Chapter 324

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 324

The Tomb Seeking Cult called in others they trusted to aid Maxine in studying the sarcophagus. Anton contributed what he could but his knowledge of formations was limited to the few pieces he instantly recognized. But that was exactly why having a variety of people with different specialties was important. Nobody could do everything, no matter how much time they had to learn.

The ultimate conclusion they came to was confusing. Theres no way this ever did anything, Maxine proclaimed after weeks of thoroughly poring over the fine details of the sarcophagus. No matter how much natural energy was present, it wouldnt be enough to activate it. But we did learn some things. Like, despite how it looks, the sarcophagus wasnt meant to last forever. It was supposed to fade away on its own, when its work was done.

What was wrong with it? Anton asked. Why cant it work?

We cant tell, Maxine shook her head. Everything seems highly intentional. It just shouldnt be able to function. Even if a Life Transformation expert were placed in the sarcophagus, the density of their natural energy would be insufficient to activate it.

I think that leaves a pretty clear picture then, Anton waved his hand. Doesnt it?

What else could-? Oh. Ohhhhhh Maxines face lit up. No wonder. Yes, of course. It had to be for someone who had achieved ascension. It fits but why bother? If you were going to destroy a corpse, why do it slowly and inefficiently? She frowned. Something doesnt fit. I would expect allies to be preserved respectfully and enemies to be straightforwardly eradicated. Perhaps theres some cultural significance missing?

It could be, Anton shrugged. But maybe it was somehow practical for something.

It might help to see it active. Unfortunately that requires- her eyes flickered to Anton. Ascension energy. Do you think you could?

Im not going in there, if thats what youre asking.

No no, of course not. Maxine waved him off. That would give us a single instant of observation at most. A complete waste of your life. But you have practiced Fleeting Youth, and thus can call upon ascension energy. If you can activate it at all, that will confirm our theory to some extent.

I still have less energy than a Life Transformation expert, Anton pointed out. Just because I can call upon some doesnt mean it will work.

Right, but I think you could possibly make a small portion of the formation react. We should try it. As for how to do that safely Maxine stood in thought for a bit.

Eventually they decided to have him extend a bundle of ascension energy into the sarcophagus, while others held up the lid. It would be set down to cut off his connection and contain the results of whatever happened when his energy interacted. There were a few tense moments leading up to the actual implementation of the plan but the end result was a few runes briefly glowing. But it at least lent some credence to the idea.

Right, so, its meant to activate with ascension energy, Maxine said. The natural energy we had here wasnt good enough. And it would take quite a lot. The question still is- why? Neither Anton nor Agus had answers for that, and the other formation experts werent much help either. Someone like that, it should just take a flick of the wrist to destroy the body. Quite thoroughly, I imagine. If thats what they wanted to accomplish, why bother bringing something like this?

Evelia was the one to answer that with some more speculation. Perhaps they were worried about the recovery time? Its not actually that insignificant a portion of their energy, I imagine. A tenth or twentieth, maybe? Anton, how long does it take to recover your ascension energy?

Not terribly long, Anton admitted. A day or two at most and I can draw upon it even if I exhausted my access. More or less the same as replenishing my stores of natural energy.

Evelia shook her head. That cant be it then. It could matter, but to go through all this instead of just holding onto it for a safe day or two seems excessive. It cant be that easy to make something like this.

Id have to agree, Anton said. Especially considering this likely was part of the previous invasion. If it were easy to make this, why would they need anything here? Well, that question applies anyway.

We can ask some people as we tear them apart, Maxine suggested. This is our world and they cant have any of it!

There were sentiments of agreement from everyone present. People were almost becoming impatient for the attack, though they also needed all the time they could to prepare.


No its Agus shook his head to deny her. I just couldnt say anything because I was astounded. Youre hardly even over than me, he sighed. Too bad I wasnt trained by anyone that strong. He sheepishly turned to Anton. No offense, master Anton.

Dont worry, I understand. But she was actually quite strong before her encounter with Swordmaster Rahayu. They only trained together for a few months.

Agus began to sweat from more than just the heat. Is that so? I will have to think about that.

Anyway, Chikere redirected the conversation. I assume youre not just here to see me, are you? Its pretty far.

Not just to see you, no, Anton admitted. I was hoping to enlist the help of your sect in finding the remnants of ancient sects. Even those that have already been explored. Im hoping to find something. Some sort of clue. But I cant really say if I even know what.

Interested in an expedition, huh? Chikere nodded. Elder Wardah might be able to direct you. He knows where everything in the vault came from, after all.

I appreciate the suggestion, Anton nodded. May we enter?

Of course. Though you should probably officially ask at the gates. Chikere flicked her swords back into their sheaths and began walking. This way.

It was a relief to be inside the stone halls of the Million Sword Vault. The heat was much diminished, and Anton was finally able to see properly once more. A number of disciples greeted Anton respectfully, but more bowed to Chikere as she walked past. The reactions to Agus were mixed, from disinterest to pity to confusion. Spears were perfectly legitimate weapons, but carrying one in a place full of sword-obsessed lunatics he stood out. Nobody was hostile, but Agus clearly didnt belong. Anton intentionally chose to have the sword-bow visible instead of his less finger-chopping alternatives. But Agus would do better to not have a sword, because he might be challenged to duels that he wasnt prepared for.

After they found their way towards the actual vault area, finding Elder Wardah wasnt difficult. Upon Antons explanation of what he wanted, Elder Wardah looked at him and nodded. Information? Sure, youll just have to fight me for it.

Fight you? Anton looked over the man. He was a Life Transformation expert. One of the strongest in Million Sword Vault, no doubt. To what end?

Oh, thats simple. I just need to make sure you can survive. Of course, if you only want the locations of the weak sects I can send you out with a pile of paper and a smile.

I assume I dont have to win somehow?

Of course not. But youll need to be serious so I can get a good read on you.

Anton nodded. I know your doctors are unsurpassed at repairing slashing wounds. How are you with puncture wounds?

Elder Wardah looked almost offended. There are thousands of legitimate stabbing moves for use with swords, including varieties with very fine points. We can absolutely handle anything you can do to me.

Good, Anton nodded. I wouldnt want to run into issues because of a stupid assumption. Where do we fight?

Outside, Elder Wardah said. Unless you want to be in here?

Id rather have a bit more distance, Anton said. Or a lot more, if thats possible.

Having seen you shoot, I cant give you more than five kilometers.

That should be enough for me to at least show off a few moves. Anton knew it wouldnt take the man very long to travel that distance, and hed be able to focus on dealing with Antons attacks exclusively, but it was still better than starting close. But if the man was anything like Chikere, he didnt want to use his sword-bow against them. They were far too familiar with blades.