Chapter 438

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 438

There were certain mysteries still about how Vari was unable to control her actions- influencing the minds of others was difficult even for powerful cultivators. Catarina conjectured that the Holy Harmony Technique had some interaction with formations set up on planets controlled by the Harmonious Citadel. Without visiting herself she could not confirm anything, but that along with more mundane methods was likely how Varis brainwashing came to be. She wouldnt question her control being rewritten if she was taught that all was as it should be.

Besides that point, assisting Vari with her potential cultivation options was going well. She was learning much, but when it came to matters of ascension her knowledge was lacking.

What do you mean you had to tear apart the fabric of the world to ascend? Varis eye twitched. Isnt it just another cultivation advancement?

The lower realms dont have any ascension energy, Catarina pointed out. Upper energy, as you would call it here. So to get access to it various extreme measures are required. Advancing without it is impossible.

I have the feeling you were going to say something else there, Vari said.

Catarina raised an eyebrow, Oh? Do I detect a hint of Insight in there?

... it seemed important to train that. Its difficult, though. I think the Holy Harmony Technique is incompatible with it by design, Vari sighed. Its I almost wish I could just be like I was before, believing the Saints were something great. I guess they are great, by some definitions. And also terrible. Her eyes flashed, Im going to destroy them. Then she cleared her throat. Just kidding. I know Im not strong enough to do that.

Wow, Alva said. This is a pretty serious flip, either way.

Vari shrugged, Almost everything they told me is a lie, or at least a deception. Now that Im willing to accept that, anything less than wholehearted rejection would be a disservice to myself. She frowned for a few moments, Its still hard not to fall into old habits though. But about that ascension thing

Were fairly certain that actual ascension creates a fundamental difference in Integration cultivators, Catarina said. The members of the Harmonious Citadel weve come into conflict with all Integration cultivators on some level should be considered elites. They had flaws but were still strong but not as much as perhaps they should be.

I think you guys have weird standards, Vari commented.

Do we? I understand that we are not typical cultivators where we come from, but even you were able to stand up against an Integration cultivator for a time. The difference in power is not what it should be.

Vari shook her head, We were inside your formation though. But Ill admit there might have been something else. I felt she frowned, Like I was taking something back, I guess? Not just my determination to resist, but also something more practical.

Very interesting, Catarina replied. What would you say that something was?

I can only guess, Vari admitted. But it should be devotion. Thats the fundamental difference with the Glorious Harmony Technique. I dont know that for sure, though. Making use of that will likely be difficult. I cant exactly practice safely. Her mind drifted away, thinking of various absurd options. I at least might be able to alter my cultivation technique to maintain control over myself, with your help.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

There were many more details to discuss- but such things took time, during which they had other goals to pursue. That included a return to Everhearts Tomb.


Having previously studied the Great Hall, there were several more locations that Catarina surmised some important connections to her formation plate were. The Gardens were sprawling and wild, a place that nobody wanted to land directly even if some chose to explore the area. The Labyrinth was another, and their previous trip they had simply been trying to get through- their route either hadnt taken them close to the sort of thing she imagined, or they missed it. That left the Library, which was not only a place people were willing to come and go, but also potentially useful for various endeavors.

Theres a difference? Vari asked.

The orb of light paused for a few moments. I do not understand such things, but they are overlapping categories. What do you wish to be directed to?

Umm, both, please.

Very well. Please be advised that you are limited to- the voice faltered briefly, -eight texts in your possession at any time. Reading tables are provided throughout the Library. Please remember to eat and drink, but do not make a mess. This includes forgoing such activities and dying on the floor. You will not be forgiven for such an act.

... I dont plan to die, Vari said. Can you help me find my way back to my companions?

They are here, the ball of light said.

I mean later.

Yes. With their permission, I can guide you to others.

Okay, Vari nodded. Ill find you all later, then?

She followed the ball of light which scurried off down between rows of shelves- while also remaining exactly in place. Can I help you find something? Catarina somehow felt the formless voice was directed at her.

Formations, she said without thinking. Though her answer would have ultimately been the same regardless.

Timothy and Hoyt left to study energy redirection and fire control respectively, though as they were inspired they might find interest in different topics.

That left Alva with two wolves- one seemingly quite comfortable and the other concerned about being indoors. Spikes was still new to non-cave things around her.

Your interests? the light askes Alva.

Archery, mounted combat Alva frowned for a moment, then was nudged by Fuzz. She watched how his paw moved on the ground, tracing letters but not actually scratching the surface. And he wants beast techniques, if you have them.

Very well. This way. The light split in two. Archery here. The other swirled slightly, Beast techniques here. I must remind you that damage to property via teeth marks still results in penalties.

Uh, actually, Alva said. ... maybe Ill go with them right now.

The light leading the other direction disappeared, and she followed the other with the two wolves. Spikes didnt seem to fully understand what was happening, though Fuzz seemed to be able to partially explain. At least the light didnt require clarification on beast techniques or maybe it did. If she found herself looking at taming options, she would have to be more clever with her wording. If Everheart even had what Fuzz was looking for.