Chapter 408

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 408

The smell of blood strongly permeated the surroundings. Some of it belonged to Fuzz, but most of it was from other creatures he didnt recognize. In turn, they seemed unfamiliar with him and had not regarded him as a threat. And now he was eating them.

Well, some of them. His stomach wasnt so large that he could eat the thing with the razor sharp scales and the bird with lightning claws and the swarm of vermin. And he wasnt sure if the tree had been trying to eat him or not but it released something that smelled bad so he dug it up from the roots and tore it apart.

He returned to his den for the night. Another sunset was coming, and he preferred to stay inside at night when he had the opportunity. Humans didnt go out much at night, and he was looking for his pack. So far, he found no trace of them.

Fuzz supposed he might have been a tiny bit hasty with the whole ascension thing, but Alva was thinking about staying behind. Fuzz didnt want to have to choose between parts of the pack, and he was fairly certain she had been worrying about him, so he didnt want her to hesitate. He hadnt considered that he might be the one to end up alone, but it certainly seemed to be that way.

He began to lick his wounds, starting with the ones that were easy to reach first. Some were more difficult, but with a little bit of effort he could contort his body and extend his tongue slightly to reach anywhere. His back was obviously the hardest. But since he didnt have someone to properly stitch up his injuries, he needed to do what he could. Licking them made them heal faster, along with circulating his energy. And this new energy was very powerful. It was clearly much more effective here than around their home, where people only had what they brought with him. Fuzz hadnt realized how much he pulled from the surroundings when he did everything, but it made sense. Surely some of the others knew that, but Fuzz knew he still wasnt as smart as a human. Well, not all of them, at least. Kids werent very smart.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

After he finished with his wounds, he began to gnaw on a nearby bone. He wasnt sure what it was from, but he had found it near his first den in this place. Hed been working on it ever since, but felt hed made no progress. If he bit any harder hed snap his teeth, and without the humans and their medicine hed never regrow a tooth. But it felt good to test himself, and to think about what sort of great beast could have left behind something so strong.

Den after den he had searched around, looking for humans. Sometimes he found them, but they were never the right humans. Large cities were rare, but if any of his pack mates had been in one he would have smelled them. They were not, so he avoided them- and in turn, the humans left him alone. Maybe they didnt even know he existed. It was a problem he didnt have any way to communicate, but writing was difficult and he imagined anyone who wanted to attack him wouldnt wait for that.

If he were to judge, Fuzz had covered half a continent by now. Someone had said that maybe continents could be bigger or smaller, but he only knew what was familiar from back home. He wondered what to do if he finished this continent and found nobody. Should he swim? Try to catch a human boat? Neither seemed like good options. He could swim just fine, but sleeping was a problem at sea. He needed to sleep to rest and recover. Plus, seawater didnt taste good and everyone said he shouldnt drink it.

The next morning Fuzz was off again, planning to scout the area to another direction of his new den. He thought there were some interesting scents in that direction, though he couldnt tell exactly what they might lead to. He could see snow covered mountains in the distance, and though he couldnt spot any human settlements on them maybe he could see some from the top. Yes, that was where he would go next.


Are you sure you wish to be the one to make the first attempt? Anton asked.

Of course, Lev said. This is the best moment. Besides, we both know nothing is stopping either of us from trying.

Anton sighed, Up until now I have been following information left by those who came before. Some things were pieced together into a more suitable form, and techniques were rearranged but it was nothing new.

Very few things are ever new, Lev pointed out. Every new discovery requires knowing what came before. This too is the same, except instead of drawing upon an energy source far away, we are connecting to one closer.

You spent too much time with Master Varela, Anton said. You sound like an old man.

Since he wasnt ascending, Levs insights were actually of more use- though there were very significant differences between what Anton was going to attempt and that. Yet in some key ways, they were the same.

Anton was finally ready, but he needed to wait for something. He wasnt sure exactly what, but he would know when it came. Until then, he would wait. He looked up at the sky, taking in the warmth of the sun. He hoped he did not have to wait overly long, but it was possible the opportunity simply wouldnt come in his lifetime. If so, he would be disappointed but would simply have to move on.


You are not offering prayers, sister? one of the others who had signed up for the bandit hunting mission asked Alva. Her name was Vari, maybe.

Prayers to who? Alva asked.

The Saints, of course, Vari said as if it were only natural.

For what?


Are they going to come with us?

Of course not. This mission is beneath their notice.

Alva frowned, Then why bother, if they arent going to protect us?

Because it is proper. You should at least thank them for protections in the past.

They havent protected me from anything, Alva pointed out. They just sit in their towers doing nothing.

Vari looked disappointed, but not angry. They protect us every day. From the wind and rains and the disasters of the world.

Alva had the feeling she wasnt going to get anywhere, so she didnt bother mentioning that a house did just as good at those things. I see, was all she said in reply. She was more interested in someone else she noticed. Chikere had shown up again, and though she was restraining herself, Alva at least recognized the familiar energy. And the swords, though it was weird there were only two of them. What happened to the other fifty that she usually had hanging around?

Normally she would have just gone up and said something, but the fact that Chikere clearly noticed her but didnt approach meant that there was some reason for it. Alva honestly had no idea what, but she should be able to figure it out. Before that, there were bandits to kill and merit points to gain. She needed to start building up some local currency and to be able to manage her own supplies somehow. Everything was so expensive, but with a lot of rich cultivators competing it kind of made sense. Or maybe it wasnt so expensive. Shed know after this mission, based on the rewards but she had the feeling shed have to save up for a while to get anything particularly useful, whether it was medicine or cultivation aids or equipment.