Chapter 162

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 162

In his hands Anton held his bow, angled down but ready to be raised and drawn quickly should he need it. The forest full of fiery pines was just behind them, and head was the field of dandelions. The flowers themselves were almost the size of a sunflower, and the puffy seeds structures were the size of someones head. A gentle breeze blew through the area as he looked, sending waves through the field. One seed pod floated towards the group, and Anton reached out with a strand of energy to catch it as it floated above.

From the actual seed to the stalk it was quite as he expected, but the small structures of the white puffy section were quite different than he anticipated. Instead of the structure of a feather it was closer to a myriad of tiny needles. Touching it with bare skin would certainly have dire consequences.

The only other thing he saw in the field were butterflies. They were quite large, with wings extending to about the size of his hand, fingers outstretched. Perhaps twenty centimeters wide. Large, but not concerningly so. Yet they were clearly part of the structure, and thus a potential danger.

Let me try something, Anton said. I think it should be possible to pass by without disturbing them. He gestured in front of them- and behind. It wasnt quite clear to me back there, but this is not just a wild island. This is a garden. Each plant in its own place, not arranged like the wilds. Catarina, can you confirm anything about that? Something with the formations?

Catarina looked around. Im not sure. But the flow of energy certainly indicates a separation. I thought it was caused by the different areas, but it might be driving it. Though it seems weak?

Hundreds of years without any maintenance would do that, Anton remarked. The squirrels seemed like an aggressive sort, but I think this area should be fine as long as we dont startle anything. That also means inadvertently being spotted while sneaking so Im going to straightforwardly approach the area.

Just as he said, Anton moved closer to the field and then into it. He had to summon all the flexibility he had, and the gracefulness of Swan Steps as he ducked and dodged around the various puffballs. He chose a path as far from the butterflies as he reasonably could, not quite on the edge of the field and occasionally venturing deeper where it seemed appropriate. He couldnt say it was a relaxing stroll, but avoiding obstacles that werent actively out to get him was a nice change of pace. Soon enough, he found himself by the complex of buildings theyd spotted- in a cracked cobblestone street.

Anton called back to the rest of the group. Seems reasonable enough. Follow along carefully. Dont move too quickly.

He had to point out some hidden dangers to the others, but they all made it over to him without anything attempting to take their lives. From the far angle, it was possible to see where the plants might have once been organized into rows.

Moving around the buildings was much easier. They were mostly intact, but it was clear the formations keeping them that way were fading. Over time damage had built up where the buildings should otherwise be immaculate. As for what was inside the first was a dormitory. A symbol that belonged to the sect, a circle over a series of lines, was prominently placed in many locations. It didnt seem that the few dozen beds had been in use. There were no signs of people, just places where they could be.

The rest of the complex concurred with Antons idea that it was a garden- or a farm of some sort. They found beds of herbs, as overgrown as the other plants but at least not appearing so immediately dangerous. They found drying racks- only a few herbs had been in place when the area was last visited, or perhaps the others had faded to dust like the first one Anton gingerly touched. Several were still good- tough roots that were shriveled but still felt somewhat potent.

In other places they found various tools for alchemical processes, in various states of stability. Some had weathered the test of time, and some were falling apart. They also found a small library- though it was a nearly full room of alchemical books, likewise in various states. Finally they came to a pill furnace- a big three-legged cauldron used for heating and mixing herbs to form pills. This one was as tall a person and clearly enchanted. Upon looking inside, there was only dust- and strangely, a written note.

To those looking for the Seventeen Flowers Pill, the Nine Colors Liquid, and the Harmonious Sun Herb. I consumed them all. Better luck next time- E

Hoyt carefully climbed up a treed, coating his hand with fire as he reached out for an acorn. He managed to properly grab the first one, but the second detonated near his palm, singeing him through his energy. He managed to finish gathering just as the other cultivators were approaching, having figured out a way to move past the squirrels firebombing them- which just involved running as they defended themselves.

Instead of possibly running into conflict, Anton and the others moved away. The new group was close to them in cultivation, though not from any sect they recognized immediately just from their senses. While the others might fight over materials in front of them, it was unlikely they would be followed for speculative gains. After all, it was possible for people on either side to get seriously injured or die.

They did seem content to leave Anton and the rest alone, or perhaps they took longer picking their way through the dandelions. Regardless, Anton and the others found that not the entire island was covered in deadly plants. Just most of it. Some of their journey was quite smooth, and some involved moving through firepines or spiny dandelions or both. They gradually sloped downhill, until they came to swampy lowlands at the edge of the island.

Beautiful flowers that could only have been the mangrove lotus floated on the shore, anchored into the sand. Though these were in fact the safest of the various plants, they still had to be careful of the sand crabs that lived underneath. They were quite protective of the plants and their roots.

Ill gather these, Catarina said. Devon, if you could make your way around to that cliff there?

He nodded, I see the rock roots. I should be able to coax them out.

Less than a quarter hour later they were done with their gathering. It was possible they might come across some more valuable things that needed proper storage, but for the moment four of them were as full as they could be with the different ingredients. As for how they would get off the island when they stood at the shores with the intention to travel, a boat once more appeared for them. They werent fully real, after all, simply constructs of energy.

Catarina plucked one extra flower, affixing it to the side of the boat. This should help keep away some of the water beasts, she declared. As for our next target, I see a larger island over there. Seems reasonably close to our level, still.

Anton and the others took a look. Anton nodded, We wont be the first ones there, but it seems to be somewhat larger. If my eyes arent fooling me more than I think, of course. This place has strange things with distance. Anyone recognize the symbol?

Everyone shook their heads.

Thats the strange thing, Hoyt said. I know quite a bit about some ancient sects, but this one was old enough for me to not recall it. Now, its entirely possible I missed it- but it could truly be so old that the Order doesnt have records of them. Yet disappearing and leaving a place like this

Anton nodded. Some of what Everheart says is garbage, but we should certainly carefully consider what happened here. Perhaps we can find more.

Catarina pushed the boat with a bit of energy, merely directing it to move and letting it do most of the work. Hopefully the warding flower would be of some use so they could be in peak condition when they arrived.