Chapter 296

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 296

In theory, Anton could have wiped out Birita, the leader of this thug group. She and her thugs probably wouldnt take long to kill, either. It was only a matter of whether or not it would be good for the residents of Arbington like Idalia. It seemed simple on the surface- Biritas presence was negative, a simple drain on the honest workers in the surrounding area. It might even be strictly negative- many thugs got protection fees but wouldnt do anything if someone else caused trouble. Those were the cowardly ones, though, who didnt maintain their territory long. If Birita was smart, she would at least keep others from causing the same sort of trouble in the area.

Yet it was pretty clear that overall, she was a drain on the area. If she had the intention to actually defend the area, she could become more legitimate somehow. Anton knew that to be true. She was an Essence Collection cultivator after all. Early Essence Collection, but that was still significant.

And thus the other problem. Anton could remove her, but what would happen then? It was unlikely that she had no connections of any kind. Whether to sects or other purely criminal cultivators didnt matter, especially if they took issue with her death. What would happen to the people of Arbington then? Maybe Anton could protect them. For a year, even, and then they might be left alone. Or they could be killed the moment he left, either to return home or just because his sect called on him.

So for the moment she would stay. And meanwhile, he could learn from Idalia, and others in the nearby area. Before we begin, I should make something clear, Anton started off his explanation to Idalia. I firmly believe you will be able to have success in cultivation, and that it will make your life better. But it might also become harder at the same time. Even if you have no intent to fight, you could be seen as a threat.

You think so? Idalia said. You think someone would threaten to kill me? Because theyre already basically doing that. I wont get away with bundles of cheap herbs for long, and eventually Ill have no business.

I just wanted to make sure youre aware of the possibilities, Anton said.

Enough, she said. And Id rather at least be able to stand up to a couple thugs. They do you think I could beat them?

Those three? Anton asked. If you learn to fight a bit, even the first stage of cultivation will be plenty. They had no cultivation, though I must warn you that some of Biritas lieutenants do. And she herself is much stronger. Fortunately, Birita controlled a big enough area that she might not notice a few incidents in Arbington. Anton had followed the thugs with his senses until they left town, and later confirmed she and her thugs didnt have permanent residence in any nearby settlement.

Then I dont mind. Though its not a fight Id like on my own.

My earlier promise still stands, Anton said. And Ill be making similar offers to others as well. Unless you plan to keep me occupied for sixteen hours per day.

Surely not. Especially with the speed you came back with that basket of herbs, Idalia gestured. Id have hardly made it to the edge of the woods. If I didnt know better, Id thought you prepared it ahead of time. But then you wouldnt have much to learn from me, would you?

I do have some knowledge of herbs. I was a farmer and hunter in a rural village for some time. But I will admit not knowing what all of these are for.

Well get started then. You already know that particular healing wort and its side effects. Some of these are to address that, in case those thugs come back with some demands. Whether they know it was my doing or not, Id best be ready. Idalia picked through until she found one with red flowers. This ones for minor aches and pains. Not as good alone as when properly mixed with some other things.

Anton listened carefully as she explained the basics of her profession. He especially focused on some of the physical aspects, how she ground things into powder. At first it seemed an easy motion, as leaves were quite brittle. When they werent dried, however, some could be quite tough. And repeating the motions was enough to make a person tired quite quickly. Not a proper cultivator, of course, but focusing on those aspects first would make Idalias life easiest. Even if she chose to give up on achieving a greater level of cultivation, she would be healthy and strong. She was young and healthy now, but when she got older her joints would thank her for it.


Not everyone was as willing to trust Anton as Idalia had been. He knew he could just display his abilities to stun or intimidate them into what he wanted, but he really preferred if they had a desire to learn. He wanted to teach as many people as possible, though without raising too much of a fuss. That sort of thing was difficult, but not impossible. Throughout the world, various people who were not cultivators made use of natural energy in small ways- in theory people who realized that and focused on it were the first cultivators. Attempting to cultivate without any form of guidance was dangerous and often fatal. After all, it only took a small mistake to damage the brain or the heart or anything important.

Such accidents could still happen with proper cultivation techniques, but that was usually due to the impatience of the students. Since Anton wasnt teaching teenagers for the most part, his students had heeded his cautions much more readily than they might have otherwise. Not that they were perfect, but mistakes seemed rarer than what hed heard was the average.

Anton had studied many crafts with others, and thus was able to more readily guide anyone. Given some time he could come up with some specific starting points for anyone, depending on what they needed. After all, his observations included asking them what they made the most use of, and those who would know best were the ones doing the work.

You can use your energy to widen the effective size of the pestle, or focus it on particularly stubborn bits, Anton explained. But I would be cautious. Not only might you damage the tools, injection of natural energy into the herbs themselves might cause unexpected behavior. Generally an increase in short term potency, from what I know, but that includes bringing out normally inconsequential side effects. Anton shrugged, I have heard you can focus on the particular of what you desire to enhance, but I have not trained in that area.

It might, Anton said. If you bring troubles upon others, it matters quite a bit. What would you do after?

The man shrugged, wincing as he moved what remained of his arm. Does it matter? I know it would never happen.

Youd be surprised, Anton said. What would you do?

If I really accomplished all that the man slowly shook his head. Id likely seek out others who caused people harm while exerting useless authority.

A dangerous ideal, but something Anton could work with. Are you afraid of death? Anton knew the answer, but the man had to say it.

What difference would it make if I died? Perhaps it might have been better.

The man could be excused some melodrama in his situation. What about something worse?

Like what?

Pain beyond your imagining.

Physical? the man asked.

Mostly, Anton said.

Dont care. I could always just die.

Well then, Anton leaned close. I have something that fits you, but you might end up with powerful enemies. If you have the patience, you might train something else for a bit longer. Oh, and this wont be quick either way.

How long? the man asked.

For Birita? A decade, if youre lucky, talented, and determined. I dont know the cultivations of the Gray Rock Sect, but if theyre concerned about her Id expect something close to that if youre fighting alone.

The man snorted. So long? Or perhaps its short.

Short, Anton said. And I do mean you have to be all of those things. But theres a chance. Do you have a name?

Hiram, the man said shortly. What should I address you as elder?

I dont have the honor of that title just yet, Anton commented. But you may call me Anton. Senior Anton, if you insist, but I dont know if youll have it in mind to be respectful once you learn what plans I have for you.