Chapter 497

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 497

The sun was bright. Matija was starkly aware of this, of course. While the instruments on Sizipra hadnt been sensitive enough to get the detail of readings they wanted, they were dealing with the opposite problem now. Shielding the most sensitive instruments was extremely important, but they had to be close enough to their target to cover all their bases.

It took a lot of persuasion to manage to monopolize Antons time, but Matija wasnt just sating her own curiosity. Antons effect on the sun had grown, or at least developed and they needed to make sure it was safe. In addition to that, he could escort them for the sake of other studies, and provide protection for their scanners. The ones that were looking for invaders, specifically. It wasnt yet clear if they would work better or worse closer to the sun, looking for pockets of missing power left behind. It was also a matter of their concealment- the previous ones had been on Sizipras surface, and floating in orbit around the sun could be more or less conspicuous depending on the enemys detection abilities. These things were in short supply and expensive, without a proper production line yet, so they had to be cautious with them.

Alright Anton, lets begin the tests.

As conscious as Matija was of the sun being bright, it made her even more conscious of Anton just being out there. Getting enough radiation in his system to kill someone instantly, let alone the heat or well, anything, really. And no comms could survive that, so she just spoke. And Antons connection of natural energy to the ship let him listen, and respond. Understood. Ill start with my usual draw.

Familiar patterns began to appear, small but distinctly unnatural. Seems the same, Matija said after a few minutes of that. Try that new thing.

The new thing was Anton amplifying his connection to this particular star. As Anton made use of his practice, he could feel and even see a very real movement from the star. If he hadnt been looking or had a connection he might not have noticed, but he saw the small rising solar flare, and noted that it trailed off into a point. But the energy wasnt just wildly being released, instead it disappeared and presumably, ended up inside him. Anton mentioned that.N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

Ah, youre right, Matija concurred. It disappears instead of just becoming diffuse. They began to test out a few other things, but Matija got an alarm. Incoming ships detected! Theyre um Matija didnt know how to quickly relay the information to Anton without a computer, so she just pointed, with her finger and her natural energy. Theyre circling around so theyre probably still a million kilometers out. Unless its a glitch.

Ill go take a look, Anton said.

With that, he was off. He wouldnt be able to maintain easy communication, as even Ceretos methods were ineffective around such power, despite their tolerance for interference.

In truth, Anton had a vast amount of space he had to search through, and within that space he had to pick out something insignificant compared to the sun. He wasnt sure if that would be possible, though hed been able to try sensing some of the ships they captured. It was something, but obviously those tests had meant little. The ships had been on a predictable trajectory he already knew, and not going terribly fast either.

Now he had to pick out something among- actually, in the few minutes of him flying and probing he did sense something. Hed been able to accelerate quickly enough to match a reasonable ships speed, and something made the sensing easier. Even with vast distances between, it was simple to pick out the points that didnt belong. It wasnt just one thing. Antons connection to the sun was certainly empowering him, but the ships were also drawing in power from around them. If he hadnt been specifically looking then perhaps he might have missed it, since it didnt create an obvious vortex- but he could feel the light being pulled away and used for something. Power.

Eventually, Anton and the others involved decided on the more cautious approach. Anton didnt mind showing them the technique again because even if he for some reason had to catch Ruteran ships either it was going to act like normal, or he would be next to the sun and able to completely obliterate things, apparently.

Over the next week, there were several more groups of ships from Azoth, which Anton swiftly dealt with. He also experimented with directly drawing upon the suns power to do things. Aside from forming such a net, drawing a simple strand of plasma that he could whip around was even simpler, even if that strand was a dozen meters thick and a hundred kilometers long.

When channeling power through himself, there was also a difference- though not nearly so stark as directly forming the stars power into something. Anton had kind of done it by instinct, as he was used to controlling some of the natural energy around him during combat. It had simply been more responsive than he anticipated. Drawing directly upon that energy was affected by his distance from it, though it was mostly similar for the first few hundred kilometers before sharply falling away. He could still call upon that power at thousands of kilometers away, but there was a noticeable time delay and it wasnt so astonishingly more than what hed done before.

His personal power seemed to be close to double near the surface of the star- he actually got within fifty kilometers to find it was a few percent different from his more comfortable several hundred. It wasnt just recovery, closer to the sun- but his power output was more efficient. The discovery was interesting, though he doubted he could convince enemies to just fight him by a star. Even Azoth had stopped sending ships on that route after one week, after which they hadnt seen any more for the rest of the month. Even that had a good side, because they seemed to arrive more slowly, giving more time between assaults.


General Nicodemo could hardly believe he was watching two men face off with swords in their military training grounds. He had long gotten past his prejudices against using them as weapons, when hed been shown it was actually viable for cultivators but just because he understood didnt mean he believed it. That was decades of common sense and training he had to fight against.

But he didnt need to believe anything to watch the fight. It was short and bloody, with Elder Intan being the clear victor. Ty Quigley was good, but he wasnt a peak Life Transformation cultivator. Both contestants drew their swords and waited for an opening, then their swords clashed and blood sprayed. But at least nobody was seriously injured.

Then Ty Quigleys arms fell apart, one cut off at the shoulder and one at the elbow. Nicodemos jaw dropped. That was their best pilot- Nicodemo was well beyond the point where he was going to say one of their best pilots when the man was such a standout. Now, he was crippled and still smiling?

Good job kid, Elder Intan of the Million Sword Vault said. Ive got a little reward for your advancement, after we patch you up.

It was difficult for Nicodemo to say hed never seen anyone move so fast, with the way the man picked up Tys limbs and stitched them back on but he was beginning to come to terms with the fact that he wouldnt always be able to see what happened in front of him like the battle. He had seen it, but he hadnt seen it. But instead of discouraging him, that just made him grin too. Hed just have to reach the point where he could do something like that. He couldnt let this Ty kid pass him up! Though it wasnt like hed done anything but make a tiny nick on Elder Intan. Nicodemo really hoped that the guys arms would be alright. There was no way they could just be stitched on without problems, was there? Though the fact that the thread was so fine as to be practically invisible, and the confidence with which Elder Intan worked gave him hope. Then he poured a few bottles of something Nicodemo was pretty sure could sell as a miracle cure-all and not be branded for false advertising.

Some day, hed be there. A decade? Two? Heck, even if it took ten that was apparently decent. And the slight relief in pressure that Ceretos was providing was absolutely what Rutera needed at the moment.