Chapter 356

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 356

As the formations failed, Anton was glad that the enemy forces had been given a target. Defenders on the walls were still killed, but the invaders only engaged enough to get through and push towards him and Catarina. But the majority went towards him, as hed been intentionally annoying. He was also a serious threat, though not alone.

The destruction to the city could have been terrible if the enemies werent focusing on key targets, and the other strongest cultivators were all moving to intercept and draw attention, though some paths to Anton were left open to draw the invaders further in. That put some risk on Anton, but if everything went well they would cause serious damage. And if it didnt at least they would take down a large enemy force with them. The ferocity of people defending their homes was not something that could be matched.

-----The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

As he had been instructed, Fuzz charged towards the bad swirly black man. The strongest of the enemies. Was he afraid? Of course. Fuzz knew that the man was stronger than himself and Alva. But he also knew that a packs power came from cooperation, and Alva and the others were smarter than him. In fact, he was pretty sure the ants were smarter than him. The thing was, they took being a pack one step further. It wasnt bad, but it wasnt something Fuzz could do.

Arrow fired from his back as Alva shot a quick several volleys, disrupting a portion of the swirling energy. Fuzz was a bit hesitant to stick his head into it, but he widened his jaw and did the best he could with his snapping jaws technique. And the man pulled away. But Fuzz wasnt really trying to hit him anyway. He was just getting his snout close for the cylinder of ants that rolled off of his head and down it onto the man. The Queen was not part of the arrangement as her body size was much greater than the normal ants, instead pushing it along with great speed and finally leaping forward to give it a final push.

Then Fuzz pushed away, bringing Alva out of reach of the draining blackness.


Shyam had seen the stupid ants before. Once his eyes focused on them he changed from an energy based attack to a wide slap. He could just crush them all against the wall and move on with his day. Yet his slap met with nothing but air as the side of the strangely uniform cylinder where hed aimed his attack pulled apart some how into a strip. Shyam hadnt actually thought about the strange arrangement they were in with the ants woven together like a mesh before that point, and then they were on him.

He realized hed missed something else when his earlobe was bitten off by an exceptionally large ant. By the time he could try to crush it, it was pulled away by the strange wheel of ants, spinning along with them over his head and down his neck. They circled around his torso, biting at him without ever stopping. Their movements were faster than the other ants, and the coordinated ways they avoided him almost made him think they could predict how he was going to attack. Which was nonsense.

But the big one did seem to be a bit of a problem, with jaws big enough to bite more than just skin deep. Punching at ones self was difficult, but he gathered his power and timed his attack just right to hit the giant ant as it crossed his sternum. He fist crushed the creature flat against him.

No, that wasnt quite right. His knuckles certainly touched his chest, but it was not because the ant was crushed but instead because his bones had given way. Elder Shyam coughed as he felt ribs piercing into his lungs, which made the whole thing worse.

Were these really ants?


Elder Mazhar and his squad from the Boundless Skies Sect took positions around the formation expert. She sheepishly hid his arm behind her back as he glared at her. It was almost as if she was taunting him with it. How foolish. Well then, woman, looks like your formations have failed you. Youll die slowly for this. It will be such a pain to reattach that arm. There were a few Essence Collection cultivators around her, but even all combined Elder Mazhar could take out them and the woman. With the others, he wasnt worried. Any other reinforcements were still quite distant, so he didnt feel the need to rush. You people are strangely resistant this time. What made you think you had a chance?

The woman shuffled around nervously, tightly clutching his arm. He was going to cut off both of her arms before she died, just for fun. Well, have you ever heard of Everheart?

Their only option was to run through people defending the city. That was still a proposition that risked death, but at least they could predict their enemies strengths and feel them. The worst part about the rolling arrangement of ants was that they didnt feel like anything. They werent any sort of proper cultivating beast, and neither lower nor upper energy seemed to do anything except disappear when it impacted them. Except maybe get eaten, which was horrifying to think about.

The squad pushed past some defenders, happy to know that at least they would survive for a moment and those they shoved past would die as they were run over. Except it didnt work that way at all. The massive wheel of ants didnt even slow as it rolled over the people. The captain of the squad was lucky enough to at least see horrified faces on the civilians, but the fact that they still had faces meant that the ants could discern between people somehow. And then they got to him.


When the enemies began to retreat, nobody let them go. Perhaps one or two were allowed to trickle out of the walls, but they would be hunted down sooner or later. Sooner, if Anton decided they were a target. He wasnt up to following after them, but the others would and when one of the retreating groups got to the seventy kilometer mark half an hour later, he didnt stop shooting. Enemy forces that had been thousands were now hundreds and soon they might not even be that.

The Ascension cultivators were dead, along with all of those at Life Transformation. There was no chance that those who remained would be a threat to the city. But the costs in a city of tens of thousands, there were more than a thousand dead just among the civilians. The buildings were mostly intact except along a few key fighting corridors where there was near total devastation. Soldiers from both Stregate and Edelhull had suffered further losses. But they had won. The sacrifices were heavy, but they had been willing to give up everything.

Leadership was gathered together to discuss the battle. Would it be possible to repeat that formation you made in the center of the city? Elder Shyam asked Catarina.

... if you get a living Ascension cultivators arm, sure, she shrugged. And give me a few days. And some luck. I have to personalize it to their cultivation style and honestly I wasnt sure it would work.

Fair enough, he took stock of her wounds, evidence that the formation had not held to the very end- though it had done enough. What else could we learn or reuse from the battles?

The Queen prodded Anton, and he interpreted for her. She says the large killing wheel took too many soldiers and could only really threaten slower and weaker enemies. Theyll be looking into other methods in the future.

Ah yes, Alfons replied. The citizens complained about that. Though not terribly loudly, given the situation.

Hoyt looked around. Before we do whatever we plan next, we need to rest. All of us. Our growing proficiency in battling these people wont do us much good if we all are run ragged, and though we could lean on the militia soldiers for support the less they have to face themselves the more they will grow with us. And we have been growing. Theres hardly a person among us who hasnt undergone a breakthrough, mostly minor but a few major.

Left unspoken was that he was only referring to those who survived. But the actual strength of their forces was, if not increasing, at least maintaining as they were able to coordinate with larger swaths of territory throughout Graotan.

Grand Elder Fodor hadnt spoken much yet, but he laid forth the various options. Well then. We have several possibilities from here. After we take some time to recover, we will leave Command Alfons and Stregate with what they can manage. The next targets securing the teleport formations, or moving into eastern Graotan to coordinate with more larger cities. He looked at the Queens limb movements, And further colonies, yes.

The teleportation formations were only in a semi-active state, but they had been left with the possibility to be used because of the way they functioned. There had been some foreknowledge that the enemies would be slow to recover their energy, and so going through the teleportation that required them to drain themselves of energy would be advantageous to those on the other end and eventually allow for the continents to send backup between each other. The closer formations to places like the Glorious Flame Palace were temporarily disassembled since they might not drain enough.

Both options involved pushing into territory where the enemy forces were unknown, but where the initial consequences of the invasion should have been fully resolved. Especially if they waited for people to recover mentally and physically before they continued.