Chapter 290

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 290

I cant believe he went off to fight people without us! Alva yelled at no one in particular.

He specifically sent us letters telling us about it, Annelie pointed out. And it seems that this Swordmaster Rahayu is not the type who is patient. Besides, we might still have time to help him.

I know, but ugh! Alva waved her arms into the air.

I dont know why youre so upset, Anish said. Didnt you want an excuse to get away from here and get into some action? I thought you were tired of teaching people.

But were almost done! she protested. We cant just spend all this time and then just abandon it.

So what is it? Annelie asked.

What if he gets hurt? Or dies?

That is the eventual fate of all cultivators, Anish said. But your grandfather is strong.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

But theres only four of them! And that Swordmaster or whatever. Without Timothy and Catarina everyones at risk

Annelie hugged Alva awkwardly, a motion she had not practiced much in her last fifteen years of life. It will be alright. Whats the real problem?

... he brought me with him on this expedition, but he still didnt bring me into danger. Like Im still a little kid instead of almost thirty years old.

There was a long period of silence, then Anish finally came up with something helpful to say. He went to Erygan simply for an investigation. There was just as much chance of us running into trouble here. Maybe even more. I would think of it as more of a sign that he trusted you to be fine. And you should trust the same thing of him. Hes tough.


It was unclear whether Anton and the others had overestimated themselves or underestimated the forces the enemy would send after them. After sensing the four Life Transformation cultivators, fleeing might have been their best option. Then again, most of them couldnt escape from them on their own, and Swordmaster Rahayu wasnt interested in escaping, nor the type to assist them with such.

Then the world split apart.

Oh, said Rahayu. Thats it. I see now. He turned to face her, his sword still held up in the position it had finished his upward slash towards her companion. Vianne had swept her sword across Rahayus back in a move intended to sever his head from his torso.

Vianne wondered what it was he had seen. Unfortunately she could not ask, as the moment he began to step towards her the world split in two.

At that same moment, a sword cut into Chikeres neck. It was deep, more than two centimeters. A fatal blow. She turned her eyes towards her opponent and glared. The words didnt come out right, but Anton had the feeling she was asking what was wrong with him. That seemed strange, as she was the one who had looked away from the fight. The only thing keeping her head on her neck were over a dozen swords blocking at the same time, locking the sword in place.

Without even bothering to pull away, Chikere twisted her sword, breaking the oversized hunk of metal the man wielded into a hundred shards. No slicing it. Anton was having trouble processing everything at once, but his eyes settled on Rahayu in the last moment anyone would ever see him.

There was a cut in the air just the height of a person. Two of them, in fact, on either side of the man. They happened to be the locations of his two opponents, except only half of them remained on either side where the slices bulged out in the middle. And Rahayu stepped through one to disappear, a surge of power washing over the battlefield.

Chikeres opponent didnt react quickly enough to having his weapon suddenly dissected, but that was because it was simply something she couldnt do. Couldnt have done before that moment, at least. But she had watched the sword slash that triggered the ascension of Swordmaster Rahayu, and her insights suddenly added up.

Others reacted at different speeds, but the fastest was one of those who flung the deathly orbs. They were sprinting away from the battle before Anton could get a lock on them, and though they would be within range for some time Hoyt still needed his help- fending off a half dozen opponents at once for sustained periods was at the limit of what he could handle. Even as the remaining handful of Essence Collection cultivators realized that their strongest members had all perished they were raining attacks on Hoyt, covering him in blood. Chikere killed her opponent, but collapsed unconscious where she stood.

Anton continued to pour himself into the battle, finishing off those who stayed to fight first and then shooting after the fleeing enemies. Unfortunately, with a combination of his fatigue and the fact that they could focus on him, several opponents got away with their lives. He would have liked to chase after them, but he chose to prioritize helping keep Chikeres head on. Blood was pouring out of her neck and she was breathing poorly.

Do we stitch that? Velvet said in a panic. I can use a needle, I think. We have the equipment.

Do it, Anton said as he used his energy to hold Chikeres blood in, as well as trying to push it back in somehow. He was lucky her energy wasnt unconsciously fighting him, though perhaps that was simply because she was completely drained, or even overdrafted beyond her limits. Hoyt staggered over, covered in wounds- but he still contributed his energy to help remove blood pooling in her lungs.

When everything was sealed to the best of their abilities and a whole mess of healing medicines was shoved into her or spread on her neck, she staggered forward. Anton caught her, but found himself being pushed back. He looked over his shoulder and shook his head. Rahayu was gone, and he wouldnt be coming back. Hopefully ascension would be good for him, whatever it entailed.

Rather than fight against a dying, unconscious woman Anton let Chikere walk and simply followed after her to make sure she wasnt going to wander into the marsh. When she flopped forward he moved to catch her, but as she landed and a smile widened on her face, he made a realization.

For all that she seemed to have great respect for her short-term master, there was something she always cared about more. Anton wasnt sure if it was a good idea for her to hug the bare blade of Swordmaster Vianne, but wasnt going to try to wrestle it away from her either.