Chapter 386

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 386

By some definitions, the demands laid down by the representatives of the Exalted Archipelago were reasonable. They were given one year to comply with the demands, which was sufficient time to organize whatever needed to happen. The amounts of wealth demanded were rather extravagant, with between ten and twenty percent of any particular resource listed, the exact amounts depending on unknown factors.

Further inspection revealed that those numbers were intended to be levied on yearly income, while a smaller portion of current wealth was targeted. Thus, the demands were reasonable as far as them being technically achievable.

Im going to burn them to ashes, Sarka said, her palms doing a fair representation as she melted a protective layer of ice from the table in front of her.

The intertwined Glorious Flame Palace and Frostmirror Sect had a conveniently central location for people to meet for discussions such as this. The way the sects balanced each other out also made others more comfortable than staying in the territory of either as individuals would have.

As much as it would be appropriate, Adelina countered, We must discuss the feasibility of the matter. We must also consider the benefits to Brogora.

What benefits? Sarka snorted.

Nobody dying, Matousek pointed out. Im sure everyone here can surmise how much will be lost if we go to war with the Exalted Archipelago. It is bound to be far more damaging than this.

So what? Sarka crossed her arms and glared. We just roll over while they leech us dry?

If it would result in the best potential outcome, yes, Adelina said. Before anyone could object, she continued. If that were the case. But we cannot trust that would be the case. This document outlines a strictly one-sided agreement, with no promise from the Exalted Archipelago about further actions. It is not a negotiation, but a declaration. It spends quite a long time on the specifics of what they desire, but without even a mention of the consequences if we do not, except the obvious threats.

So what, you think its a bluff? Sarka asked.

Absolutely not. We are aware of their power. We have just recently returned to stability here, and would be hard pressed to fight against them. Im not sure we could survive defying this but we absolutely cant accept it either. So much is missing. We have no guarantee they would not immediately follow up with greater demands that we would be less able to handle. And there is one very important thing. Nowhere in this does it mention Aicenith. Adelina looked around the room. I will admit that I missed that detail. I had a scholar of the law, one Kohar, help me look over things. She was not able to be present here, but there were more concerns.

Do you think they made a deal? Adrastea asked.

We cant be sure, Adelina said. But if they did, it was kept tightly under wraps.

Elder Tola of the Infinite Wisdom Forest added her own thoughts. I would imagine this is intended to drive us apart. The two continents, or even simply Brogora. If some of us choose to capitulate and others do not, everyones positions will be weakened. This is not a situation where following the majority will provide the best possible results. We must be unanimous in our decision making.

Sixty years ago, that would have been an impossibility, Matousek commented. Now that may be accomplished. Though there are certain factors to consider. What of the void ants? Matousek turned to the Great Queen, the de facto leader of the uncomfortably named beings theyd found themselves allied with. While the various nests were technically independent, they would all listen to her. And at least a portion of the void ants were intelligent in a way that could not be ignored.

The great queen spoke in the sign language she had created. The words were just as a human would speak, though as the language was meant for communication with them it was expected. Anton translated.

We have no collections of material goods such as humans do. Likewise, it is possible for us to go unnoticed, if we so wished to. We need not engage in conflicts but we may choose to support you, in exchange for further expansion rights.

Knowing his name was not terribly difficult, if the communication plate was marked. The enthusiasm would be harder to know unless theyd pried information from her, but Anton knew just what to say to get a read on her. Tell me about Number One.

That isnt suspicious? Sarka asked. Asking about a code name?

There was a short pause. Number One is the best, obviously! Another pause. Okay now Im down to five opponents so I dont need to use my arms.

What followed was an unnecessary amount of detail about a sword, and how it felt to wield it. Anton prompted a few times to get her to reveal other details, but he honestly didnt know most of the answers. What he did know was Chikeres enthusiasm for swords, and how she would respond.

It would appear she is uncompromised, Anton said.

She could be held hostage Adelina said, But they would have had to be waiting and very well prepared.

Also shes the sort of person who would die before betraying an ally. Or cut apart all of her enemies before that. Anton took a careful look at his plate holding it up, Catarina, how does the sympathetic link for this work?

What part of it? Catarina asked.

For example, Anton gestured. These grooves that were not there before. Would that be because something happened to the other plate?

Ack. I told her to be gentle! Catarina looked at it. Hmm, I dont see any pattern. It just kind of looks like she cut it.

With her finger? Tola asked.

Theres a good chance she was writing with a sword, Anton admitted. I wouldnt expect her to cut something on accident, though.

Actually, that might be my fault, Catarina said. It might have misinterpreted her sword aura. Maybe hers isnt cut at all.

I suppose we can ask, Anton said. But Im as confident as I can be that it is her, writing unrestrained. So we can ask.

The end result was the most underwhelming. As far as she was aware, no communication had been made from the Exalted Archipelago. And while that was not fully comforting, she was also able to go speak to others from the Million Sword Vault who might be better informed.

That meant they were in an awkward middle zone. Unless individual sects had been secretly offered something on Aicenith, there had been no moves made against them. That meant they shouldnt be enemies, but they might not be allies.

Following that came the most difficult part. Weighing lives against resources, and against the potential futures either could bring. Sarka wasnt a fan of that, but she did at least understand that at a certain point if the loss of resources grew excessive then lives could be lost for various reasons. Not that there would be a clear answer about anything so uncertain as the future. They could only try to predict what might happen. Nobody wanted to give up an arbitrary amount of resources for the rest of time, bolstering what were clearly enemies and weakening them. Yet resisting might prove more damaging, and failing to stand united would guarantee it.

Even among those present not everyone was immediately on board with making a decision. But at least nobody declared they should give up, either. For the moment, they had to begin organizing but whether resources would be pooled for the sake of aiding their own combatants or ultimately ceded to the Exalted Archipelago nobody was quite sure yet.