Chapter 298

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 298

It was common knowledge that cultivators were only good for causing trouble. Idalia knew that, but shed still fallen for grandiose promises offered by a stranger. It only made things worse that so far, hed kept his word. After an initial period of difficulty, she was starting to get the hang of cultivation. It really did make things easier. The tasks she did every day, carrying bundles of herbs to be dried or mixing and grinding powders no longer felt like hard work. Making use of natural energy to find things in the nearby forest was also much better than just using her knowledge and eyes. She could even pick out herbs buried under piles of leaves or tangled among other plants.

In return, she talked to the old man- Anton- instructing him on various herbs as well as the secondary requirements of her profession. People came to her as a healer in general, and when stitching and binding wounds was sufficient she could save poor families quite a bit of money. She could even afford to wrap up some pain killing herbs with the others due to how much Anton brought back from the forest.

I hope youre not wiping the place clean, Idalia remarked on one occasion. I need there to be some next season as well. She could grow a small amount of the most useful herbs in her personal garden, but the forests bounty was much greater than anything she could manage.

Dont worry, Anton replied, I only take a portion from each area. I just cover a wide range.

That was one of the things hardest to pin down about the old cultivator. He seemed to walk around like a healthy young man, but she never saw him move so quickly that he could scour the forest in the time he was gone. But unless he could magically produce bundles of herbs with dirt on the roots, that was what he had to be doing.

She was getting the hang of using natural energy, but when she tried to get a sense of the man she felt herself blinded, as if dozens of bright lights shone on her. Even if her actual eyes were fine, her senses overloaded quickly. She wasnt sure if it was some sort of retaliation for snooping or if he was just like that. Hed indicated he was strong enough to kill Birita, but Idalia didnt intend to rely on that promise.

On the occasions where he trained her to fight, it was obvious he had an abundance of experience. The initial phases of instruction were for unarmed combat and staves, which suited Idalia just fine since she wasnt planning to suddenly carry around a spear wherever she went.

He would demonstrate attacks, but when he used them in their spars she couldnt make heads or tails of the movement. Its not fair, she complained. Youre too fast.

Am I? Anton asked. His tone clearly indicated that he disagreed. Keep a close watch. Because this- Antons fist was in front of her face in a moment, Is no different from this. He stepped back and threw a simple punch forward.

I find that hard to believe Idalia responded. Those were her true thoughts, but it was also true that he would have no reason to deceive her about that. Unless he just wanted to show off, but in that case he could find someone other than a herbalist to outclass in melee combat.

The more she interacted with him using the same moves, the more she realized he was right. Of course he was, but she couldnt believe how big the difference was between watching something from afar and having to react to it. And if she messed up, she would get hit by a fist that could shatter ribs at minimum.

Not that it ever actually did shatter her ribs. Anton didnt seem to be the sort of teacher that found pain to be a useful teacher. His attacks always connected, but they would seldom leave anything more than a bruise that would last until the evening. Granted, some of those were seriously painful- but it also let her know that her body was recovering more quickly.

Idalia wasnt alone as Antons student. Though he spent as much time as possible teaching everyone personally, he was only one man. On regular occasions, usually a weekend when most people were off of work, he would organize group training sessions. There was a short amount of exercises, but they would usually lead into sparring shortly.

Your bodies will grow best by performing the actual movements, Anton explained. Which is why I have you all focus on training yourselves while at work in your daily lives. Your body will naturally develop what it needs. And while perhaps you might not need to fight, should the occasion arise you will regret not knowing how.

Idalia sighed as she looked at the two of them. What do you want? I already paid this months protection taxes. If you try to get more, youll just bleed me dry and Ill have nothing. That wasnt quite true, since with Antons help her stores had significantly improved but she wasnt willing to give up more than she had to. Especially with half of a ruined shelf. The worst part was that Sasho didnt even do it on purpose, as far as she could tell. He just bumped into things, which was why she had stopped him from reaching to pick it back up. Things would only get worse if he continued moving.

Orders from the boss, the thin woman known as Trix shrugged. Youre the best herbalist around, and shes got a special order. She wants you to get this umm Trix pulled out a rolled up sheet of paper. ... Tree Thistle. Says it needs someone who knows what theyre doing to harvest it.

Then why come to me? Ive never even heard of it. I wouldnt know how. Idalia knew there might be consequences for refusal, but if she couldnt do it things should be alright.

Too bad, Trix shook her head, Because we come with instructions.

She tossed over the roll of paper, and Idalia reluctantly unfolded it. It seemed to have been a page ripped out of a book. It hurt to look at, especially with the various holes in it. Lets see here deep forest, only grows where corpses lay. Idalia shook her head, What the hell sort of thing is this? I cant do this. Ill be devoured alive and then you wont get it.

You sure about that? Trix said, stepping forward. Because I notice youve taken up cultivation. Buuuut it is true you dont seem that strong yet. Which is what were here for. Were to escort you. Look, youre not getting out of this. The boss lady was very particular about having this thing.

Fine. Idalia looked back down at the paper, continuing to read. Must be uprooted whole and prepared on site by smoking the leaves and pulping the stem and flowers. Mind the spikes dimensions three to five meters? Idalias voice cracked at that. Theres no way

Thats what Sasho here is for, Trix patted him on the side. Weve got a big wheelbarrow too.

So if you know where this all is and how to deal with it why involve me?

You think we know how to do any of that mashing and stuff? Trix shook her head. No way. And we also dont know how to dig up stuff while keeping the roots intact. That seemed to be important for some reason.

Idalia grimaced. If only Anton was in town but he wasnt, and even if he was she wasnt sure if it would be good for him to show up next to Birita. Even if he really could take her out, Idalia knew that someone else could easily take over and they might be even worse. Fine. Where is it then?

In the deep forest, right? Trix gesture to the paper. In the shadows or whatever it says there.

Wait so you havent actually seen it?

No, but it has to be there somewhere.

Idalia frowned as she looked at the paper. It really didnt have to be anywhere. The sketch on the page indicated it looked just like a milk thistle, but at several meters tall she would have noticed it had she gotten anywhere close. Not that she ventured into the deep woods, but just because something could live in the environment didnt mean it did. And the thing about corpses what was she getting dragged into?