Chapter 476

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 476

Even though they quickly hurried back towards Ceretos, Anton and Everheart were not in time to do anything more than observe a cluster of energy flutter past the planet. Anton could more or less shoot at anything he could detect with his senses, but he didnt want to break into open hostilities when this group had done nothing but observe that he was aware of, at least.

Beyond that, he supposed it was important to train his fastest arrows. Every day, they grew closer to the actual speed of light while still retaining the more useful properties of arrows. Rutera had weapons that actually used light, but it was more of a sustained high power beam, quite different from anything he could shoot like an arrow. Drastically changing combat styles seemed like it would take a massive effort, which would be pointless for one specific advantage.

It seems weve missed them, Anton said, beginning to slow himself. At the rate they were going they would shoot past Ceretos, but theyd had to accelerate to faster than proper speeds for the sake of traveling more quickly.

Ill catch you in a moment then, Everheart said as they passed near the atmosphere of Ceretos. Then he just stopped. By some measures the number of kilometers he passed through would not be considered an immediate stop or one requiring little distance, but at the speeds Anton was accustomed to moving through space it was a remarkable acceleration. Yet it also didnt seem like Everheart changed speeds at all.

There was something, like a field of hooks around the man as well as energy shoved ahead of him, but Anton couldnt quite grasp how any of it worked. One moment he was moving, and the next he was not- at least relative to Ceretos.

Meanwhile, Anton was keeping a constant acceleration to slow himself, passing by Ceretos dragging him slightly towards it but ultimately just deflecting his motion. It took a few minutes before he was moving back towards the planet, at which point it was far from filling up half of his vision like it had for a few brief moments.

Then he felt it. Or rather, he felt that he didnt feel anything in a rather large area. It was a new sensation, but not entirely unfamiliar. On one level, it felt like void ants. Obviously on an entirely different scale, but it was a reasonable comparison. He felt it reaching towards and then wrapping around Everheart, long, thin tendrils of something.

Before they connected, Anton was already firing his bow. His bow was heavy with more than just the weight of the draw, but also the mass of soulstuff connected to it. The arrow fired from Everhearts bow tore through space with a surprising energy to them, as uncomfortable in its origin as it was tempting in power. A weapon made from worldheart and soulstring wasnt something Anton relished possessing, but as far as he could tell there was no active wrongdoing in its use.

The arrows had the potential to be negated before they arrived, just in case Everheart didnt wish to engage the creature in combat. But as its tendrils reached for him, Anton felt an explosion of energy. Some tendrils were severed, assuring Anton of one feature the thing did not share with void ants. Though he didnt imagine it was as simple as Everheart made it look.

Everheart shot out of the grasping creatures reach, but the portions of it that hadnt been severed continued to grow out of nowhere. They simply started, with empty space behind them. The aged cultivator flung a myriad of formation flags and totems all around him, providing him a moment to retreat further.

Antons arrows then struck, sinking into the nothingness of what Anton supposed was the creatures flesh. As they burrowed into its vast form, they were eaten away but before they fully dissolved at least they managed to cause what he presumed was some actual damage. He didnt know of any vital organs on such a creature- if it even had them- but he continued a constant barrage attempting to tear into the deeper parts of the tendrils. From a distance they seemed small, but in truth the thinner ones were wider than a man was tall.

By the time Anton got close enough to try another type of spirit arrow, other than his fastest light arrows, the creature was gone. At some point, the tendrils pulled back into nothing, fading out of existence hopefully. At the very least, Everheart seemed to calm down after a good minute of observing the area.

What was that? Anton asked as he finally got close.

The other thing that bothered Anton was that the ship which absolutely contained cultivators had brought the monster. Had that been intentional? If so, it was an act of war. The first time there hadnt been any issues, but perhaps it simply wasnt consistent. That could be why they came back. Or maybe after their first scouting trip they decided to test Ceretos. Much like Azoth. Anton had to admit hed been hoping for some sort of peaceful neighbors, but he honestly hadnt been expecting it. Cultivators would tend to be cultivators, and if Ceretos had taken a slightly different trajectory they might be doing the same. And in fact, perhaps they wouldnt be much different. If it came down to a war, Anton honestly couldnt say that they wouldnt act quite similarly in attacking the other system. He hoped it would be with a bit of restraint and righteousness, but only so much could be excused in the name of self defense.

Did they just have to wipe them out? Was it alright that completely exterminating a group of individuals was one of the first solutions Anton thought of? Perhaps hed already gone with wiping out the Soaring Air Sect and Void Blades. The Twin Soul Sect absolutely deserved it, and all of those involved with slaving in Ofrurg. It was a question of where he would draw the line. For the moment, Anton had to suppose that the single ship or ships were not representative of the entire system and planet they came from, but they really needed more information.


You want to recruit more? the woman in front of General Nicodemo crossed her arms. Youve already doubled the proper draft limits. Do you want to push every man, woman, and child into the war?

Of course not, Minister Perko, Nicodemo said, keeping his face neutral. But theyre not exactly giving us much choice.

What about those thousands of people you already have? If you take anyone else, the economy will be in shambles.

We wont have an economy if Azoth wipes us out! Nicodemo unintentionally raised his voice.

Isnt it your job to prevent that? the minister of finance said. Besides, you seem to be holding up adequately as it is.

You think that Azoth is going to be happy slowly bleeding through their own forces? If they were going to give up they would have already they should be preparing to mount a larger offensive. Nicodemo slowly breathed out through his nose, his eyes passing over some of the other ministers. Nicodemo was as aware as anyone that Rutera hadnt experienced war in a good couple generations, and even he himself hadnt been personally involved but that lack of experience was why he knew there was a problem. We need to either accelerate militarization and training, or request aid from Ceretos. Before it becomes a problem. Just because none of you are fighting doesnt mean nobody else is risking their lives while you sit on your asses talking about financial statistics.

I dont see you hopping into a fighter pilot, Minister Perko said with a smirk. Nicodemos eyes locked on her, and she sank into her seat, trembling. She was not one of those who had begun proper cultivation, so she couldnt understand what was happening, but he could affect her nonetheless. Then he dropped the suppression.

Youre right. Why dont we both suit up and go fight some invaders? Nicodemos eyes were set as he suggested that.

What- Im the Minister of Finance, thats not my duty.

And Im a goddamn general, Nicodemo said. Theres an entire codex of military law for commanding officers who recklessly endanger themselves or others by performing things outside the proper scope of their position. And maybe it didnt matter. He wondered how long it would take to refamiliarize himself with a space fighter. He wasnt the only general they had, even if he was the highest ranking. Previously that hadnt meant much besides fancier paperwork, but now that they were in war and he had some cultivation to back him the others were quite a bit more deferential.

Wouldnt stop them from court-martialing him if he did something stupid. Then again, if it was truly stupid, hed probably just die. It was probably a bit hasty to do anything like that just yet, though. Hed start with some flights in his free time. Things werent bad enough yet that he had to consider sacrificing himself. Just a bunch of young men and women who might have had boundless futures otherwise. He felt the bow on his back, wondering when he could finally reach space. Spirit Arrows were better at resisting gravity and atmospheric effects than some other things, though he was considering trying to modify the technique for proper guns. As if he knew what he was doing, or had time to waste on things like that.