about, because Anton cared. And that made her consider whether her actions actually made things better as well.

It was always in the back of her head that it might. That they deserved it. But at best, hasty actions would probably end up at a net neutral. She could always come back later. Im going out to the yard.

The yard was small, just a little fenced in area. Only one tree she vaguely recognized, but she had no real attachment to it. What she wanted was yes, shed sensed it properly, buried under the ground. She shoved her arm into the ground, pushing aside the dirt with her energy and muscle. It was so easy. She grabbed something. Several pieces, really. They were the only piece dumped into the ground that still resembled much of anything. Even then, the details on the little wooden statue were faded. It would barely resemble its former self even if she put it back together. But it was something.

Whats going on? Bert asked as she once more moved through the center of the house. Velvet didnt respond.

As she was about to reach the front door, her aunt reached out for her arm. Where are you-

Velvet brushed her off, using her energy so that she couldnt wrap her hand around. She looked back, glaring. Goodbye, Carol. She continued walking out onto the road, past several more houses. Then she curled up into a ball around a corner. She looked up at Anton, This was supposed to make me feel better. She held the broken pieces of a childhood toy in her hand.

He sat down beside her. Sometimes, it hurts before we heal. Do you want to talk about it?

Not really. What was she even supposed to say? Theyre just some people who I used to think were family. She looked down at the wooden figure. She could feel how it aligned along the breaks. There were definitely pieces missing. But there had to be a way to repair it.

It wasnt too long before she was ready to move again. It just hurt to remember her family. She hadnt thought about them much in years. Except when she was trying to forget, and then the memories were always stronger.

Theres one more place, she said. Just more memories.

It was funny how short the trip down the road was. When she was younger it had felt like forever. It wasnt just that she could walk faster now, but she also had the freedom to go where she wanted. Her destination was just in the nearby city of Cardend, an hours walk for a normal person.

The orphanage was right on the outskirts of the city. It was smaller than she had remembered. Certainly, it felt cramped. As one of the older children there hadnt been much room. But its height had seemed intimidating, once. Looming. L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.


Tensions between Ofrurg and Graotan were increasing. The Heavenly Lion Sect wasnt the only one bitter about Anton receiving recognition and reward in Everhearts Tomb. Other sects didnt like the Order simply because of its size and power, or because some of their rivals supported them.

Various parts of Ofrurg also took exception for having to admit wrongdoing in how they handled slavery. Those involved in the slave trade were especially bothered by Kohars continued efforts to hold them responsible for their actions. But she had managed to hit them in their wallets, and that was likely the best result anyone could hope for. At least, at the current point.

Anton was hoping to completely abolish the practice of slavery, but Ofrurg wasnt the only place in the world that supported it. Just the one sharing the most border with Graotan. Of course, Anton had no expectation that he could accomplish that goal in just a year or two. As for other, smaller goals perhaps those might be accomplished soon.

A secret realm had been uncovered. Unlike one of Everhearts Tombs, a secret realm could be extremely large in scale. Everheart was but one person- but secret realms were often connected to ancient sects. They were often training grounds, opening only rarely when sufficient time had passed. Sometimes they contained resources left behind after the destruction of a sect- as the name implied, the realm could be hidden or unknown. If nobody knew where it was located or how to open it, the secret realm could be lost to time until the formations that fueled it began to unravel.

With great opportunity also came peril. Conflict between sects was often heightened inside secret realms, regardless of official agreements. The sheer size involved meant that people werent always around to see villainous deeds committed. Even so, sects and independent cultivators from all over would come to participate if the expected gains outweighed the risks. That would undoubtedly include certain people Anton wished to see again for various reasons, good and bad. He had no doubt that the Heavenly Lion Sect and Anish in particular would be out for his head, but he had some people he wanted to find as well. It was unlikely that opportunistic people like Van Hassel wouldnt show up.

Normally whoever discovered the secret realm would intend to monopolize it, but upon entering they found it still had a great seal. It would require more than just a single sect or two to participate to open it up. When more than just a handful of sects got involved it was impossible to keep secrets, so the common thing to do was make a public announcement to not draw anyones ire for trying. Whether or not Anton thought it reasonable, that was the way things were.

Together the sects and countries surrounding the area- Droca, an area to the south of Graotan- planned for a moment six months later. It was important enough for them to recall some of their scattered members from wherever they were for either the sect or personal matters.

The only issue Anton had was that it likely wouldnt end up restricted to newer cultivators. That meant it was possible to encounter more Late Spirit Building cultivators and Essence Collection cultivators. Life Transformation cultivators might be present, but they were few in number and likely wouldnt get involved in smaller battles. Still, Anton felt like he was somewhat on the weaker end of where he needed to be to feel safe. After all, three years of cultivation experience was almost nothing compared to some. Even if his cultivation advanced quickly, he couldnt imagine competing with Essence Collection even if his normal allies were by his side.

But by three and a half years well, he didnt expect to suddenly catapult ahead. But he was confident in continuing to make improvements.


After three months Anton had to admit hed still underestimated Fleeting Youth. Hed thought once he saw the path forward that he could stride along it just like any other. Hed expected to put forth hard work, but he hadnt expected it to begin consuming his days and nights.

He still took the time to seek out others for discussion about cultivation- either to give them guidance or to receive some for himself- but he spent less time doing so. The same was true of other forms of practice, though he never fully neglected everything. He concentrated on connecting to the mysterious idea of after his current life. He reflected on his thoughts just before everything changed, when he thought he would die of old age. Happy, but at his end.

Closer. Each moment brought him closer to initial completion of Fleeting Youth, where he would actually be able to benefit but he wasnt quite there. He wondered if he had already spent too much time on it, instead of simply continuing with his primary cultivation technique but worrying about his time was perhaps the opposite of what he needed to be doing. He needed to accept things. For that, he found himself once more at the edge of what had once been Dungannon. Not alone, though he had certainly tried to be.

He might have come to terms with some of what had happened, but he knew he couldnt ever fully be free of what happened. In a strange way, he likely wouldnt still be alive without the tragedy that had happened. It was probably for the best he hadnt been allowed to go alone. He steeled himself, then took his first step onto the overgrown road, a few comforting presences behind him.