Chapter 189

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 189

There were a great many people visiting Elder Siekert for her ability to appraise enchanted equipment, but she did not bother to look over them one by one. Everyone lined up with the various pieces they had, including Anton and the others. Quite a haul here, she said, Though they seem a bit weak. She picked up and handled the first thing in the line- a sword- before moving on. Interesting. Very interesting. As for what was interesting, it took her some time to say. Such basic enchantments, yet skillfully made.

Are they valuable? one disciple asked.

That depends, she said. If you wanted me to enchant any of this to be usable as weapons and armor, youd do better to just start me with a hunk of metal.

Oh, the disciple hung his head. I thought since they came from an ancient sect

I didnt say they werent valuable, Elder Siekert continued. Just not usable. Ill buy them all! she declared.

One of her apprentices was standing nearby. Im not sure if the Order would-

If they dont think its worth it, the Order wont last long. In that case, Id do it with my own funds. She looked around, Ill offer everyone a fair price. Each piece seems more or less equivalent, barring the materials. And if there were any forging manuals or the like, the Order would also be glad to reward you for them.

What do they do? another disciple asked, If theyre not usable and cant be made that way

That, Elder Siekert smiled, Will have to remain secret for the moment. Nobody will be forced to give up anything if they dont wish to, but I swear to you they are no use outside of studying the technique for a situation that should never happen.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

With little else to be said on the topic, people began handing over their equipment one piece at a time. Instead of tossing coins or the like to the disciples, Siekert simply handed out enchanted papers that could be exchanged for contribution points or equivalent value. If she actually had to hand out coins or the like it seemed likely that even a few storage bags wouldnt be sufficient.

Anton turned in most of his goods as well, since he trusted the enchanter to deal with them all fairly- but he kept a well-balanced sword in hand and waited around for everything to be over. Once everyone else had left except Siekert and the apprentices running in and out with the piles of equipment, she focused on him. You have something to say, I presume?

I have some insights to provide on the situation, he said. Anton held the sword level in front of him, gathering energy. Not just any energy, but the mixed energy of Fleeting Youth. As he brought it to cover the sword like any cultivator would be apt to do, his hand twitched and his energy dispersed violently. The sword dropped to the ground, where Anton picked it up with his other hand. I dont know if Vandale spoke to all of the elders about a technique Everheart left behind, but it purports to draw upon the power beyond ascension among other things. He didnt need to mention it also involved post-reincarnation things. Those who had been cultivators for a long time seemed to be concerned about future lives to some extent, but Anton was already quite satisfied with the life hed had. If he could make this one better, he didnt need an unknowable future.

Your point being? Elder Siekert looked at him neutrally.

I just know the equipment must be made to fight that. And of course, it should be obvious that its related to the downfall of the Luminous Ocean Society and perhaps others nobody can recall. Anton shrugged, I just thought it would be useful to have some confirmation of your assumptions.

You dont have to just stand there, Vandale commented to Anton. Its not like you havent already guessed at this secret.

I only surmised a few things, Anton said, Im not sure how accurate I was.

To be fair, Vandale waved his hand at the notes, Neither am I. What do you actually know?

Just that the Luminous Ocean Society should have been destroyed by ascended cultivators after they had prepared to fight them. Anton frowned as he thought, I wasnt aware that those who had ascended could return. Then again, I know little about it beyond that its possible, and that Fleeting Youth draws from that source.

My information is not as much better than yours as you might think, Vandale said. However, I can say one thing. If ascended cultivators were able to return whenever they wished and display their great power they would. For all that cultivators like to pretend to be above worldly matters, even the Frostmirror sect and those like them are more worldly than theyd like people to think. Those who ascend cut away their connection to their lives here, but its not possible to truly complete that and still remain the same person. There must be circumstances where they can come back here or perhaps even to different worlds than the one from which they ascended. Vandale gestured at the sky. I told you about the other planets. It is perhaps possible that other worlds have cultivators like us, and that others carry those who have ascended. Or perhaps they are under a different sky entirely. Ill never know for sure.

These techniques Anton looked down at the notes about the techniques from the Luminous Ocean Society. Theyre geared at fighting ascended cultivators?

Indeed. For the moment, the Order has classified them as forbidden. Not because we believe they have no value, but because publicly practicing these might be problematic. We have no way to know if anyone is in contact with ascended cultivators. The one thing I do know, however, is that what happened with the Luminous Ocean Society and their peers will happen again. Likely soon. Anton swallowed. Not to worry, Vandale said. To a man my age, soon is quite a bit longer than what even you might consider it to be. A century, perhaps a handful. Maybe it could stretch out for a millennium. I imagine as the time approaches it will become more clear.

What should I do about it? Anton asked.

What indeed? Can you do anything about it? Vandale asked. Can I? It is unclear. But I think that you should continue what you are already doing. Vandale placed his hand on the table with the techniques. Though you had a different reason for it, we will need as many cultivators as we can get. Every person who can perform even the simplest of these techniques can disrupt the gulf of power, unbalancing those who use the power beyond ascension. In theory.

It certainly works, Anton said. I have access to a small sliver through practicing Fleeting Youth. The weapons, at least, are immensely disruptive- even just holding one.

How hard is it to overcome? Vandale asked.

Ill admit that I havent put that much time into countering it. I presumed I would simply not make use of such equipment.

Understandable, Vandale said, But I think it would be best to try. Learn to counter it and then perhaps we can come up with a way to counter that counter. After all, the Luminous Ocean Society wasnt just sitting on their thumbs.

Anton nodded. I understand. Ill put it on my list. After smithing and weaving, he thought. He doubted he could master those in just a few weeks, but to get down the basic motions would be something else. If he could see what subtle differences in cultivation different crafts allowed for, he would perhaps be able to help many more people cultivate. And he really wanted to learn everything. Not just about cultivation, either.