Chapter 393

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 393

Some fluctuation of energy woke Erin in the middle of the night. That was not something she was used to, as her life had been relatively peaceful. She still found it difficult to believe she was the head of a sect, but that was how things were now. In truth the position mainly involved management rather than leadership, keeping things organized and people content with limitations.

Things were peaceful, so what had awoken her? She didnt feel anyone fighting. Yet she wouldnt wake up for nothing either. There was something strange that she couldnt place.

Or perhaps she simply had a nightmare. Her senses had scanned all around the island, finding no problems among the sect or the guests. Not that there were many of the latter at the moment- with a war going on, fewer people were passing through on ships. Speaking of ships, when she pushed her senses further she sensed it.

After finding the first ship, her senses soon picked out the next. Then one more, further around Paradise. In total, there were seven spread out evenly, starting towards either shoulder and going around the sides with one in the rear.

Paradise was still drifting along casually, apparently unconcerned. But why would he be? He never reacted to humans except the invaders, and had grown quite used to them.

Erin had to do something. She couldnt tell what was happening, but there were subtle fluctuations of energy from the small fleet. If they were guests they would have simply landed, there were attendants on hand at all hours of the day.

Miklav! Erin directed her voice to extend to the vice head. She didnt bother focusing it so that her words wouldnt spread. Soon enough people would hear, and if nothing was happening shed simply feel silly. If there was a real problem, waking as many people as possible quickly was important. Gather everyone you can. Theres some sort of attack or similar. Go to the left, and make sure to include our guests. This is a neutral zone, Im sure they wont be pleased if it comes under attack.

What is it? a reply came from Miklav.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

Youll be able to spot them. Ships in formation around Paradise. If they approach peacefully we can handle them as normal, but the way theyre lingering


Erin began gathering people as well, heading over to the right side of Paradise. Proper nautical terminology would perhaps call the left and right port and starboard, but Paradise wasnt a ship. He was a turtle.

When she arrived at the guest houses, she found a group from Marvelous Rabbit Mountain waiting for her. An old woman lead them. Island Head, what is the cause of all this commotion?

She simply raised her arm towards the nearest ship. Something abnormal. Either guests who somehow dont know how this works or enemies.

I find it difficult to imagine anyone from the continents is unaware of the protocol here, not if traveling by ship. The old woman turned off towards the ship. I think I can sense something there, in front of the ship.

Well. At least Erin could now report on the result of the attack. She had communication plates for some groups on either continent, and shed warned of something that looked like an attack to both. Now she could report and let them know that the Ponderous Turtle clan was down something like thirty or more of their best. Though maybe theyd find a way to swim back to shore somewhere, if they hadnt been killed by that swirling energy under the surface.

A trail of floating flotsam from the ships began to surface, indicating that it had been more than just the weight of water that would have crashed down on them. Normal ships might have fallen apart, but these had been reinforced by powerful formations. And now they were junk.


Anton was ecstatic to hear the news from Paradise. More victories than losses were happening for the continents, but few had been big. From their estimates of the Ponderous Turtle Clans power, however, the attack on Paradise might have been pretty much everything they had left. That was also a significant chunk of the forces arrayed against them, and the fastest ships.

Further intel gained during the war indicated that it would be around five percent of the enemys forces, with the Ponderous Turtle clan being one of a couple dozen larger groups in the Exalted Archipelago. Some still remained out of the war, and it was hoped that they would not change their minds.

Anton couldnt do anything about that at the moment, though. Or much of anything. There were still lingering traces of poison inside him, and whenever he recovered a bit of natural energy it flared up. In small amounts it wasnt harmful, but if he tried to gather quickly it felt a bit dangerous. He was slowly recovering, though, and he estimated the poison should be completely gone within a month.

Not being able to fight was frustrating, though it wasnt because people needed him. In fact, it was because they didnt. An uncomfortable blow to Antons newfound inspiration. What point was there in being the guardian of everything if nobody needed him?

Of course, the inner turmoil settled itself rather quickly once he got around to straightforwardly asking himself such questions. There was no point at all, and it would be the very best possible outcome. If everything was just fine without him? He could die happy.

It just wasnt going to be yet. His health was decent and he had some decades left in him. Even if this particular war ended without further need for his assistance, there were threats further beyond.

There was something about being truly empty of energy that Anton found peaceful. He had taken a wagon back to the sect, away from the more dangerous battlegrounds. He didnt want anyone getting hurt trying to defend him.

For the last week hed been working the ground with just his body. It brought back so many years of memories, but there was more to it. He could still sense the energy around him now, if passively. Perhaps hed had the slightest inkling of it before he became a cultivator, from the sense of peace he had working the land. Or maybe that was him projecting his current feelings. Either way, he enjoyed the feeling of the sun beating down on him and the wind cooling him off. Sweat and dirt and plain old normal muscle aches.

But above it all he felt the flow of the world, the inevitable tides of everything that would inevitably open up the world for invasion by outsiders once more. And it wasnt even all that far away, by cultivator standards. He had consulted with others, and they agreed that it seemed likely to be a shorter cycle this time. Yet it wouldnt be quick. A couple centuries, which was enough for at least a pair of long generations of cultivators- children growing up to become masters and raising disciples of their own.

Anton hoped the current pointless war settled down soon enough. Neither side would come out ahead with more fighting, and instead they would simply have dead bodies. Recovering from another large loss would set both back for far too long. Anton hoped the Exalted Archipelago would see that, but communication with them was still minimal.

Maybe that should be his goal, when he recovered. Even if peace was offered, the continents would be totally justified in wanting some sort of retaliation. He would even support it, as long as it wasnt too excessive. And if he was sent as a diplomat to the Exalted Archipelago and they killed him, what would the world lose? Just him. And though he certainly valued himself to some extent, it was better him than those he loved- or anyone with a long future. Hed have to bring up the idea soon, so that people could have time to properly process it.