Chapter 197

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 197

Picking out a good mark was important. Choose wrong, and there are consequences. Leo had been fortunate enough to avoid any major trouble so far, focusing on those who were distracted. He only occasionally got to target those with actual money, only occasionally making an attempt when they didnt have any guards. The worst thing he could do would be to target someone being watched by someone else. Hed seen people lose a hand for that mistake.

Targeting cultivators was crazy. They could kill him and get away with it, or just catch him. They were strong and quick. But also rich. And he really didnt have any other options. He would stick out like a sore thumb in the good parts of town, and the cultivators were just passing through. He just needed one good haul and he could buy medicine for Kit, and maybe more. Then he could stop stealing, and she could stop worrying about him. But she couldnt worry about him if she didnt recover.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

There was no way Leo was going to target some of the people he saw. Groups of cultivators packed together in fives and tens, and some strong ones walking along as well. Just looking at some of them sent shivers down his spine. He could tell a cultivator just by looking, even beyond their clothes, but some of them were on an entirely different level. Especially lately. There was some tournament or something up in Facraona, and with Cruhull being the biggest city in northeastern Droca, it was normal that everyone would pass through.

But along with the strong ones came weak ones. Disciples of sects were no good, as they were being watched. What he was looking for was someone on their own, not too strong or important. There. An old man. Definitely a cultivator, from the feeling and the weapons he carried, both a bow and a pair of axes. Not someone Leo would even consider getting in a fight with, but Leo knew something about cultivators. If they were old and not terribly strong, they had no talent. That made them less important, and easier to deal with. Probably wouldnt be as rich, but that was only by cultivator standards.

Leo kept an eye on him, making sure the old man was actually alone. He stopped to look at some of the nearby stalls, browsing the wares. That was perfect, but Leo knew the shopkeepers wouldnt appreciate him taking from their customers. He had to find the right opening. Somewhere where the crowd was thick, the man concealed as he moved to the next place.

The man pulled a coin out of a large sack at his waist. Was it a gigantic coin purse? How extravagant. And foolish. He paid for a little necklace of some sort, barely worth anything. Just a trinket. Then he stepped away from the stall.

Leos legs moved swiftly, pulling a small blade. He gently placed his hand under the bag, making sure it wasnt too heavy. The weight shouldnt suddenly be noticed as missing. He didnt feel much inside, so perhaps it was mostly empty- but even a handful of coins would be enough. It was too late to go back. He cut at the bag, but his knife slid off. With some quick thinking he sliced the strings holding the bag to the belt, hefting it in his hand and pulling the bag under his arm as he moved away.

Into an alley and behind some crates. No footsteps following, so he risked a glance back towards the street. The old man was still oblivious to his presence. He continued, winding through streets and back alleys as he got some distance. He opened up the bag and saw nothing. It was empty. He almost tossed it down in disgust when he saw something strange. When he held it at a different angle, he could see deeper into the bag. Like, more than an arms length. He pulled the mouth wider to make sure he wasnt crazy, and light sparkled on a pile of coins along with some books? And a bow. An entire bow. In a bag.

He was dead. Once the cultivator found out he took his storage bag, Leo would be dead. But he hadnt seen him Leo reached his arm into the bag and pulled out a handful of coins. He debated throwing the bag away, but he just couldnt. This was enough to live off of for the rest of his life. It would be a shame to just get rid of it without thinking. And he hadnt been caught. It would be fine. Anyone could have taken it.

Just in case, he took a circuitous route to his destination, intentionally trying to throw off pursuers. He didnt suddenly die when he was alone in a back alley, so he was probably fine. But he couldnt shake off the feeling of being watched. He stood outside his first destination, then boldly opened the door.

It wasnt a proper store, really. It stunk like a proper apothecary, but it was dingy and didnt have any glass vials. Not that Leo had seen more than in the door of an apothecary. Where would he get the money for that? Actually, he had enough now but he was already here. And while Old Haskell might be a bottom tier apothecary, at least he was honest.

I need medicine, Leo said.

What for? the pile of rags behind the counter said, turning to reveal a hunched old man with wide eyes.

Someone sick, Leo answered.

Whats the sickness?

Uh Leo didnt know.

Rash? Fever? Vomiting? Any symptoms.

Fever, Leo said. It keeps getting worse.

How much? Old Haskell asked.

One person.

Ill do whatever you want, Leo said.

In that case, come sit outside. Its very cramped in here.


Anton looked at the young man in front of him. He was just short of adulthood, along with his sister or friend. He didnt feel a blood relation there, but he could be wrong. Whats your name?


Alright Leo. Lets start with why you thought it was a good idea to steal from a cultivator.

Like that, he asked a series of questions that cleared things up. And at least the young man was smart enough to know it wasnt a good idea. It was for Kit, though hed sort of surmised that. Anton couldnt fault someone for taking care of those they loved, but he disliked the method.

I understand that work isnt always easy to get, Anton acknowledged, But why, as a cultivator, did you think pickpocketing was the right idea? By his reaction, Anton realized something. You didnt know? Anton summoned up a bit of energy in front of him, making it quite obvious- but still invisible. Normal people cant sense energy. You stumbled into the beginning of cultivation all on your own?

I thought Leo shook his head. I heard about cultivation. Gathering energy from the surroundings. So I tried to do it, but it didnt work. Ive always been able to sense cultivators though.

Anton shrugged. It wasnt the weirdest thing he had ever heard. And it wasnt impossible to cultivate energy without a proper technique- after all, when it was first being developed fully formed cultivation styles didnt fall out of the sky into peoples hands. And the energy in the air around us? Its quite dense.

Is it? Leo asked. Its always like this.

Anton supposed that might very well be the case. You havent left Cruhull, have you?

No, sir.

Energy density varies in different places. This city is above average in that respect. Now, I have a question. Do you want to practice a trade?

Cant afford an apprenticeship, Leo said. Cant even get a job, looking like this. Not that I have any skills

Anton had to admit that he was quite the sight of rags and dirt. Im sure someone could use a strong young man, Anton said, But Ill admit that your looks leave much to be desired. We can get you cleaned up and find you something at a warehouse, maybe.

Im not really that strong Leo hung his head.

Really? Anton raised an eyebrow. Ever arm wrestle anyone, in the last few years? Anton looked at his skinny body. But maybe youre right. Anton pulled out a hunk of dried fruit. Travel rations, rarely used especially since he was traveling with the Order. Hed catch up with them in a bit, but they were planning to stay in the city for the night anyway. Eat this.

Leo seemed to be hungry enough that he ate without question. Half of what Anton gave him, then he glanced back towards Kit.

Anton pulled out more. Finish that. You can give this to her while I figure out what to do with you. A troublesome project. He didnt want to teach cultivation to someone who might use it for criminal acts, but it would be near impossible for the young man to turn his life around if he didnt. Perhaps the young woman behind him would be key. She should be feeling better soon. Shed gone unconscious again, but for a proper rest instead of a fitful half-sleep with unbalanced energy inside her.