Chapter 183

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 183

Dismantling parts of the buildings had never been the plan- it was just the only way Catarina was able to study the full extent of the formations on the buildings. As she pulled out a part of the formation- still keeping the water repelling features intact- Catarina shook her head. It feels kind of weird to be taking apart a place where people lived, even if it was a long time ago.

Sects rise and fall, Hoyt said. Many of them get plundered and dismantled less respectfully than this. Kind of like that group over there.

Agh! Catarina looked at the next building over, aghast. We have to stop them!

Before anyone could say anything she had already lept out into the ocean. Anton and the other followed after her, as she was looking surprisingly serious. Catarina reached the group of cultivators and started gesturing at them with her sword. Anton couldnt make out her words with all the water between them, but a moment later the group of cultivators responded with something and drew their own weapons.

Anton quickly began to fire arrows. While shooting from the water into open air meant his attacks were slow and more easily dodged, he didnt have to hit to be useful. The first handful of shots drove people away from Catarina, letting only one man charge forward. As his spear stabbed towards her she parried it to the side, then struck his jaw with her palm. Based on the way she gently nudged him along the floor out of the way, Anton determined that she was interested in taking them down nonlethally. A difficult task against equals, but the handful of cultivators were only in early Spirit Building. There was some leeway in fighting them.

When Hoyt entered the room, he created a wall of fire wherever he moved. Nobody was willing to go through it, so he easily split the group in half. Two were left to deal with Timothy and Catarina, though they were clearly outmatched. Anton had to support Hoyt as the other few tried to take him out, shooting arrows into arms and legs where they shouldnt cause permanent damage. Velvet appeared behind one of them with a dagger reaching around to the front of his neck, and the man dropped his weapon.

A few minutes later they were all disarmed and knocked to the floor, and Anton finally moved forward out of the water. Whats that? Catarina pointed to the floor with her sword as she looked at the group. Where she pointed was a blood-red yet metallic inlay.

Enchanted rubysteel, said one of the men, kneeling. Its quite valuable.

No! Catarina emphasized her words with her sword. Well, it is, but more importantly thats one of the prime runes of the formation. It controls all of the energy moving throughout. If you just yank it out it will explode and destroy everything! Catarina stomped angrily about the area. And you didnt even finish clearing the building first! See here under the rubble is the head of a spear you missed entirely. She threw the spearhead at the group, where it trembled in the ground between them. Youd do better to go around picking that stuff up than messing with formations.

Were umm the man looked around at the others with him. Were sorry?

Good, Catarina nodded. Also, make sure to leave some intact water wards in each area. Unless you want to swim to the surface every time you need a breath? The group didnt seem happy about being chastised by a woman younger than them- but she was also higher in cultivation along with her allies, so there wasnt much they could do. And she was right. If you see anyone else making dumb decisions you should straighten them out too. Getting yourselves killed means you dont get any profit at all.

With that, she turned to leave. The group of cultivators looked quite relieved at that. One of them looked at the rubysteel runes in the floor and sighed, but didnt make any moves to try to pull it out.

Everyone but Anton hurried over to the table to try to pick up an ingot as well. None of the rest had an easier time than Timothy. In fact, Hoyt was the only one who managed to pick one up without using energy to augment his strength. Both he and Timothy had cultivated muscle at the second star, so they had recently completed the Spirit Building version of the same. Catarina and Velvet had done their tempering later, so were a bit lower in muscle power at the current moment.

Theres one left, Catarina noted.

Anton walked over. Seeing no reason to embarrass himself, Anton gathered his energy as he reached out for the normal-looking ingot. He hefted the ingot and gently placed it into his bag, where its weight was no longer a concern. We can also split the others. Then we should be- he looked towards the stairs at the same time as Velvet.

Someones coming, she confirmed. We should prepare ourselves.

Anton hurried over to the other ingots. He had no idea what they were, but they were bound to be valuable. If nothing else for their near-total transparency. He tossed some to the others. He wondered why they hadnt been taken. Clearly this room should have had much more, but it had been sealed when they arrived. He took a stance in the corner of the room, looking at the stairs. Though the cultivation of those he sensed was below his own, there were at least a dozen of them. Or so hed thought, but now he only sensed a handful. They seem to be concealing themselves, Anton said. That doesnt bode well for our chances of talking. Even as he tried to keep a lock on them, the few presences he sensed were moving around the area above, and then faded away into the water until he couldnt sense any of them. Yet simply observing when they hid gave him some idea. They seem to be water-focused cultivators, perhaps.

That means we might not just be able to wait for them to run out of air, Hoyt said. Though they have to get tired eventually, right?

Maybe, Velvet said, But if theyre good we wont know if theyre gone. If they get fatigued at the same rate as us we can afford to wait, but if they can stand around for a day we might be in trouble. Or if they can bring more allies. She looked towards the vents Hoyt had spotted. I might be able to get close enough to spot them, if I sneak around. I dont know if we the rest of you could climb through this subtly. Wouldnt want them to catch us in it.

I dont know if I have any better ideas, Timothy said. But if that starts flooding this place we basically have to step out and fight.

Catarina was already patrolling around the room, at first trying to scratch the floors and walls with her sword but when that didnt work placing formation flags and plates around the area. We should at least be ready if they attack. And I might be able to extend this to up above, though Id have to do it as we fight.

Anton looked at the stairs. I might be able to shoot where one was, but if theyre moving I cant say. Theres also some small chance they arent actually hostile, but I wouldnt bet on that.

Hoyt punched the air, his fist leaving flaming trails. If they come down here I can pull out my axe, but Im ready regardless. Velvet, if you can get us information- great. But dont risk yourself. If theyre really water cultivators they might move faster than you expect.

With that, the group prepared themselves for a fight. If they could put up a good enough showing, any enemy might retreat regardless of whether they could win. Anton planned to do just that. Once he had a target he was poised to quickly take them out.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.